View Full Version : RT Pro price drop

09-01-2001, 06:57 AM
How much do you think, if at all, the RT Pro would drop in price between now and about Jan? At the end of October im leaving for Marine Corps basic training. Right now i have no gun and was wondering if it would be worth it to buy it now so it's there when I get back or just wait and buy it when im done with training. What do you guys think?

Peanut The Paintballer
09-01-2001, 08:17 AM
Well by then that years models will be out and normal price. But I am sure you can find last years model brand new for a bit cheaper.

09-01-2001, 02:40 PM
When you join the marines isn't it like at least a 3 or 4 year service? If that's the case I would just wait until your done, there will probably be a whole new rt gun out by then.

09-01-2001, 02:55 PM
Yeah it's 4 years but there's still weekends and vacation. But who knows where i'll be and i don't know the rules on bringing that kind of stuff with me. I just got a flatline tank and new barrel and sold my gun for an RT Pro.

09-01-2001, 03:41 PM
Semper Fi http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

Reactor Valve
BenchMark 2x
LabVert Adapter
Dye Gas Thru Grip
Dye 14 in Boomstick
Warp Feed
Stock Bolt
RT Valve
E-Lcd or hyper Frame
ANS Venturi
Some Sort of paint job
10in BoomStick

"our guns are better because we care enough to make them as good as we can. Now don't take my word for it, go over to the Spyder forum and ask the president of that company why his guns are better than Mags. When he gives you an answer come back here and tell us about it."
Tom Kaye

09-01-2001, 05:59 PM
Semper Fi Kane.
You might want to wait until you find out where you're going to be stationed. If they send you to the Phillipines or Cuba you wouldn't get much use out of it. If you're stateside, you'll have to find someone to keep it at their house since they don't allow them in the barracks. They wanted them kept in the armory (yeah right!).

PaintPalooza Extreme Media (http://www.paintpalooza.com)

09-02-2001, 12:35 AM
I would recommend waiting till after boot camp to purchase the paintball gun. That way, you will have more options available to you. The newer production RT Pros will come with the intelliframe standard and the new Flatline 4500 should be out by then.

RT Pro P/F
w/ AGD Flatline

09-02-2001, 12:37 AM
And if you get stationed in Camp Pendelton, there is a nice field on base!!!

Black Teflon E-mag
Grey Body Retro Mag
Warp feed
10" total Freak
Centerflag 201 68/45k

09-02-2001, 01:11 AM
I can see transfer scripts pouring in for Camp Pendelton tomorrow, and some poor clerk going "What the HECK is up in Pendelton??!!" ... heheh.

09-03-2001, 10:26 AM
KANE..I was in the NAVY, and played paintball regularly when I was enlisted. I did not investigate, so I will fill u in. Register and store the marker in the base Armory. The whole controversy about markers, and if they qualify as firearms, well in the military they do. You can get it whenever you want to, and there are usually others around...I played with Navy Seals at PAintball Sams in Michigan.

Good Luck and SEMPER FI http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

"You want a shot at the title?"
RTP00440, Benchmark Offset Adj. HPA Cradle, Pro-Connect, 12"AA, 12"DYE SS, 12"Boomie, 14"JJ Ceramic, 68/4500 NitroDuck Tuffy, 12Revvie, Warp.
Team ArchAngels
No Skill, No Talent, Just Heart" ~ Oh Pawlak