View Full Version : Merry Christmas AGD!

paint magnet
12-17-2002, 09:31 PM
Merry Christmas!

*Dear Santa: All I want for Christmas is a copy of Tom's black/gold fade Xmag with warp, halo and flatline, an a JT Proteus, an a couple Angel payments paid off, an my P-68 converted into a stroker, an a dremel, an an an....*

Ok, well that made no sense at all, but feel free to post "letters to santa":D

12-17-2002, 09:42 PM
"dear santa,
i want your work shop so i can have my own mag for free, i will also use it to take over the world by holding every ones favorite work shop hostage!!!! IM INSTOPPABLE!!!!"

12-17-2002, 09:48 PM
Dear santa:
I want a cocker

paint magnet
12-19-2002, 04:26 PM
Nooo, personman, have you too fallen to the darkside?!? I thought you were one of the good guys... At least I learned my lesson and got rid of my cocker for a lovely .68 Automag :D

You were kidding, right? Don't cheat on your Emag like that.:cool: Or maybe you needed a boat anchor, hood ornament, doorstop, etc

12-19-2002, 06:52 PM

Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I would like $1,000,000,000,000. I will accept that in form of check,cash,and credit card.
Hopefully on the "nice list",

p.s..I also accept paypal.(:p)

12-19-2002, 07:24 PM
Dear Santa,
Thanks for all the consideration of what I'd like to get and what not, but this year could you take it easy and just send cash? I'm only asking for 10 or 15 grand, ya know, pocket change.


You have paypal right?