View Full Version : I grew up in the paintball world

12-19-2002, 07:28 PM
Its been 4 years now since I first laid eyes on that talon my friend gave me...

When I started playing paintball me and my freinds had spyders and 98's including my dad would play out in the woods in front of my house.

Two years after that we started playing at real rec fields in New Jersey and Massachuttes.

A year and half after that I'm playing tournments now and havent been in the woods in almost 5 months. My 5 man team are planning to attent young gun tournments and others around the north eastern coast.

I started out as a camo guy trying to be a sniper to trying to a good tape player.

Thought I would let everyone know my little paintball life story.

12-19-2002, 07:35 PM
so true....

i started out trying to be a sniper too:o

12-19-2002, 07:36 PM
how can you stay out of the woods for so long? Its so much fun

12-19-2002, 07:37 PM
I'll have to agree with rowbuddy :)

12-19-2002, 09:05 PM
when I started, we all played like snipers, cause we really didn't like getting hit. permanent paint (oil based), and it hurt like the dickens. coures back then we didn't know better and our shop goggles were mostly to protect our eyes from getting paint splatter; who woulda though we could have "taken an eye out with that thing"?!?!?

besides when you have to cock the hammer back and load a ball in two seperate moves, you wanted to be able to be reasy when you snuck up on your opponent! we played many games when not a single ball was fired (the flag got pulled first!)

12-19-2002, 09:28 PM
ah yes i remember the glory days of "snipering" people even though the only people i could hit were the ones bunkering me :(.

what ive noticed is that alot of really young kids are REALLY good at paintballing now. at my local field, there are about 4 or 5 really good kids that could whoop even hardcore players. they are all growing up with angels and impys! that is a way to grow up! :D

12-20-2002, 09:56 AM
Heh, I started in '90, but I started indoors, and *then* moved outdoors. :D

Though I have played the sniper tactic, I've never really been into that scene. (Not that I don't play woods ball! Love it! :))

12-20-2002, 07:50 PM
just like me, istarted with the talon then m98, then my pimp 68classic, woods ball is all i used to play with my friends, out at the horse show, 50 acres of woods and fields man those were the glory days when we played hardcore nightgames, with the night goggles sitting in a ditch for 6hours waiting for someone to walk by
and at my field there is like 7 or 8 little kids about 11&12 that really kick butt and im like damn how do they get so good so fast, and theres this 1 guy who all he plays is woods and takes 1 side of the field 4 himself, and gets like the whole team out, hes amazing

12-20-2002, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by lillfroboy
just like me, istarted with the talon then m98, then my pimp 68classic, woods ball is all i used to play with my friends

oh you forgot the black dragon

I started out thinking i was going to be a sniper too. I think ever one who played woods did.