View Full Version : Ricochet vs. Intellifed Revvy

12-17-2002, 11:03 PM
Are there any advantages by intellifeeding ur revvy that will make it better than the rico. The reason I ask this is to decide which hopper to get. Semms as though rico still has more features and is better.

12-18-2002, 12:14 PM
The ricochet works by spinning basically every time a ball drops down, which is fast and tops at around 13 bps. The intelli-revy works by spinning each time the trigger is pulled and so feeds as much as you shoot, topping at around 13 or 14 bps. Both are good choices, I prefer the ricochet because I like its design and the way it functions. Its your personal preference to which one you get.

12-18-2002, 04:50 PM
Ricochet is an ammo box with a ball counter. It is the worst loader i have ever used. What is the point of having an agitated loader if it only spins when paint is feeding? For those that have never used one don't buy it, VL2000 worked beter.

12-18-2002, 05:14 PM
i like my rico, and i do believ it's possible to intellifeed it, not positive though, never tried it (yet) there's a "bend sensor" in the neck, and i'm pretty sure all that is basicly a pressure activated switch, so why not just replace it w/ the roller switch on the trigger? it makes sense, but i'm not sure if i will work, and i haven't gotten around to trying it on mine yet. but i will tell you this, that the only problem i have ever had with it was when i was low on batteries, and then all it was that my counter was no longer accurate, just don't try to monkey w/ the internals

12-18-2002, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Troy
What is the point of having an agitated loader if it only spins when paint is feeding? For those that have never used one don't buy it, VL2000 worked beter.

Having it spin when paint is feeding is so that balls won't jam when ur shooting. With the revvy, the hopper has to detect no balls in the breach. Then it starts agitating. Too late, u've dry fired already, and a chop is bound to happen. With the rico, this problem is solved. And intellifeeding a revvy will also make it spin when the paint is feeding. So I don't really understand ur argument here. Wat hopper are u trying to suggest?

12-18-2002, 10:44 PM
I have owned 4 rickys and broke all of them at the neck and 2 of them shorted out. I have owned several revys (too many to count) and never broke one and only one motor blew out. The revy is more reliable. I would suggest going with a 12 v xboard w/ vortex impellar. If you go intellifeed this will only speed the process. I ran my RT Pro w/this same hopper. Worked great, but if I were buying a hopper it would be a halo b. I have had 2 of them and no complaints. Nothing feeds that fast (maybe a warp feed could keep up). The only draw back to the halo is weight and size. Is a bit heavier and larger but the performance greatly outweighs the others. If money is a question and you cant afford a halo just yet then go revy.

Little Matt
12-18-2002, 11:27 PM
I've never licked the ric's and I helped the excaliber joust at the Vegas Pan Am, and the whole ricochet technology doesn't work. LOL, we were using 2 diffrent guns for each end of the field so we could clean and reload during games. well almost everytime the gun would come out it would have a hit on the hopper, right where it should have bouced. and you could tell it tried becuase of the way the paint would spray over the loader.I had a blast making fun of those things.

Can you intelly feed a halo B or a evo 2?


12-19-2002, 11:59 PM
Little Matt - compared to a revy, that can't bounce paint either. Besides, ricos have more advantages other than bouncing paint.

Robspectre - hmmh...good input. I'll look into the reliability of the rico. Thanks for keeping me aware that the rico is still new technology. Although I've heard about more revy necks breaking than rico. BTW, could it be that u sanded too much? Is the neck thinner than the revy or is it just material-based?

12-21-2002, 01:35 PM
rico's rock
and about the necks breaking call them!!!!
if you sand it down too far call them
break it call em
they will replace it

12-21-2002, 01:40 PM
i would go ricco only because of customer service. the new revvy shells suck.

big E kingpin
12-21-2002, 04:22 PM
little matt, the halo b is a force feed loader, i think the eggo is on the same idea i may be wrong i dont have or want one. but my halo just spins and doesnt missa beat, even up 20 bps, when im playing around in my back yard. i know you can intelli it, you can put a micro switch into any anything and it will do something. but im pretty sure it would actually slow it down, becouse it wouldnt be getting the constant power it requires to force feed the paint.

12-21-2002, 11:09 PM
I also don't like the rico because of the design. If the balls are jammed (and thus need agitated), it won't do it without a ball falling down and hitting the sensor. Sure, they work when you're firing level, but what happens if i lean my gun a WHOLE lot (warp user here) and that last ball feeds out, and the rest jam. Then what? The rico does nothing. That and the fact that they are IMPOSSIBLE to reassemble. The inside of one just isn't designed well.

12-22-2002, 01:05 PM
Impossible to reassemble? I don't understand what you mean by that. I've had to take mine apart before, and had no problems reassembling it. It was a slight pain, since all of the screws are different lengths, and feel like they are easy to strip. Just take a little time to lay out the screws so you don't get em switched up, and be careful w/the screwdriver.

I had the first generation AK, with the neck that needed to be sanded in most cases. The shell broke off at the neck. Sent an email to Ricochet, and they sent me out a new shell. The newer shells come with 3 sets of different sized o-rings to get a better fit with your elbow. I've had no problems since then.

Also, make sure you screw the sides in tight (but don't strip anything!). I took a hit on the top facet of the hopper, right on the crease btw the two halves of the shell. Managed to get some nice green Marb fill inside the hopper, which runied the paint I had in there. The impact must have depressed one side of the hopper shell, as I had a piece of paint shell stuck in there..

Other than that, I've had no problems w/the Rico. No jams, good feeds and decent battery life. And as someone said before, you can intellifeed them. You need to tap into the two wires that run to the switch in the neck. There are instructions floating somewhere around the web.

12-22-2002, 05:13 PM
my richochet 2k turns itself on, it's very annoying. how do i fix it besides taking the battery out?:confused:

12-23-2002, 02:16 AM
Wait, so u can intellifeed a rico too?

12-23-2002, 11:18 AM
anyone know how to fix my rico??? it turns itself on and i can't figure out why:confused: