View Full Version : Halo Loader Update!!!

08-05-2001, 11:34 PM

The most important thing I saw at the Am Open was this loader. It was so important to the future of AGD and high speed guns that I am describing it in a separate post.

I saw the loader for the first time when Tex and Chris came up to me at the show. Tex is an old friend who used to work for Viewloader and didn't exactly come out ahead when they sold out. He along with Chris have this thing really dialed in. I was a little doubtful at first glance because it uses similar technology to the Eggolution which has now been recalled. We sat down and tested it on the first day and it had a couple small issues, so Chris and Tex worked on it that night and came back the next day. I could see the improvements would make an immediate difference so I was excited to try it on a Warped Emag on full auto (I promised Tex I wouldn't give out any details).

Rob has a test Emag that will do 16 bps full auto and has a high speed Warp feeding it. Through extensive testing we know that this gun can only put out a maximum of 25 shots before the Viewloader will fall behind and it will chop a ball. The HALO loader uses a special technology that doesn't wait for a gap in the balls but feeds them at the rate the gun needs them. When we attached it to a Warp and primed the system you could see the balls were stacked in the Warp wheel with only a 1/4 inch between them. This was before they hit the end of the travel and the gaps were eliminated when the wheels slipped. With the Rev. every time the balls would stop feeding and had to wait for the agitator to load them it would leave a large gap in the wheel.

We filled the HALO and shot the gun into the gravel under the trailer at the booth. It shot and shot and kept on shooting until the loader had 10 balls left. It dug a hole in the gravel under the trailer and made a mess of everything. Another hopper later I was completely satisfied the thing was ready to go into production.


More than that this product is super important to AGD because of the ball breaking issue. Now with the changes in the power feed plug and the longer bolt, the only thing that breaks balls in the Mag is not getting the ball in the breach. The damn Rev just can't cut it especially when you short stroke which is the same thing as shooting like 15 bps. This loader will allow vertical feeds to be put as low as possible on the gun instead of needing a tall ball stack. I predict it will eliminate most ball chops in all guns and make the Warp Feed sing with delight.

The molds are being cut now by the same company that made our Warp molds so you know they will be top notch. They are hoping for a fall release. In the mean time Chris and Tex are scheduling a trip up here to Chicago to test the system on our gun dyno to get some real data.

I am excited about this and you should be too, the last days of ball chops are in sight!


08-05-2001, 11:42 PM
thanx TK, ive been waitin for a review on the Halo forever

My Mag can beat your spyder w/ no paint.~~~me

Dont worry if it wasnt for losers like u, There couldnt be winners like me.~~~me

My mag is my mag, not yours, so go get your own one and be happy like me. ~me

08-05-2001, 11:45 PM
...and baby jesus wept... a loader that can keep up with fast firing. Finally something to save us from BE-Viewloader. One question (if you can answer) does it have a nice smooth shape like all the vl type loaders or does it have more sharp angles like the richocet?


Note to self... check on the net... Bill Mills comes thru again... disreguard my question as its answered in pix right here http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/loaders/halo/index.shtml

[This message has been edited by Ground_zer0 (edited 08-06-2001).]

08-05-2001, 11:45 PM
That is sweet!!!! Will this hopper be marketed through AGD, or another company???Please keep us posted on this!!!!

I want one of those, two of those over there, one of those, and oh, oh, and definitely, three of THESE.

08-05-2001, 11:47 PM
now that i am thinkin about it... who else would write such a positive review on a product that they dont even make...

PS. when will the modular e-mags be out in the U S and when r the Aoers gonna come up to visit

My Mag can beat your spyder w/ no paint.~~~me

Dont worry if it wasnt for losers like u, There couldnt be winners like me.~~~me

My mag is my mag, not yours, so go get your own one and be happy like me. ~me

08-05-2001, 11:54 PM
The HALO looks a little bulkier than the Rev. but it's outer dimensions are within about a 1/4 inch of the rev. It will end up about 3 oz heavier than the rev but you get better battery life with the AA batteries. We will not be marketing it but the major distributors have already placed orders.


08-05-2001, 11:54 PM
BE came out with a new board for the revy that does the same thing. It will not wait for there to be a gap in the balls to start spinning or vibrating or what have you.

One bad part about the halo : its maximum capacity for balls is 150rds, the same size as a pod......I guess it wont be bad for warpfeed users who get a extra 20+ balls in thier feed tube, but not for the infedel non-warp users....

08-06-2001, 06:11 AM
All I have to say for Kayle, Brad, BlackVCG is that we want one and are willing to trade someones life for them http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif They rock.

Chris and Tex are great guys, we spent the better part of 2 days picking thier brains and learning how the loader works and all kinda of neat stuff.

Halo will 0\/\/n Vliewloader/Zap/Ricochet


08-06-2001, 06:18 AM
Oh no...there goes the kids College fund... http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

08-06-2001, 06:20 AM
Ewww thats on my to-get list! http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-06-2001, 10:40 AM
yo rob, AGD, or any other AGD ppl... I kno you guys are all for the warp feed and all, but do u think a HALO could finally keep up with an e-mag on a right powerfeed? shotting close to 16bps?

08-06-2001, 10:50 AM
Vil3, sounds like it. But that is awesome. Gonna have to get one of these!

When in doubt, duck. When certain, don't bother, you're already screwed.

08-06-2001, 10:57 AM
Tex and Chris couldn't have asked for a better "plug" than this!

a person
08-06-2001, 11:07 PM
just to heartily annoy the people who say that short messages are crowding the room, one word...


[This message has been edited by Army (edited 08-06-2001).]

08-07-2001, 07:38 PM
guys, check out warpigs review. Might give you some insight.


<img src="http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/loaders/halo/title_HALO.jpg" width=400 height=400 border=0>

(hey bill, i hope you don't mind me using your pic)

08-07-2001, 07:52 PM

I'm in line... Just need to buy a Warp first, and catch up on my game.

RT Pro - Chrome Powerfeed Right
Armageddon 68/4500
KAPP Chrome Apoc Drop Forward
12 vt Revolution
Lapco Aluminum Autospirit 12"

08-07-2001, 08:01 PM
This is very good news for PBer's. I hope the production models will perform as well as the prototypes. I look forward to trying one out this fall...

About the eggolution recall, I need to find out about this. My egg sits on a shelf, never to be used again. The battery door wouldn't hold the batteries ('till I made a bracket and screwed it shut!) and balls just constantly get jammed in it. VERY annoying!

Micro E-Mag in Wild Tiger ~ Conquest 88/4500 ~ PTP Warp Feed
Spyder TL+ ~ LP ~ eLCD ~ AGD Flatline ~ Warp Feed
TL+ ~ a few mods
ICD ThunderCat

08-07-2001, 10:33 PM
Someone said something about finaly being able to get away from BE and viewloader...though I agree with you, and hate bE with a passion...what about the richochet? That has been out for a while.

08-08-2001, 07:05 AM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by Nitroduck:
BE came out with a new board for the revy that does the same thing. It will not wait for there to be a gap in the balls to start spinning or vibrating or what have you.

That is not true.
The X-Board corrects the delay problem found in 1999 and later Revolutions. It still needs a gap in the ball stack to activate. I have 3 X-Boards, and will be doing new time trials this week. For the time delay in the 1999 and later Revys, see - http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/labs/revytimes/index.shtml
The X-Board is also coated to protect it from water damage.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

Computer / Paintball geek
Technical Editor, World And Regional Paintball Information Guide - http://www.WARPIG.com
Producer, Paintball Television - http://www.PigTV.net

08-09-2001, 05:43 PM
Any idea what the MSRP is going to be for one of these? I've bought a Evolution, a 12 Volt Revy, and a Ricochet because I can't find a hopper that works consistently or doesn't fall apart. I'll try anything once especially when the owner of AGD endorses it.

08-09-2001, 05:55 PM
I just wanted to say

ok... other than that.. I now think I have a reason to NEED a warp feed.


minimag #1321

08-09-2001, 06:55 PM
I am pretty sure they are goin to be like 134.95 or something, at www.nationalpb.com (http://www.nationalpb.com) they have them, but a long waiting list

09-02-2001, 07:39 AM

Any new updates on the HALO?


09-02-2001, 12:50 PM
They are taking orders all ready and are supposed to be in full production by World Cup in October. SO probably Christmas time we will all have a new toy!

09-02-2001, 07:22 PM
I would Take that One with the Hyper Frame. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Aim: TacticalJay
Email: [email protected]
Blue Warp Feed
Blue 12 Volt
68ci 3000psi Stub
Lapco Bigshot
12 inch Splashed red AA

09-02-2001, 08:03 PM
I talked to them too at the IAO, they expect to have them available for or around the World Cup.

I also saw it in action on an eMag, and a regular mag, and all I can say is ::drool::.


09-03-2001, 02:13 AM
Since AGD seems to be pretty friendly with these HALO guys/gals, maybe AGD can get a Warp HALO edition where there's room for the hose to fit from the Warp Feeder to the Warp Feed Mag body...