View Full Version : Euro X-Mag Issues (Not Working Anymore!)

12-18-2002, 05:26 PM
Ok, so I am probably the first to have a serious problem with a Euro X-Mag. We will see what happens in the end and I will keep everyone informed of how things progress.

The Problem:
This past Sunday after playing I returned home to do some cleaning and add my usual couple drops of oil to everything. After disassembly and reassembly I gas up and go to pump off the usual 100 rounds or so to get all the oil in the proper places only to find I had no E mode at all. Actually I had E modes but no reaction from the solenoid itself. It just refused to reset and would just float in the carrier. Quickly I turn to see what ACE mode I was in since these were dry fires and I could not remember where I had it last. Check that and ACE is set to 00 which is the off position. I then recall that the pre-production Euro models had some clearance issues with the ACE harness and some people cut the wires. I checked all the wires and found no problems or loose connections.

Next step was to check and make sure that the Hall Effects Sensor had not been moved or out of alignment (did take the cover off to clean in and around). Nope, everything looked good there too. I then booted up the software to check and make sure the sensor was actually picking up the trigger pulls. Yes. Shots were being accounted for on the board in the ACE off position and with the ACE on and my finger over the sensor as well.

Next thought was maybe something went wacky with the solenoid itself. So, I un-soldered the solenoid from the board and hooked it up to a 9 volt battery to check for continuity as well as functionality. No sooner did I connect it to the battery the plunger sucked back in and stayed there just like it supposed to. Weird right? I also checked the voltage at the current supply points to see what was going on. I have attached a picture of the two points circled in white and both of those points once grounded supply 18 volts each. In other words positive on one white wire and negative on the ground screw = 18 volts. Should this be this way for both of the wires running to the solenoid? If so when you pull the trigger should the voltage drop to zero on one side or what. I don't get it and I am not an electrical engineer so if you are let me know what you think should be happening.

Promptly put the marker on the bench before I had a fit of frustration and sat at the PC and typed an email to John Sosta. John did reply with a few suggestions such as, put paint in it even with the ACE set to 00 and also check the ACE harness for breaks or cuts in the loom. Having already done that I did it again and replied with my results. Now awaiting another mail to see what the possible outcome of my dilemma will be.

Anyone with serious electrical background in the E-Mag out there? If so feel free to chime in and tell me what you think might be going on. I can only do so much to the board with my expertise but I am willing to try pretty much anything at this point. Worse come to worse I will just order an E-Mag board from AGD and give that a shot.

Again when or if I find out from John or anyone else what the problem is I will report it here. This is by no means an attack on AGD over policies or AGDE for an inferior product. Things happen and we should all expect that from time to time ( why me:) ). At least it was not in the middle of a game or something where I had to swith to straight manual mode. God forbid I ever have to do that!!!:D

Thanks in advance!

12-18-2002, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by snakestang
Should this be this way for both of the wires running to the solenoid? If so when you pull the trigger should the voltage drop to zero on one side or what. I don't get it and I am not an electrical engineer so if you are let me know what you think should be happening.

Yes that's how it works. When you shoot, a Mosfet connects one of the wire to the ground, hence a current flow throught the solenoid and make it move.

For me it looks like the said Mosfet is dead. Unfortunately, without the proper equipment it'll hard for you to check this.


12-18-2002, 06:30 PM
Pooie! Ok, so this is not an easy do it yourself project. Sounds like I will be eagerly awaiting a mail from AGDE on a possible board replacement.

Thanks for clearing that up.

12-18-2002, 07:00 PM
im no electronics expert, but i do know my teching a marker list:
1) If electro gun, make sure battery is FULL

in your case, your battery may have enough power to turn on the board, but not enough to power the solenoid...check the voltage of the battery to make sre it has enough pwoer...maybe youve already done this, but do it again :)

thats my .02

12-18-2002, 07:17 PM
Thanks Kev. Done it. Actually checked both packs and then charged them anyway. Still no goooooooo...

Keep the ideas coming. Its kind of like a test. I can give away prices for the most creative solutions :D

12-18-2002, 07:34 PM
Why isn't your HES plugged in, where is your solenoid mount block and what in the heck is that blue box?

12-18-2002, 07:50 PM
Everything is unplugged to make room for a good shot of the wires.

The box! Well thats where I keep my stash! No, really its the potentiometer (sp) for the ACE. It is how you control the sensitivity. Same thing as the ACE board in the X-Mag only not on a board in a harness.

12-18-2002, 07:56 PM
Well, I think you've done about everything there is to be done with checking things out. Sounds like it needs to take another trip across the pond.

I'm only familiar with the Beta 1.0 ACE hardware and the current revision they're using in the US X-Mags. Haven't seen the Euro configuration before.

12-18-2002, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
I'm only familiar with the Beta 1.0 ACE hardware and the current revision they're using in the US X-Mags. Haven't seen the Euro configuration before.

You have now!:D Thanks for the brainstorming!

12-18-2002, 08:39 PM
Try this. With the gun gassed up and the left side grip off...raise the solenoid plunger up a hair and pull the trigger. If it fires in emode that way, a slight adjustment may be necessary in plunger length. I just had one that did this and les than 1/4 turn fixed the marker. A shot in the dark but hope it works.:confused:

12-19-2002, 07:17 AM
Thanks Tunaman! I have not done that but I will tonight. I have been cooresponding with John Sosta and have received approval to return the marker to the UK for repair. They are going to fix/replace the board, and update to the US version (current) of the ACE so that it is completely compatible with the US X-Mag.

Thank you everyone for you great help!
