View Full Version : Who here hates there local field?

12-22-2002, 10:13 PM
Itotally hate mine, the only good thing about it, is that they have SOO MANY TOURNYS. So its cool to have lots of tournys. But, my field sucks because it has:

BAD lighting (even when a $800 Dig cam, the pictures dont turn out good) I mean, you wont belive how dim/dark it is. It has to be the worst lighting I have seen in my life.

Stupid flooring. They got the hardest dirt ever, when they should go to astro turf.

The bunkers are cheap, like never cleaned.

But I really hate the lighting, cause you cant take pictures any place. But lets, not forget the flooring, where the hard dirt puts wholes in your pants. What a good field :rolleyes:


12-22-2002, 10:46 PM
I dont hate mine, but it has its downsides...

the price is a little high compared to other local fields,
and the floors are CONCRETE, which is really awful. They're pretty smooth to begin with, but when paint gets on them, it's like ice. I fell and snapped off my revvy's feedneck the last time I played there.

12-22-2002, 11:05 PM
at least you have a local field...

12-22-2002, 11:38 PM
I have about 7 fields within 2 hours of me. Most of them are pretty good.

The field that i played at today just got an xball airball field in. Its prety sick, they have it on astroturf which is incredibly fun. You can run and start sliding at the 40 and slide into the 50.

There are a lot of good fields and teams around here. Bob's ironmen, dynasty, kapp factory, mommas boys have a lot of guys in the area, so a lot there are a lot of fields.

12-22-2002, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Sinnet
I dont hate mine, but it has its downsides...

the price is a little high compared to other local fields,
and the floors are CONCRETE, which is really awful. They're pretty smooth to begin with, but when paint gets on them, it's like ice. I fell and snapped off my revvy's feedneck the last time I played there.

LOL that sucks man.

12-22-2002, 11:47 PM
lets see...i like my field...considering i manage the place and keep things in line...but not having speedball bites

12-23-2002, 12:03 AM
Where do I start?

Owners are buttplugs

Local sponsored team are a bunch of whiny poor loser

No speedball

Paint STILL $80 a case

Drunken Rednecks love it

A-5 is refered to as a sniper rifle

I got kicked out one time for bunkering someone because they started bawling after I did it(I later found out the kid was 15 and was not a noob)

There are NEVER any attractive girls there. Ok, that one's pushing it, but who wouldn't want to play paintball AND put their mack down at the same time?

12-23-2002, 12:12 AM
I don't hate my local field, in fact, I like it. One problem though. Mostly all the people who end up playing are renters and it sucks because I never get better like that.

12-23-2002, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by einhander619
Where do I start?

Owners are buttplugs

Local sponsored team are a bunch of whiny poor loser

No speedball

Paint STILL $80 a case

Drunken Rednecks love it

A-5 is refered to as a sniper rifle

I got kicked out one time for bunkering someone because they started bawling after I did it(I later found out the kid was 15 and was not a noob)

There are NEVER any attractive girls there. Ok, that one's pushing it, but who wouldn't want to play paintball AND put their mack down at the same time?

That sucks man, and I tohught I had it bad. At least I aint the only one that hates there local field. Thats why I am taking up buisness in college, cause ima start my own field and pro shop, than my POS ones.

12-23-2002, 12:25 AM
I love my local field.
They have a great hyperball field (damn the snake is the shiznat) and the guys there are really friendly (sometimes the refs can be idiots though)
Paint is a little pricy at 80 bucks a case but they have BYOP sunday where u pay 30 bucks for BYOP, all day air(norm. $10) and field fee(norm. $10)
So basically if I can order a case of paint online for 40 bucks shipped.. thats 40 + 30 = 70 - 20(the usual everyday cost) = 50 bucks for a case of paint.. not too bad.. I got this down :D
They are building a new field soon thats going to be bigger and lighted.. Did I mention I'm buying my E-mag there? (the guys were nice enough to throw in a 2 year field pass with it!) :eek:
Yup, I love this place. I'm pretty good friends, or atleast I know the people who work there well because before they built a field I had a homeschool bowling leauge (every week, way back when I was homeschooled) and I would stop by almost every week and just hang out for a coupla mins and look at all the stuff.. thats actually where I saw the fixins of a mag and how there was crap lazer ingraved in the valve incase u needed help putting the on/off back in.
Yea that was over a year ago now.. they know me as the mag kid, or something like that :)
Yup, great fields, great people..
BTW I hate indoor fields.. :(
Oh yea and the hyperball gets a little muddy sometimes (last sunday I found my shoes submerged in a puddle while in a standup :p )

12-23-2002, 02:05 AM
I love my local feild( SC Village, Corona Clifornia). Along with decent Admision Prices, there feilds are great with many diffrent fields( all based on diffrent coountries of the world). The have a great air re-fill system ( 10 buck all day for compressed) Refs are fair enough and the people arnt to shaby.

Great Speed Ball(hyper ball) Courses with decent variety.

Its safe to. The have strict regs. on there chrono graph and have stern areas were you must were your mask and were its ok to no wear it.

12-23-2002, 05:26 AM
I like all my fields lets see

Urban Paintball Park : Very Safe, Tad Expensive, Awesome Refs, Unique Fields
Splat Attack : Tourney Refs, Very Safe, Cheap, Decent Woods Fields
STP Paintball : Lazy Tourney Refs, Unsafe, Expensive, and 110 Airball Bunkers
KC Crusaders : Awesome Refs, Proshop, Very Safe, Reasonably Priced, Awesome Woods Field, and Sup Air 5 man
Ace's High Paintball : Awesome owner, Cheap Prices, and Sup Air 7 Man!
Operation Paintball : Very Lenient, Cool Refs, Awesome Fill Station, Good Prices, 5 Man Sup Air, 3 Man Hyperball, and 3 Really Nice Woods Fields

I like KC Crusaders and Operation the Best, than Aces High, Splat Attack, and Urban, than STP.

Atleast you HAVE indoor :mad: :D

12-23-2002, 09:21 AM
My field absolutly rocks.
The only thing I dont really like is there arent many tournys, but the ones they have are big with great great prizes.
Does anyone go to Pevs @ AG?

12-23-2002, 09:23 AM
Yeah personman, 2.0 is great. Great people, great staff, and not bad prices (lot better than ripoff Paintball Atlanta). Some of the refs can be jerks, like I found out that one who was at the first AO GA meet, he doesn't even play paintball, lol. :eek: :p I can't wait till they get lighting and the new field done. Heh, and the mud, you were on the low side (parking lot) and the left corner. Even when it doesn't rain, that corner is muddy, just bad drainage I guess on that corner.

12-23-2002, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Blazestorm
I like all my fields lets see

Urban Paintball Park : Very Safe, Tad Expensive, Awesome Refs, Unique Fields
Splat Attack : Tourney Refs, Very Safe, Cheap, Decent Woods Fields
STP Paintball : Lazy Tourney Refs, Unsafe, Expensive, and 110 Airball Bunkers
KC Crusaders : Awesome Refs, Proshop, Very Safe, Reasonably Priced, Awesome Woods Field, and Sup Air 5 man
Ace's High Paintball : Awesome owner, Cheap Prices, and Sup Air 7 Man!
Operation Paintball : Very Lenient, Cool Refs, Awesome Fill Station, Good Prices, 5 Man Sup Air, 3 Man Hyperball, and 3 Really Nice Woods Fields

I like KC Crusaders and Operation the Best, than Aces High, Splat Attack, and Urban, than STP.

Atleast you HAVE indoor :mad: :D

LOL true. But at least you got so many field around you :( I only got 1...well 2 if you count toledo outdoor paintball which really isnt even in toledo, and its a 30 min drive. :( :mad:

12-23-2002, 11:07 AM
my field is real cool(you can read about it in my thread about how my impulse chops) and they are opening a new field which if it lives up to half of what we expect it will own big time

12-23-2002, 11:08 AM
My closest field sucks. ALL Newbs,$90Case, FPO, $10 Air, have speedball and airball but it is never used in rec, tournament we had to ride the ski lift instead of driving, owner is a moron and it keeps going.

12-23-2002, 11:38 AM
wow a ski lift? How does that work? I mean I know how a ski lift works, but where does it take you to and begin from?

12-23-2002, 11:45 AM
I don't hate the field but I hate all my local proshops, they are jerks.

12-23-2002, 12:21 PM
I dont have a local field, the joy of Wyoming.
I played at denver paintball yesterday with team draco, impact and denver paintball and it sucked. The field is trash, they got airbunkers now, but the floor is like mud, with big chunks of concrete laying around. I fell on one and can barely walk today, nailed be right in my thiegh, big nasty bruise. The paint they sell at 74/case is terrible, and doesnt even resemble round paint.
If you live in the denver area, i highly dont recommend that field. Its on like 73rd and sheridan.

12-23-2002, 12:54 PM
my field is 30 minutes away
70$ cases(pmi premium)
5$ per air fill
10$ field fee
good mix of n00bs and experienced players
whiney loser sponcered team
not the best refs.not even close...
they have an a-hole named Frank.He is old,and probably never played paintball before...
3 fields..hyperball,plastic field(plastic drums),and a wood-ball field(wood bunkers such as crates)
they used to not have ANY grass,and tons of rocks...but they are kinda getting better...

ive been playing there 2 years now,its boring.I dont hate it,but i dont love it either..

12-23-2002, 01:28 PM
Man, theres alot of people like me. That really sucks guys, wish we all had good pro shops and fields :(

12-23-2002, 02:06 PM
I think I'm a tad lucky, I got the Splat Attack store around me, they make Revenges, and have a lot of excaliburs and vikings, and akalmp techs :D

I feel bad for everyone else who has it bad :(

But hey, every field is 40-70 minute drive for me so :mad:

12-23-2002, 02:15 PM
40 minutes really isnt that bad. Over the summer i was driving like 60-80 minutes every saturday for practice.

12-23-2002, 02:19 PM
Yah but that's STP, the field I hate, and the field I love is 70 minutes... sucks don't it :(

12-23-2002, 02:24 PM
my feild is never open....

12-23-2002, 03:04 PM
Than how do you play paintball? :D :p

12-23-2002, 03:04 PM
Wow, I guess im the luckiest guy alive! I liev in a town with a pop of 1800 and miraculously have a PB field! woot! In fact, he has his own team and when I got on it about a year ago, he sells everything to me at wholesale prices, and the field is practically our own private place, we just go and practice for tournies without ne1 else there, occasionaly we invite people from missouri to practice with us and stuff, but its great! Its only about 20 min from my house and we got Nitrogen :cool: woot woot! Oh, and we go all over (St. Louis, Memphis, KC etc) Once a month to tournements, and the team has been around for almost 10 years. yay!

12-23-2002, 03:34 PM
my local field rocks...it just opened up a couple weeks ago, and they're doing pretty well...$20 entry, with all day air, field is open 10/10 on weekends, 4/10 on weekdays. FPO bigball is 50 a case, premium is 60 a case, and marbs are 70 a case. 2 full airball fields, with great top of the line astro turf...words cannot describe how much i love the field...the proshop on the other hand, doesn't carry mag parts, because "AGD is gonna go bankrupt any day, and we don't want to have a ton of parts that we can't use laying around.". oh well..

12-23-2002, 03:35 PM
Tearin up the field wit my RT? ;) :D :p

12-23-2002, 04:04 PM

are you talking about toledo indoor?

i was going to play a turnie there on the 17th with a bunch of other AO'ers.

are you saying that it sucks?

bad lighting and floor

tell me the whole truth.

12-23-2002, 04:10 PM
I really like my home field,

Paintball central, home to gridlock, trauma, and mayhem.

they have ultimate airball, sup' airball, hyperball, mounds, and some woods places,

all of their concept fields are nice, minus when it rains.

buy a case for 65, get all day air 10 and 10 dollar entrance fees... overall not bad.

12-23-2002, 04:20 PM
I don't go to my local fields that often... Fox4 and Friendly Fire aren't bad, but I hear Cape Cod Paintball and BP in boston suck. I'm definitely checking out the new Somerville field in january. Any other AOers gonna be there?

12-23-2002, 04:22 PM
i lik emy local feild but i hate the store. They only carry JT, Redz, and brass Eagle packs. They dont carry anything dye. they have one pos mag barrel there. And only carry Pt extremes and spyders. And when i asked if they could have them order a dye jersey she said JT were like the best jerseys. The lady thinks im stupid. I asked if they had any tippman rt and she said ohh the compacts are cheaper and better. Then if u say u ordered somethin off the internet she gives u a lecture about y you should of boughten from her instead of the internet. The best paint they sell is evil. THe carry point blank, GAP, JT Elite, Evil, After math, and some paintball junkies. She is trying to sell the evils for $78. And she said she doesnt like marbs so she doesnt carry them any more. They also only fill my nitro to like 2000 psi and i have a 4500 tank.

12-24-2002, 03:05 AM
Here's what we've got in SoCal and my opinions.

SC Village- Good: Lots (17+) of fields, including speedball. $25 field fee (went up recently), paint is BYO, air is $10 all day, markers are chrono'ed twice daily and checked every time you walk on a field.
Bad: Few Beginner and Advanced players, it seems like if you've got a marker that costs more than $200, you're kicked to the Intermediates. Not enough refs for the amount of Ints they throw on a field (I've seen 40+ PER SIDE), too much time between games.

Tombstone- Good: $20 field feel, $10 all day air, BYO paint, seemed to have enough refs to keep the games moving.
Bad: Only 6 fields, Chrono on the HONOR SYSTEM with chronos in serious need of calibration (markers are hand chrono'ed at lunch).

Jungle Island- I can't fairly comment on this one, only played 1 night game there.
