View Full Version : another pic thread, YAY

09-01-2001, 12:40 PM
I'd post the Mag I am going to have in a week but the pic is really really small. And hard to pick out the detail...so screw it. I will get a much better one when I get the Mag...I am going to spend hours snapping off pics of my new Mag!

Double Trigger
ANS Shark Gill
14" SP All American
16" Custom Products
20 oz. (Flatline 68 for Christmas!)

Come back here! http://www.contrabandent.com/pez1/games/mm/mmxa/anim-zerodash.gif

09-01-2001, 12:47 PM
There are already 4 picture threads.

09-01-2001, 11:53 PM
Since I love looking at mags for hours upon hours, i decided to start another thread for people to do just that. So PLEASE post your pics for us less fortunate people to stare at.