View Full Version : I used my RT in it's first game today.....SWEET

12-19-2002, 07:01 PM
Today, after my midterms, my friend called me up on the phone to play paintball. he stayed home from school and we got some people and we had a nice 3v3 woodsball game. The first game, my friend's AMG (he said he is still dedicated to spyders...) crapped out on him while he tried to flank. i was sent up by our leader (he had a m98, but hes still better than i am, so i did what he told me), and the 3 people (2 first-timers, 1 nasty kid with a spyder electro)
were grouped together laying down fire.

I pop up from behind a hill and take some shots to take out 1 kid. then i move back, the 2 start moving forward as i move back, i take one out with a bit of sloppy snapshooting, but basically m RT's huge firepower. The the nast one is left, and he gets on top of the hill, with no cover, and unloads on my tree. i stay cool, get a few more feet behind the tree but still stay in cover. I do some 2-3 shot snapshooting (not very hard to hit the target, he IS standing there) a few times and hes out.

Second game my goggles fogged up so badly i coudnt see the tree i was shooting at and i was shot in the neck by a kamikaze... we had to call it anyway because i was too dark.

I LOVE MY RT!!! This awesome gun let me do so well, and my team captain (he came up with our strategy) said we won the game due to my "huge rate of fire". but i am learning how to snapshoot and it's great. My raptor tank did a bit of leaking when i was adjusting my output pressure, but it stopped and its all good. I had a great day and i LOVE my RT. I'd just like to thank AGD and spread the joy.

PS: my my body is still coming loose from my body rail after a lot of shooting, and my screws almost fell off of my sight rail. any solutions? also if anyone has any tips to help my tank from leaking id like to know. (it wasnt bad and it stopped so its no big deal)

12-19-2002, 07:39 PM
thats really cool :) I cant wait to get a RT valve

I cant help you with your problems though

12-19-2002, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Brak
PS: my my body is still coming loose from my body rail after a lot of shooting, and my screws almost fell off of my sight rail. any solutions?
Try teflon tape, that might increse the friction between the threading and the screws..
Loctite would work too, but its not really nessicary..
Hell, you could use glue :p
Btw Gratz on the gun and Glad to hear you like it!

12-19-2002, 10:08 PM
yeah man, glad to hear it....im playing up at a friends house over vacation....dunno if i should ask for LX for christmas though, lol. how were midtemrs? one more for me, damn spanish, and then party the night away, hewll yeah


12-19-2002, 10:20 PM
i would suggest loctite for the loose screws, just use a very weak solution. www.warpig.com has a great section on loctite and how to use it.

12-20-2002, 08:06 AM
today is the long haul for my midterms... latin and western civ...shoot me now