View Full Version : Hey Tom Who was ed head of the Jax Warriors?

08-29-2001, 09:17 PM
I saw the e-mag on warpig, who was he? what did he do for jax warriors??? How long did he do it?

you ever notice how elves do everyting???

08-29-2001, 09:18 PM
Magman and I were wondering this. Who is he and what happened?

If you run, you will only be marked tired

08-30-2001, 02:14 PM
I felt great sadness when my friend of over a decade, Ed Head, passed away last month. When he was in intensive care I flew to Florida exclusively to see him. I brought with me the red and black fade Emag that we made just for him. He did open his eyes for a minute and saw me and the gun and squeezed my hand in appreciation.

Ed had radiation therapy for a life threatening cancer when he was 18 years old in the 60's. The radiation treatment saved his life then but aged his internal organs which lead to his recent death. He lived decades longer than anyone else with the same cancer so that was good.

Ed was special to all of us here at AGD because he was our very first customer for the Automag. When he heard about the gun he flew to Chicago just to see the prototype and ordered one on the spot, cost no object. Since that first meeting Ed and I had been through many paintball adventures, talked strategy and played big games together. He also made possible one of the biggest highlights of my life when he snuck me into a military F18 simulator inside a 30 foot dome. He didn't even take a ride himself in order that I could have more time.

Ed was a great friend and most importantly a paintball player that stood up for fair play, rules and values. He and his team always represented the sport in the best possible light, something that seems rarer today.

He was a great friend, I am proud to have known him, he will be missed by all of us.

Rest well my friend,


08-30-2001, 06:24 PM
Eddie was my best friend for eleven years. Someone whom I trusted and loved. He was the Captain of the Jax Warriors for many years and dearly loved to play paintball. He was unique in that he led by example and NEVER compromised his beliefs. He was indeed a rare breed and I will try to emulate him in sport and in life and honor him in my heart and my prayers.

Fare thee well my friend....Fare thee well..

08-30-2001, 06:40 PM
i didnt even know him, yet it was a nice tribute to him and it looked like he was well liked by the whole team, by the looks and sounds of things, the paintball community will miss him forever.

Gotta Love The Smilies :) have a nice day

08-30-2001, 09:11 PM
That is a cool tribute. I am sorry for your loss. I became a fan of Jax Warriors when I joined Team Rave. Larry V. is the brother-in-law of my captain. I watched them win in Nashville and I am sure that Mr. Head was very proud of it. To all of the Warriors, remember he will ALWAYS be on the field with you now and watching over you!

Team Rave is shown in the tribute to Mr. Head. The pic of us posing with the Warriors after their win at Nashville. It is the one in the middle where there are three pics.

Hey SlackJaw...how ya feeling?

Jay Austin
Team Rave

My paint...it looks good on you!!!!


08-30-2001, 11:24 PM
well i just fotnd out that Ed was the founder and captain of the jax warriors for 10 years, let me say i am sorry for the warriors loss and i wish them all well.

you ever notice how elves do everyting???

08-30-2001, 11:59 PM
Ed Head was the founder and captain of the Jax Warriors.

check out this tribute to Mr. Head on the Jax Warrior's site.


09-03-2001, 08:14 AM
Pretty well..Thanks!

09-03-2001, 09:21 AM
Good to hear.

Jay Austin
Team Rave

My paint...it looks good on you!!!!
