View Full Version : Pump kits for everyone! new idea

09-02-2001, 07:55 PM
i just had a pretty cool idea. well, actually i had it about 6 months ago, but this made me think of it http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif. most of you probably don't remember me, but those of you who do, its good to be back. anyways, i just read this post about how the pump kits are one of the most saught after mag upgrades that people look for. the reason they are no longer made, is that they really altered the way the mag was designed to perform. this caused a number of problems. i.e. a football player could play baseball...just not well. what i was thinking, is that with the new electronic features of the emag, an electro pump kit could be designed. with the simplicity of removal of the batery by field strip screw, an adaption could easily be attatched and removed at will. all that this would really require, is a new chip and a pump. if someone wrote a chip with, say, 2 modes on it, we'd be all set. in one mode, the gun functions normaly in semi automatic. in the other mode, it is required that a second micro switch behind the pump be actuated to allow the gun to fire one shot. i doubt this would be very difficult to do. for that matter, with different springs and a screw, the pumping motion could be made as short or long, and as soft or heavy as the user desires. if some crafting went into it, the batery could probably be used as the pump grip it self. with the new site having all the agd staff people around, this idea may actually be looked at. think about it, all the tourny players with emags who like to play pump sometimes have a backup gun. the concept of an electric pump gun has never yet been implicated, due to the extreme cost. but if the rest of the gun and electronics are already there, it wouldn't cost anywhere near as much. hell, people are paying 200 bucks and up offline for one of the standard mag pump kits. anyways, if you read this tom, or any of the agd staff or forum go-ers reads this, give me some feed back. and btw, this is 100% my idea as i have been dreaming this since the original release of the angel. like i said before, its great to be back!

09-02-2001, 07:57 PM
Sounds 'spensive, but... a plan in the making, eh?

68 Classic w/Powerfeed
Smart Parts Magic Box Installed on A.I.R.
Green Small Bore All American 12"
KAPP Air Through Grip & Drop Foward
67ci 3000psi Chubby Nitro
9volt VL
AGD user for life

Ni cD
09-02-2001, 08:32 PM
Welcome back Morph...

Sounds like a neat idea, but I doubt it would be a big seller. BTW, didn't I see something like this in the Matrix forum on PBC?

09-02-2001, 08:43 PM
yup http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif that was me

09-02-2001, 09:31 PM
Hmm... interesting an electro pump. Definitely interesting.

Death smiles on us all. The only thing we can do is smile back. --Maximus

09-02-2001, 09:40 PM
You would first have to find out what a pump is defined as. Using a microswitch on a handle is in all likelihood not classified as a pump. If it were, it would most likely be banned from pump games and tournaments, due to its ability to achieve a rate of fire significantly greater then that of other pumps.

[This message has been edited by PyRo (edited 09-02-2001).]

09-02-2001, 11:37 PM
it is almost IMPOSSIBLE for a pump automag to be classified as a true pump, as the rules usually state a pump action consisting of a mechanical action to open and close a breach, chambering a ball.

an automag pump does not do that.

However, a microswitch pump will drive them NUTS. the pump purists already hate PA pumps, a microswitch pump would just boil their bottoms. Here's what i suggest.

TWO microswitches. One at the beginning at a pump stroke, one at the end. a spring to add tension. once the trigger is actuated, the first microswitch at the end of the pump stroke must be activated, THEN the one at the beginning must be activated and held down for the trigger microswitch to drop the sear.

pump stroke should be a little over an inch in length, with maybe 7 or 8 pounds of tension.

09-03-2001, 12:20 AM
Cheating would be a major obstacle to the production of such a marker. What is to stop someone from coming up with a meathod of putting this in a semi auto mode.

For example it would be fairly easy to set up something so that half way through the pump stroke, you could rotate or twist the pump handle, crossing some wires comming off the switch, causing the board to think that both switches are depressed, giving it the go ahead to fire. Now you have not just a semi, but an electro doing 13bps in a pump game.
I think that the best bet for an electro pump, is to take a current pump desing, or something similar, and use an electric grip frame similar to the hyperframe.

09-03-2001, 09:04 AM
Considering the small size of pump tournaments, and the rarity of pump-only fields, I think someone who would actually take the time to do this wouldn't want to ruin it for him in the future... i mean what benefit does cheating allow when he already has the scrutiny of the rest of the field?

especially considering it isn't hard to tell a pump from a rapid firing semi... well, most of the time.