View Full Version : how to get back at someone

12-21-2002, 10:57 AM
what should i do to get back at someone for toilet papering my house i want the most worst things to do to get them back i know some of you have to have some good ones.

12-21-2002, 11:05 AM
Tape (fake) used condoms and blood red tampons all over their door

and (best of all)
Waterballoons....full of syrup(sp?)!!!!
Anyway it sticks to some windows like no other...so that they would rather buy a new window instead of trying to find something that cleans it off.

12-21-2002, 11:07 AM
rotten eggs on their front door..

the syrup ballons work well...


if its possible,change the locks on all of their doors when they arent home...

12-21-2002, 11:45 AM
Well what every you do this adds insult. Before you do what ever your gonna do take like 6 rolls or tp and start ripping it up and put it in a trash bag take it with you and spread it all over there yard its hell to clean up also if you want to be really mean what every you dont use put back in the trash bag have everyone with u piss in it and leave it on there front porch and put a merry christmas sign on it

12-21-2002, 11:58 AM
i agree with irb, but a flaming bag of poo is always fun.

12-21-2002, 11:59 AM
call the cops, sue, be mature.

12-21-2002, 12:21 PM
what the hell, if someone toilet papers your house you dont go breaking windows and chopping down their trees. toilet papering a house does nothing, but egging or doing any of these things mention will damage their house and you will be the ones getting in trouble.

12-21-2002, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by RTMAGBOY13
what should i do to get back at someone for toilet papering my house i want the most worst things to do to get them back i know some of you have to have some good ones. You don't. - you be an adult and an example to the paintball community.

BTW - was it YOUR house or your parents house? If it was your parents house, you should appologise to them and go clean it up. If it is your house, then you just go clean it up, there was no damage and you are only out the time it takes to clean it up.

If your friends did it - then you need to pick new friends, unless it was all in fun (and there was no damage), and they are willing to come over and help clean it up.

If it was not your friends that did it, and you know who did it, then you should call teh police and let them handle it.

just my dos centavos

12-21-2002, 04:46 PM
open up a can of tuna fish and let it set out in the sun for a while..then take it and rub it in the carpet of their car :D

12-21-2002, 05:10 PM
im not gonna suggest you do anything right now. if you do something, their gonna know it was you. then it will just escalate. wait a while, savor the time. remember, revenge is a dish best served cold. and after youve waited, the best prank of all, is to burn the house down! BURN THEM ALL!

12-21-2002, 11:09 PM
alright i wastn going to do ne thign "Destructive" Such as doing somethin to there car or breaking windows or mailboxes just something simple and makes a huge mess if this makes me immmmature well then i guess im just as immature as the looser who tped my house they did a bad job too 50% of it was on the ground and only on the bottom of the trees

12-21-2002, 11:36 PM
calling the police over someone TPing your house will only make things worse

and make you seem like a grumpy old man

12-22-2002, 02:31 AM
if the person has a car, put 1-2 rocks inside the hubcaps of each wheel. no damage will be done, but dman does it make noise and scare the hell out of the driver...works best when you are IN the car and you can point out the noise and freak htem out just that extra little bit

12-22-2002, 10:14 AM
Assuming your a teenager, and assuming the people who did this are teenagers too, then just pick up all the toilet paper and make a pile. Take the pile to the kids who did it (if you know who it is) and take it to their house and find their parents and be like "Yeah, your son (or daughter) left this over at my house, just wanted to bring it back."

12-22-2002, 11:00 AM
i would. throw rotten eggs all over there house. in to there back yard and put cool-aid in there pool ( if they have one) and then i usually take all dog crap thats at my house and put it in a bag and put it on there windows, if they have the mail drop thingy in there door i put a few turds in there, and then i leave the rest all over there back yard. and if you have enough time i usually put some tp in there pool. its hard to clean out.

12-22-2002, 11:08 AM
This works best when you know the people and want to get back at them later...

If they're friends, and they go on vacation or away and you can get into their house, take some other friends and re-arrange all their furniture. Nothing destructive..just rearrange it. couches, chairs, bedrooms, etc.

We did this to a firend back in high school when him and his parents went on vacation, we were in good with their neighbor and as soon as they left we spent about three days re-arranging the entire house, top to bottom. 4 bedrooms, family room and living room. hehe they were suprised..

12-22-2002, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by irbodden
So someone toliet papers your house and you do countless thousands of dollars worth of damage to their house?

Yep, thats about it! Show those little punks some respect!:p

12-22-2002, 03:27 PM
An old lady down the street told me this one.

Step 1. Get as many people as you can.
2. Get a few boxes of plastic forks and knives.
3. Insert them into the target's lawn, flowerbed, garden, everywhere.

They did this to an mean old lady who lived by herself. They were about 8 or 9.

12-22-2002, 03:44 PM
that is weak. whats the fun in putting plastic forks and knives in the ground. i say put cool-aid in there pool nice red cool-aid.

12-22-2002, 03:59 PM
go get some rock salt the day before it rains and at night go throw the salt all over their lawn and flower beds. The the rain will make it soak in the ground and it will kill all of the grass and it will take months for grass to grow back. Dont put too much salt just enough so you can barely see it. THat or put round-up on their grass. Or you can do like these peple did to my brothers car. Put dirt on top of the car and write stuff in all the windows then put a cone on top. Or the easy one. put sugur in there gas tanks. It will cost the a couple $100 to fix it. and they will never know what happened

12-22-2002, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by paintposse
Or the easy one. put sugur in there gas tanks. It will cost the a couple $100 to fix it. and they will never know what happened

man thats just mean... what did the car ever do to you. and one of the rules in life is never mess with another mans car. unless that person did dounghts on your front lawn they i say poor as much suger in there gas tank as you can.

12-22-2002, 05:40 PM
this is pretty stupid, if you want to get even then get even, don't do anything worse then what they did. it's also pretty sad that all you guys have these great schemes to get back at people but they all revolve around the fact that your doing damage and that your sneaky about it so the people wont know it's you. if the kids who tp'd your house keep doing stuff or are always mean to you then just go beat the crap out of the kid. that way he will know that he was punished by you, for doing something to you. if you do worse then tp'ing his house and he doesnt know it was you then he will either believe that he tp'd your house and you were too weak to retaliate, or he will figure it was you and just do something even worse then whatever you would do, and it will just keep escalating.

12-22-2002, 06:07 PM
If its some one u hate stash a few dime bags in their car then call the police and tell them they tried to sell u drugs but wear gloves while ur doing it. ;)

I know im immature but i dont care and yes they will go to jail but who cares? Not me.

12-22-2002, 06:14 PM
If you can get into the house while they are gone....

1. Go ahead an rearrange all the furniture! That's a good one I've never heard of.

2. Cup each and every one of their bathrooms!

3. Take of all the sheets of the kid's bed. Cover with plastic wrap. Write him a nice little note using ketchup, and then cover that with plastic wrap. (Be careful to keep the writing in tact as you cover it with plastic and sheets) Re-make his bed to look nice. When he pulls back the sheets at night.....ooooohh yaaah!:D

3. Take a random object like a toilet seat. Display that object in your front yard. (Preferably hang it) If they say anything about it, tell them you JUST bought it at Home Depot and that they are not very tactful to make such distrustful accustations.

I ask you: What about pranking is mature? The fact is, every once in a while, we all have to be a bit less than mature and do something! On the other hand, if you are not good friends with these people, or at least a dumb college student who nobody expects anything better from, you might not want to stoop;) :) :D HAVE FUN!

12-22-2002, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
call the cops, sue, be mature.

and suing someone for tping your house is mature?

right. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

12-22-2002, 06:16 PM
Transman......*snickers* you....are.....EVIL! That's teh worst thing I have EVER heard! *Pats transman on back and runs away laughing*

12-22-2002, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Trigger_Happy
Transman......*snickers* you....are.....EVIL! That's teh worst thing I have EVER heard! *Pats transman on back and runs away laughing*
:D Yes i am very evil just so u know this will be my senior prank on my princible except i will put them in his desk not his car or maybe both hmmm.... :D

And yes all of u can call me what ever u want i dont care because i have absolutley no remorse for anyone.

12-22-2002, 06:26 PM
I would be so pissed off if anyone did this to me :)

12-22-2002, 06:34 PM
I'm all for a good prank,but some of the suggestions here are pretty drastic and mean,and certainly rise to the level of a crime.
Who wants to get arrested over something as silly as this?
Don't go planting dime bags,or sugaring someones gas tank.
If you must pull a revenge prank pick one that doesn't cause permanent damage to someone or their property.;)

12-22-2002, 08:29 PM
i know i want something that i wont get arrested for.
i jusst need somethign messsy i was thinkin 2night to go and take out a couple lights out of his christmas light strand so they all go out haha

12-22-2002, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by GreasyPigeon
that is weak. whats the fun in putting plastic forks and knives in the ground.

The evil part was that they put 4-5 cases of plastic forks and knives into the lawn of a mean old lady who lived by herself. Every one would have to be picked out by hand, bending over to get them all. Good prank only because there's no damage done. Just clean-up to be done.

12-22-2002, 11:54 PM
my school teacher put sugar in someones tank...

but thats besides the point. i feel something VERY crucial has been left out of this thread. Feces. Poop. Dookie. Crap. the worst thing (i mean the worst) you could do to someone is to use excrement against them. I mean, think of the things you could do!

-for starters, get access to their car (haha ive done this prank before), open the trunk, take out the floor, put the POOP in the part under the trunk, and put the floor of the trunk back on. this might not work on some cars, but if it does, dont worry, it wont cause any damage, itll just smell for months

-you can always start the flaming poo as an unltimatum. just tell them what they are getting themselves into.

but always remember. think about what your doing before you throw poop at their house...

12-23-2002, 05:05 AM
Well, assuming you know who did it, and assuming they have a car, my suggestion would be to use bumper stickers to exact your revenge. Nothing says payback like putting a bumper sticker like "Too much princess for just one boy" on the vehicle of a tough guy!

12-23-2002, 11:43 PM
I can't believe noone has mentioned this, but I have a plan of attack that is perfect. First of all, under your conditions it is completely legal. Second, no physical damage occurs, yet the target is decimated. Third, poop is not involved, unless you go for that kind of thing. Fourth, it's the most insulting thing you can do to someone, and they will probably hate you for a long time.

The perfect payback prank is...

Sleep with his girlfriend.

12-24-2002, 02:01 PM
alright first off if it is the exact kid im thinking he dont have a g/f and even if he did he wouldnt know wht to do wiht her hahaha
but if it is this other im not goin to do a thing cuase this kid would beat the crap outa me and so would his brother and about 1000 other people

12-24-2002, 02:57 PM
First of all - putting sugar in the gas tank is old school. Put sugar in his OIL!!! Now THAT is expensive to fix. :)

Also - try filling an aluminum garbage can with water and leaning it on his front door. Then wait till he opens said door. Do you know how much water you can fit in the average aluminum garbage can?!?!?!

If he has a screen door you won't be able to use the above suggestion, but this one may be better. In the middle of the night take a roll of duct tape and tape his door closed. You'd be amazed at how strong duct tape is.

Make some bumper stickers that read "***** Power" or "Farm Animals make Better Lovers." (Sorry to any homosexuals or bestiality lovers).

If you work with him - get to his PC early in the day and change all his sound events to pornographic screams and turn his volume up REALLY HIGH (I did that once :)).


Archangel Damien
12-24-2002, 03:18 PM
the best way to deal with somebody that egged your house is to hunt him down beat him profusly(sp) and then drag him back to your house and then use his tongue to clean the egg from your house:D

12-24-2002, 07:18 PM
me and some of my friends duct taped random car doors shut and they the rent-a-cops saw us and they he chased us. it was so funny when people would go to there car and see there doors duct taped and they would get pissed. and if you want to get back at someone get a 12 back of soda and some fire works and tape the fire works to the soda and ring there door bell and have the soda blow up in front of there door. i did that and the person front door was coverd in cherry coke. and if you lucky you can get the person covered in soda if there are not to quick and if the fuse is not to short and not to long. and shake up the soda to. and lay all 12 of they in line in front of there front door. (use water proof fireworks)

12-25-2002, 01:16 AM
OK OK< so the do-his-girl prank might not work with the under 16 crowd, but here's one that will work, provided he has a car sitting out.
I did this to someone a while ago, and boy were they mad!(I also did the first one too, they were to the same guy!:D ) Anyways, we found a couple really old cheesecakes sitting in the back of my freezer. We got the great idea to to leave them on my roof for a week in the summer sun. While that was "percolating," we gathered up the other supplies for our hit: 300 Yards of industrial saran wrap, the stuff they hold cargo together with on pallets. Eggs, 2 dozen, virgin birdseed, and my pneumatic(68/45 powered!) potato gun, The Judge. What were we gonna do with all this stuff? Well, The first two things were for the car. After a week, the cheesecake smelled so bad it would make your eyes water. One went on the exterior of his car, and the second went down the barrel of The Judge. He left his sunroof open a crack, just enough to stick the 2 inch wide barrel in... After that was done, the entire car was wrapped in about 6 inches of plastic, and the birdseed was spread all over the lawn. Normally this wouldn't do much, but since it was virgin, none of the seeds had been deactivated, and were ready to grow into weeds, which is all birdseed really is, anyways. All this went on while the parents were on vacation and the kid was at a party my friends threw for him jst to get him away from his house.(Misdirection, anyone?) The kids lawn has never been the same since, and I never saw him drive that car again, ever.

12-31-2002, 01:16 PM
Whatever you do, don't call the police. You don't want to get an investigation or anything going on at your house. And nothing paintball related either! Paintball dosen't need any more bad publicity. What I suggest you do:

Tie his door to a tree or something strong.
Put lines of duck tape across the door.
Wait for him to find himself locked in his own house:)

12-31-2002, 05:12 PM
I would embarrass the kid in public. Get him really really wasted and shave his head, eyebrows and any facial hair. Redraw it all back on with a Sharpie Marker, draw on his teeth too -and the insides of his ears. It'll take weeks to get it all off. Don't forget to color his eyelids and to give him the Mascara treatment.

12-31-2002, 05:43 PM
Covad that has to be the meanest thing I've ever heard! LMAO. My personal favorite is rock salt. 2 years ago on new year's eve me and a few friends wrote plenty of choice words in another friend's yard. It rained that night. His parents were so pissed off. I swear to god I nearly crapped my pants with laughter. The garbage can full of water that MagDog68 pointed out is great!! I was on a trip with my school one time and again me and a whole lot of friends filled up a garbage can full of water and leaned it on a teacher's door. We knocked on the knocker and hilarity ensued.

12-31-2002, 10:05 PM
Well you could build a trojan horse out of a go-cart,ring the doorbell then go hid while leaving the horse there.Very funny.

12-31-2002, 10:14 PM
In my post above this I forgot to mention a warning about practical jokes.

Let me tell you the story of the poo that burned out of control
I was at my grandparents house a few years ago with my cousin and we got bored. See my grandparents have these weird neighbors taht are always happy, they never get mad, like flanders from the Simpsons. So we decided to see if we could get them mad. my grandparents house is out in the country so their are horse turds laying everywhere, so we got a shovel and shoveled some up and layed it on their porch. There was a bag big enough for the pie so we just layed it raw on the porch. We lit the turd, ran behind a bush, and hid. Well we waited for a while and no one came out and the pie was starting to get out of control. I dont know what that horse had eaten but man that turd burned good! After a little while longer we realized taht they werent coming out and we had us a situation.my cousin and I ran to a creek in our grandparents backyard and filled a bucket with water. We put out the flames and surveyed the damages. The "Welcome" sign was nothing more than a chared piece of wood, and two of their plants were burnt. When they got back and saw what happened they didnt get mad. They knew it was us and didnt tell our grandparents but told us "boys will be boys". So the morale of this story is some ppl never get mad. and the next time you decide to leave a piece of flaming poo on a doorstep rememember my story, remember the the poo that birned out of control

01-01-2003, 01:59 PM
And you can pour packs of Skittles on his driveway and then pour water over them. Stains their driveway. Plus they look stupid as heck with a rainbow driveway.:D

01-01-2003, 08:43 PM
Hmm, last night for new year's PolishSausage and I left some interesting gifts in and around my neighbors' mailboxes and property. Today, when waking to get the mail, they'll find frozen shrimp, like 8 of em:D , mozzerella sticks, a bunch of other crap from my freezer, and one of my particularly jerky neighbors got a "paintjob" on his car....with oatmeal cream pies:D

yeah, we were BORED...:D

01-01-2003, 09:06 PM
that is orginal.... i never would of though about putting oatmeal pies on some ones car.... ill try that next time along with the skittels

01-01-2003, 10:33 PM
Cool! I'm an...ORIGINAL PRANKSTER!!! lol, what a terrible, terrible song.....

"BUST OUT ON IT, *in deep, Issac Hayes-Like voice* Original Pranksta:D "

ok fine I'll stop singing....believe it or not people actually PAY to hear me do that:eek: