View Full Version : A few questions about warpfeed.

09-02-2001, 05:52 PM
I was recently going to purchase a centerfire automag body, when someone told me that if I buy a centerfire body I couldn't use warp feed. I have since been persuaded to upgrade to powerfeed instead of centerfire, but I'm still curious of what exactly warp feed does. If someone could kindly answer the few questions that I have, I'd greatly appreciate it.

How exactly does it work? (I might regret asking that question.)

Would you reccomend it for a front player? It seems that although it takes the hopper off the top of the gun, would it be difficult to snapshoot on your offside?

And finally, how much of a weight distribution change in your gun would there be If you upgraded to a warpfeed.

Thanks for your help,


[This message has been edited by Rrok (edited 09-02-2001).]

09-02-2001, 06:02 PM
You can use it on vert feed. The warp is well-centered and keeps your gun well balanced. Shooting your offside is easier.

"Don't mill your tank." - Miscue

Miscue's Profile (http://www.liquidmagma.com/automags/miscue.php)

09-02-2001, 08:10 PM
How exactly does it work though? Does it use air to feed the balls into the chamber? I guess I don't understand how it makes a standard hopper feed any faster than it normally would.


09-02-2001, 08:25 PM
Your hopper only has to keep the Warp Feed fed with balls, the Warp uses two "floppy" wheels and presses the balls between them while spinning. This forces the balls up a tube and into your gun.

The advantage is: zero blowback worries; positive feeding of balls into the breech since you do not have to rely on gravity; and you can shoot from any angle or attitude, even upside down!

Tests have already been done, with heavily modified guns, that have shown BPS speeds at over 30! Check out this thread (http://www.automags.org/ubb/Forum1/HTML/003621.html), it's long but will show what the Warp is capable of.

http://www.mpz.co.uk/cwm/contrib/blackeye/linkcoolMIR.gif EIB

09-02-2001, 08:36 PM
Thank you very much army, all of my questions were answered in that thread, and then some!

Thanks a million,


09-02-2001, 09:00 PM
Ahhh....My work here is done....

http://www.mpz.co.uk/cwm/contrib/blackeye/linkcoolMIR.gif EIB