View Full Version : emag help needed

12-22-2002, 09:20 PM
k i took my emag out today and in manual it works great but it doesn't work in electro
the first trigger pull it fires but then nothing and at random it will fire so 1st pull fires 2nd nothing 3rd nothin .... 5th fires then so on it has software 1.37
any idea what could be causing this

12-22-2002, 11:55 PM
first, when it "doesnt fire", does the solenoid make a clicking noise and does the gun register the shots(you can tell this by looking at the LED for shot count, pulling the trigger 20 times and then looking again)

you now have 3 options:

1) solenoid clicks but gun doesnt fire

2) gun registers trigger pull but doesnt activate solenoid

3) gun doesnt register trigger pull

please tell me which one of those it is

12-23-2002, 01:20 AM
i fixed it thanks to manike i just had to adjust the magnet works awesome now