View Full Version : I B Home

12-18-2002, 08:29 PM
I returned home monday after an appendix and bypass(yes,open heart surgery at age 29!),but I'm better now for the most part.My chest bone is a little sore where they cracked it open to get to my heart.
It'll be a few months before I can play again,but I live in Florida!

12-18-2002, 08:46 PM
im happy to hear it amn, glad youre doing better

12-18-2002, 09:10 PM
Hey Warped1!!! Glad to see you back. There's a thread (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=58687&highlight=Well+Wishes+for+Warped1) of well wishes on here for you!

Here's the Update Thread (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=59069&highlight=%2Aupdate%2A+warped1)

Creative Mayhem
12-19-2002, 12:09 PM
Hey Jim, glad to see you uap and around... here on AO at least! :D Get well soon.. you gotta play.. you know you waaannna!;)

Take her easy, and if you can't do that, TAKE HER TWICE!!!:D:cool:

C Mayhem

12-19-2002, 12:14 PM
Thnx from Canada.It's nice to know us pb'ers stick together.

12-19-2002, 01:49 PM
welcome back jimbo...glad to see that you are ok and doing well.

12-19-2002, 08:21 PM
glad your ok man.

12-19-2002, 08:26 PM
I feel great but I can't do stuff like play 'ball for a few months.:(

12-20-2002, 12:46 AM
Good to hear that you are recovering nicely. Doesn't therapy suck.