View Full Version : cocker or mag

08-30-2001, 01:46 PM
i have shot both mags and cockers from blackmagic to rt. I am sad to say i now beleive cockers are much better. mags are great but they opperate at to high of pressure.
they are different and are used for diffrent things. i sold my bushy and bought a mag cus i think are just cool.


68. Automag with PF, 14" aa, 10" dye aluminum, diamondlabs 45 2x trigger frame with trigger job, SP vertical 4 grip, pmi perfect D/F, Crossfire 51 stinger.

08-30-2001, 01:49 PM
Funnily enough, the mag's running at the same pressure as the Black Magic and STO, which is about 400psi. I've shot them both, and it's all about which trigger you like better.

Mykroft Holmes IV
My Mags:
CF11023, Classic Feed, 16" CP .689, 14" JnJ Stainless, Ring trigger, WGP Reg, Diamond Labs Ti Reg Adjuster.

VV00614(Valve)/VV00423(reg), Black Teflon HR Powerfeed, 16" SP AA,14" JnJ Ceramic, AGD Intelliframe Blade, Benchy Crossfire cradle/on-off, black foregrip, Macroline.
PMI 48/3K Preset HPA

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" R.A.Heinlein - 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'

08-30-2001, 01:51 PM
too high of a pressure??? correct me if im wrong but, dont mags operate at like 350-450 psi?

08-30-2001, 01:58 PM
sorry guys i didnt know that but i knew they were pretty close, but i s still think cockers chop less and look cooler {notalot} but. i want a cocker, andif you look through a pb mag85% of guns yoused in big tourny's are cockers and angels

08-30-2001, 02:12 PM
rts need 600-800. if i run anything below 550 my rt will do some funky stuff.

08-30-2001, 02:17 PM
Zo, That's input pressure, not chamber pressure. The Mags have an internal reg, and you want at least 150psi difference across a reg to get decent performance. Chamber pressure of a standard Mag valve and a Retro are about 400, a Smartmag is 350-375 and a hypermag is 450-475.

My experience suggests that cockers chop just as much as mags. For the reasons why Cockers and Anmgels are most popular, do a search for RiceRocket's post on the subject

Mykroft Holmes IV
My Mags:
CF11023, Classic Feed, 16" CP .689, 14" JnJ Stainless, Ring trigger, WGP Reg, Diamond Labs Ti Reg Adjuster.

VV00614(Valve)/VV00423(reg), Black Teflon HR Powerfeed, 16" SP AA,14" JnJ Ceramic, AGD Intelliframe Blade, Benchy Crossfire cradle/on-off, black foregrip, Macroline.
PMI 48/3K Preset HPA

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" R.A.Heinlein - 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'

08-30-2001, 02:18 PM
yeah shagman you are cool, just go with the crowd. is that your reason you like them, cause alot of pros use them? so i gues cockers are better than shockers, emags, bushmasters, defiants, intimidators, matrix, and all other top of the line guns just cause more pros use them? just cause everybody and there brother use cockers doesn't mean they are better than any other gun. where i play nobody uses impulses or shockers, but a ton of people use tippmanns, so to you that would make tippmanns better than shockers and and impulses wouldn't it?

08-30-2001, 02:59 PM
i am just sayin that i have been through alot of guns now and shot alot of guns and it just seems to come downto the angel and high grade cocker


68. Automag with PF, 14" aa, 10" dye aluminum, diamondlabs 45 2x trigger frame with trigger job, SP vertical 4 grip, pmi perfect D/F, Crossfire 51 stinger.

08-30-2001, 03:32 PM
QUOTE:yeah shagman you are cool, just go with the crowd. is that your reason you like them, cause alot of pros use them? so i gues cockers are better than shockers, emags, bushmasters, defiants, intimidators, matrix, and all other top of the line guns just cause more pros use them? just cause everybody and there brother use cockers doesn't mean they are better than any other gun. where i play nobody uses impulses or shockers, but a ton of people use tippmanns, so to you that would make tippmanns better than shockers and and impulses wouldn't it?

this is probably the smartest thing that I have heard in a long long time.

08-30-2001, 03:35 PM
I too use a Cocker and ditched the RT but Mags are great guns.

And too high of a presure??
Mags operate at 350-400psi and same with Cockers. Sure you can get LP mods for Cockers but LP is nothing but bull honky.

08-30-2001, 03:36 PM
I would like to know shagman. What is so bad about a high operating pressure anyways?

08-30-2001, 03:43 PM
usually the biggest difference with people that shoot cockers is that they live up to the name of the gun. At least for the majority of Pro players...well and rec too. Just my opinion http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-30-2001, 04:02 PM
skipdogg: acutally a mass majority of people like Autocockers is because they are very customizable and tweakable. Because they have many aftermarket parts, almost every Autocoker is different an unique.

08-30-2001, 04:14 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by FeelTheRT:
I too use a Cocker and ditched the RT but Mags are great guns.

And too high of a presure??
Mags operate at 350-400psi and same with Cockers. Sure you can get LP mods for Cockers but LP is nothing but bull honky.</font>

acutaly lp is kind of nice. instead of choping a ball, the bolt will just pinch it, so with a cocker you can just pull the bolt back and aviod a mess in your gun. also with the right lp setup you can get like 1000 shots out of a 45ci 4500psi nitro tank, atleast the owner of the field i play at does

08-30-2001, 08:22 PM
quite right, ill be building one next...was gonna construct a mag, but wheres the challenge?? not a whole lot to go wrong there...ergo no fun http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif cant shake the mag for simple use but i wouldnt mind tinkering with a cocker...just the kinda thing i love(and my gf hates)

08-30-2001, 08:39 PM
jeez guys every body knows cockers are more accurate. I know alot lyes in the borr to paintmatch but i jus cant hold a steady line of fire cockers are bigger wich makes them less suseptable to muzzzle flip


68. Automag with PF, 14" aa, 10" dye aluminum, diamondlabs 45 2x trigger frame with trigger job, SP vertical 4 grip, pmi perfect D/F, Crossfire 51 stinger.

mag wannabe
08-30-2001, 08:54 PM
I have fired an auto cocker once. I have shot my friend's rt. I decided to buy an automag. The reson? 1. The mag has no moving parts on the outside (MUCH unlike cockers) so they are going to be more rugged. 2. the mag shot beautifully straight (the cocker def was a joy to shoot as well, but they were equally accurate.) 3. I think that the feel of a mag is superior to the cocker. The mag felt more compact and manueverable.
4. If i want to tinker, I'll mess around with my spyder. If I wanna play, I don't want to tinker. The mag just fit my needs. I love cockers but I think for me, the mag was just a better choice. I think that the mag and cocker are very equal, but it comes down to feel. just my opinion.

08-31-2001, 10:16 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by shagman69:
jeez guys every body knows cockers are more accurate. I know alot lyes in the borr to paintmatch but i jus cant hold a steady line of fire cockers are bigger wich makes them less suseptable to muzzzle flip


are you stupid or something? the only way one gun can be more accurate than another is if it is more consisten (also have a clean barel). in apg a while ago (i think it was apg) they had an article on mags and cockers. they said the stock mag was alot more consistent than a stock cocker, thus it shot more accurately. all i wanna know is where you come up with all this bs.

08-31-2001, 10:23 PM
"jeez guys every body knows cockers are more accurate." - Shagman69

I think that qoute says it all.

Just ignore the thread and move on...

RT Pro - Chrome Powerfeed Right
Armageddon 68/4500
KAPP Chrome Apoc Drop Forward
12 vt Revolution
Lapco Aluminum Autospirit 12"

09-01-2001, 12:33 PM
Guys...when you consider the simplicty of Mags compared to cockers...I think you will find a HUGE difference. If you are someone who wants to come home from a hardcore day of paintball, quick strip the marker...drop some oil in the ASA, wipe the paint off the gun, and shoot a couple shots and put it back in the case...get a Mag. If you want to spend hours just getting your cocker to work before you play, get a cocker! It depends if you like the triggers too. I personally like cocker triggers but Mag triggers are pretty awesome too. Another thing about cockers is they are so customizable it's not even funny. But cockers need alot more maintenence. It's mostly what you like more!

Double Trigger
ANS Shark Gill
14" SP All American
16" Custom Products
20 oz. (Flatline 68 for Christmas!)

Come back here! http://www.contrabandent.com/pez1/games/mm/mmxa/anim-zerodash.gif

09-01-2001, 12:44 PM
MikeCouves: For Cocker, it's just as simple as Mag to get ready:
1. put 5 drops of oil in the ASA
2. cock the gun
3. gas up
4 dryfire about 30 times.

09-01-2001, 12:46 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by SkApAiNtMaG:
Cockers own mags but I like this forum. Ive owned both guns and through many games of testing the cocker is a lot better than a mag. (pleez dont kick me out of this forum)</font>

lol, i've owned an RT before but I use a Cocker now. I think both are great guns.

09-01-2001, 04:27 PM
I have been reading the mag vs cocker debates forever but never replied because i like both equally. Ill give my theory: for every action (paintball) there is an equal and opposite reaction(mags and cockers). It is true they are equal and most certanly opposite. It all comes down to preference. Accuracy is equal, distance is equal, looks are preference, trigger is preference. I bought a mag because i didnt prefer a backblock flying back at me each time i shot. Some like it some dont. By no means is one better than the other.

09-01-2001, 05:11 PM
what black block coming back at you?(ive never shot a cocker before)

09-01-2001, 06:03 PM
The back block (it looks like a block on the back of the marker) is a part of the autocockers action it pulls the bolt back to load the next ball and cock the gun. If you see a pic you will know what it is. Every time a full trigger pull is completed the back block moves back and then forward. I dont like it because it kinda jumps at you but some people like it, some dont. It does make a cool sound though.

[This message has been edited by Minimag4me (edited 09-01-2001).]

09-01-2001, 06:50 PM
Thanx.I like the mag more because,well,think about it. the automag is a handle with a trigger and a tube with a valve in the back.now,is it just me,or is this ingenious?I mean,if there is any problem,the chances are its coming from the valve.If the cocker has a problem,you dont know where it came from,do you?I think AGD deserves a round of applause.

09-01-2001, 11:47 PM
Cockers own mags but I like this forum. Ive owned both guns and through many games of testing the cocker is a lot better than a mag. (pleez dont kick me out of this forum)

09-02-2001, 12:02 AM
I feel there are three types of (well, legal to make it right) play. Tournament, Scenario, and of course, Rec-Ball. For the tourny player, who pride themselves on winning and stats, I've seen 3 Cockers for every 'Mag. They're more customizable, true, and thus, harder to work with. The more you add to something, the harder it becomes to maintain it's original integrity and preformance, but, (at least I feel this) if you get it working correctly and can KEEP IT WORKING CORRECTLY (very important part) then it can even surpass its original state. To the scenario player, who play for fun, and the chance to role-play, I see about 1.5 'Mags per Cocker, but more aftermarket (Spyder, Tippmann, etc) than both of those combined. However, I feel the 'Mag is superior because I left my 'Mag under a pile of dirty clothes about a year ago, and picked it up and played 24 hours with it. Aside from the RANK smell, it was perfect. My friend tried put his cocker down for about 6 months, and while his results were less smelly, they were far worse. Now, the rec-player, who just wants to get off the field alive, there IS NO standard. Don't even put this in a catagory. Wait, too late.
Personally, I figure I'll end up owning a 'Mag and a Cocker. Best of both worlds in my opinion - when I play a tourny, pick up that Cocker (unless it's pump, in which my {HOPEFULLY} future pump-mag will OWN) and rock it. Scenario? RT Pro. Rec-Ball would be anyone's preferance, as to how they felt that day or what they wanted to play with, blah blah blah. Sorry if I've bored ya, offended ya, or made you snarf coffee all over your keyboard.

09-02-2001, 12:26 AM
OldSchoolMag - You should definately post more often sir.


RT Pro - Chrome Powerfeed Right
Armageddon 68/4500
KAPP Chrome Apoc Drop Forward
12 vt Revolution
Lapco Aluminum Autospirit 12"

09-02-2001, 12:33 AM
Well, I probably will, because I haven't guessed the Deep Blue password... yet;)

68 Classic w/Powerfeed
Smart Parts Magic Box Installed on A.I.R.
Green Small Bore All American 12"
KAPP Air Through Grip & Drop Foward
67ci 3000psi Chubby Nitro
9volt VL
AGD user for life

09-02-2001, 12:36 AM
lol... Now that has to be a classic. I'd imagine you'd have to stick around for a little while longer then.

Enjoy the Forum! :-)

RT Pro - Chrome Powerfeed Right
Armageddon 68/4500
KAPP Chrome Apoc Drop Forward
12 vt Revolution
Lapco Aluminum Autospirit 12"