View Full Version : Quick question for the SFL'ers...

12-21-2002, 05:26 PM
Ok... I took my gun out today and was saddend by the paint soup that I got after the first few rounds...

After tweaking the level 10 I got it working better... but now I see what may have caused the problem to begin with. I am missing one of the detente's...

So my question is what kind of detente is it? Cocker? Angel? and another thing, what would be the best way to get it off the damn breach? the screw was stripped when I got the gun, so I am about to take some pliars, or vice grips to get the detente off...


Load SM5
12-21-2002, 08:41 PM
Their angel detents. If you find a good source for those and they are'nt those ugly bullet detents let me know.

If it's stripped it'll be hard to get off but maybe you can cut a slot into it and use a screwdriver to back it out.

12-23-2002, 04:18 PM
one of my friends has a slf and i think his detent broke off or fell off too

12-23-2002, 04:45 PM
cool thanks Load

I got it off with a pair of pliers... now I just need to get another one. I didn't know these small things were that expensive! 14 friggen bucks for a small piece of metal and nylon? WTF?

hehe... of course if I have an SFL emag, I really shouldn't be complaining about 14 bucks...

On a side note... What would cause my gun to break tons of balls?

When I saw the detente I immediatly figured it was my Halo-A pushing the balls past it, does that sound right? I doubt they arent chops, the level 10 is tuned great, but there was alot of Goo around the breach. My velocity was low the entire day (no chrony, but I could tell it wasn't shooting as fast as it could). A few were barrel breaks, I know, and a few might have been because of the cold... but the paint was good so I don't think that counts for ALL of them...

Load SM5
12-23-2002, 05:15 PM
More that likely you were double feeding and had one ball shooting into the other one. Yes they are expensive little buggers. If you can find a pack of 3 somewhere I'll split the cost with you.