View Full Version : gah impulse chops!

12-23-2002, 09:29 AM
i played yesterday at warzone for toys for tots day and i must admit it was really cool to see that basically everyone brought in a toy(however not alot of people showed up compared to last year because its 4 days before christmas). they are opening up a new field that is also in northkingstown ri thats supposed to be huge(4 5 man airballs that can be changed to 2 10 mans and one 7 man field along with a massive rec ball with villages etc with constant recycles and 2+ hour games) the only catch is they have to switch to field paint only but the max they would charge is 65$(they are charging the exact amount paintball supply shack does and thats the most expensive they charge).

now ill get to my new rat impulse. first game i was having problems shooting it and could only shoot 3 slow shots then had to wait a couple seconds before i could shoot again or else id end up loading like 20 balls into the barrel(my group of 3 still managed to take go up the road to the flag and bring it to the base which was completley surrounded by the other team). i found out that i screwed in the lpr the wrong way and it was working fine.

so then i played the next game and my rev being the garbage it was made me chop after every 5 or so shots if i tried to shoot decently fast.

then i go to get my tank filled and nick(the field owner) says he has a halo he'd sell me for $50 so i scrapped up some money from my friend james(i would owe him $40 now but my friend mike owes me $100 so hes gunna give james that $40 and me $60)

i bought the halo and spent the whole next game only shooting 3 balls at a time because i didnt know how to turn the halo on.

after that game he told me how to turn it on and it was so weird i kept either holding the button too long or not enough and ended up spending another 20 minutes until the game started trying to turn it on.

then i got it on for the next game and when i start really trying to shoot fast it would still chop(after like 20 shot though) and then because the problems i was having with earlier and the day was over i had almost a half a case of evil left and it was the end of the season i shot a hopper and a pod to empty my tank and gave the rest to a friend. lets just say i was shooting faster than i thought was possible and i was chopping so much there was this massive mist of orange in the air and about the equivilant of about 100 paintballs contents litterally flooding out of my freak.

everyone was impressed i could out shoot a halo a with brand new batteries yet it was kinda annoying though because id like to shoot fast without chopping on such massive proportions or go a whole day with out a broken ball at all!!! anyone know how to get it to stop that!!!(also we have halo b's on order from the hardware store that sponsored us so someone else would get the halo a when they come in)

P.S. this is where cphil comes in and makes fun of my $750 blender with another $500+ worth of stuff on it

12-23-2002, 10:19 AM


12-23-2002, 10:22 AM
:D Good story.

12-23-2002, 10:32 AM
No vision I suppose? Was the HALO a HALO A? I've only heard good about Rats until now.

12-23-2002, 10:35 AM
hey FMO, i bought a custom impulse from EPBO too (not a rat, just a custom built imp) and you're right, those things rip!! were u using a halo A? did you have ahighrise or a lowrise?

sounds like the only problem you had was with your hopper not being fast enough.

first game i was having problems shooting it and could only shoot 3 slow shots then had to wait a couple seconds before i could shoot again or else id end up loading like 20 balls into the barrel

could you explain more what was happening, i dont quite understand what you were trying to say

12-23-2002, 10:52 AM
what was happening was the lpr was over pressurizing the solinoid or some bejaz like that and would only cycle half way so if i kept pulling the trigger it would constantly load balls but not fire. i fixed that so im not worried with that its the chopping i never seem to get a gun that can fire fast without breaking balls or chopping(my mag doesnt but i can only shoot decently fast with it)

lol and quite shartley and phil :p and it did happen to be a halo a with lowrise but he did some modifications to it so it feeds as fast as a halo b aparently

12-23-2002, 11:05 AM
This is the first I heard of a bad story about Rats. My take, is that you freaked up the gun, like you said you messed up the LPR or something, or its the hopper. Even when I had my stock impy, I shot like mad and no chops. So its your gun

12-23-2002, 11:19 AM
yeah it aint the guns fault im seriously shooting way too fast it seems. im gotta send it to epbo anyway he had one problem with someone with a brass hammer which comes on most of them where it was grabing the buffer oring or something like that and it could potentially damage the ram assembly so he wants people to send them back and ill probably get vision installed with it or have him reconfigure it

12-23-2002, 11:37 AM
Cool. Once thats done, it should shoot like a beauty.

11-13-2003, 05:36 PM
no way.your gun is being g*y. it wasnt feeding because of thepool of paint in the breech. thats all. your not that fast..lol. get rid of your impy you need a more laimens type gun. bye!

11-13-2003, 06:13 PM
What the hell? Why'd you do that Neo

11-13-2003, 06:24 PM
errrr ok...

it was the guns fault and i sold it for precisely that reason funny how i dont have a problem shooting my emag or my gz at even faster speeds with the same halo b though...

11-13-2003, 07:33 PM
you need vision my friend

Archangel Kid
11-13-2003, 07:39 PM
you need to realize this thread is almost a year old, and he said he sold the imp :rolleyes:

11-13-2003, 08:04 PM
heh i didnt even notice my self, untill i looked at the date rofl

11-13-2003, 08:15 PM
maybe i should delete this before i get any more responses telling me i shouldnt get stuff because its not as good as something that wasnt even in mentioned at the time i had this problem lol

11-13-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Archangel Kid
you need to realize this thread is almost a year old, and he said he sold the imp :rolleyes:

Thats why I said what I did