View Full Version : Virus'

12-23-2002, 04:48 PM
Do people really get a kick out of trashing another computer..and in some cases costing people hundreds of dollars to repair or buy a new computer..I just think thats really stupid that people waste their time on something that can ruin some's computer..and in our case it messed up my dad's business...He does a lot of typing and order forms on this comp and it put him out for about 2 weeks

12-23-2002, 04:52 PM
wow, that sucks dude, sry to hear it. hope he gets back on track.

ive had quite a few virus' causing me to reformat.

12-23-2002, 04:53 PM
man, thats messed up..im sorry..well, i think its a waste of someones time to make one for screwin up some1's comp...its sad to see what they world has become

12-23-2002, 05:01 PM
It happens... sucks when it does. Partly why you gotta keep your stuff constantly backed up... and make sure you have preventative measures in place.

12-23-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
Do people really get a kick out of trashing another computer..and in some cases costing people hundreds of dollars to repair or buy a new computer..I just think thats really stupid that people waste their time on something that can ruin some's computer..and in our case it messed up my dad's business...He does a lot of typing and order forms on this comp and it put him out for about 2 weeks That bites.
I am "in the biz." and I know about it, believe me. The challenge is that many "kids" want to "get even" with people and places, and that is EXACTLY the mentality of the immature little wanna-be, attention getters that create those and release them on purpose. It's kids like the ones on the "how do I get even thread" or like ones that on mirc ar proud that they can write a batch file (trojan horse) that will destroy data and get even with "stupid" IT people.

It is rediculous and immature, but they are out there and there are even some on this forum with that attitude, and given the chance, they would probably do it if they could. It's really too bad that the only safe computer system is the one that can't be used.

The best thing is preventative. Backups, backups of your backups and keeping up to date (daily if necessary) on teh antivirus software (and if you don't have antivirus software, then you probably don't wear a cup when you play paintball either). :)

Hope your dad gets everything back and running.

12-23-2002, 08:33 PM
I dont back up my stuff.. mostly because my stuff consists of games I can reinstall easily, that I have not gotten far enough in to worry about backing up saved files, random music, AIM, and TOTALLY random pictures like this that I dont know why I have..

12-23-2002, 08:33 PM
yea, hackers suck. i work at a retail chain, and our system got hacked and they printed off a bunch of fake pay checks. so the company gave the banks the numbers of the fake checks printed off so they coulnd't be cashed, unfortuantely, they gave them some valid check no.'s as well, which means many employees have to send their checks to the HQ in california to have them verified, which is a pain in the *** if you need the money the day you get paid....

12-23-2002, 08:48 PM
and now for the 2nd time

i didnt do it....
no one saw me do it....
cant prove anything.....

but that does suck i feel for you..... how did it get there if you know.... from "online" or from a bad disk.....

and now a message from one of our mods that i had nothing to do with regaurding this :D :D

Army wrote on 12-23-2002 09:29 PM:
DUDE! I'm so sorry. I meant to "quote" you, but hit edit out of habit=(

I'm such a boob sometimes! Please, repost what you wrote, Ill delete my screw-up.

Sorry, Dave

i though that was funny.... esp considering this thread =)

12-23-2002, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
(and if you don't have antivirus software, then you probably don't wear a cup when you play paintball either). :)

Hope your dad gets everything back and running.

i don;t wear a cup when i paintball, but i do have and antivirus programe on my comp. its sad really sad what the world has come to. now people can trashing other people comp casue they can't find a better way to get back at someone. in the past year i have gotten two virus one was from a bad file and the other was in an email. now i don't read my email if i don't know who ent it. you have to be safe. the only thing you can do is to have backup files, and programs , and to get an antivirus. and even now there are virus that destroy the antivirus and thats what i got. and i don't really understand why people think its funny to do this. i would like to see one of the hackers get a virus and see how they like.

12-23-2002, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
Do people really get a kick out of trashing another computer..and in some cases costing people hundreds of dollars to repair or buy a new computer..I just think thats really stupid that people waste their time on something that can ruin some's computer..and in our case it messed up my dad's business...He does a lot of typing and order forms on this comp and it put him out for about 2 weeks

Kind of like how you get a kick out of covering peoples windows in molasses costing them hundreds of dollars of repair?

Maybe your dad shouldn't be downloading random files from strangers especially without virus scanning them. I guess he learned the hard way :rolleyes:

12-23-2002, 09:49 PM
HAHAHAHHAAAA! Yes virus, very appropriate:)

12-24-2002, 12:10 AM
hacking = bad

viruses = 18 reformats and 3 new computers

me = not real hacker... i just have jokes that just close out of a program or something along that line... nothing deadly

but i do know where to get the deadly stuff... www.blackcode.com :eek:

12-24-2002, 12:38 AM
I find hacking very interesting. I guess that depends on your definition of hacking though. Most people think of viruses when they hear hacking. It's the malicious hackers that are trouble. You can hack and not be malicious at all. I'm very careful with the security of my server. I've gotten a virus before. Did a bunch of stuff to the server. Kinda neat actually. It was from my own carelessness though. I didn't stay up to date on all the patches and stuff. It's my own fault. I've broken into a few systems before. When I get in, I tell the administrator about the security hole. It's just fun to try to break in.

The government just got lucky. I believe they left an open proxy, and someone found out it was the governments. Instead of trying to access government files (which he could have), he made it known to the admins that there was a problem. He's a hacker, doesn't seem bad to me.

I feel bad for your dad, but he's kinda lucky. It could have ended up more like Xerces said. They could have stolen money or something. Keep up to date on patches, antivirus software, and backups. Most of all though, don't be stupid. If you don't know what something is, don't open it.

*edit* - Oh yeah, blackcode rules, I love that site

12-24-2002, 01:09 AM
I can only imagine what's going to happen at my school soon when teachers are going to start posting and doing grades on the internet. I can just imagine.

12-24-2002, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by gimp
I find hacking very interesting. I guess that depends on your definition of hacking though. Most people think of viruses when they hear hacking. It's the malicious hackers that are trouble. You can hack and not be malicious at all. I'm very careful with the security of my server. I've gotten a virus before. Did a bunch of stuff to the server. Kinda neat actually. It was from my own carelessness though. I didn't stay up to date on all the patches and stuff. It's my own fault. I've broken into a few systems before. When I get in, I tell the administrator about the security hole. It's just fun to try to break in.

The government just got lucky. I believe they left an open proxy, and someone found out it was the governments. Instead of trying to access government files (which he could have), he made it known to the admins that there was a problem. He's a hacker, doesn't seem bad to me.

I feel bad for your dad, but he's kinda lucky. It could have ended up more like Xerces said. They could have stolen money or something. Keep up to date on patches, antivirus software, and backups. Most of all though, don't be stupid. If you don't know what something is, don't open it.

*edit* - Oh yeah, blackcode rules, I love that site

Hacking IS interesting but i don't see why poeple spend hours upon hours on a computer just to mess up someone else's computer. We do have norton, but i guess the worm got to the program before our regular scan turned on.

12-24-2002, 04:13 AM
All the "hackers" that I know goes into computer security. Granted that there are a few bad seeds out there but the majority of them are good. The best way to learn computer security is to "break" into a system. During the 80's and 90's, having your own little network was expensive. But now, it's cheaper to make your own. Remember Linux is free to download. Lately, there has been a push to hack your own or each other and to stay away from business systems. People are trying to make "hackers" look better but have been heavily marred by the bad ones. Personally, I believe that the average "hacker" is good. It's the "hackers" that are criminals that I dispise(sp). They are the ones that give "hackers" a bad name.


note: I have hackers in quotes because it's a general term. There are phreakers, crackers, script kiddies, etc. Also it's the wrong term. Hacker was originally a term used for a type of programmer. But that's another thread.