View Full Version : "In Your Face" paintball movie

12-23-2002, 11:13 PM
I just got an e-mail talking about this new movie, In Your Face. i've heard about it before; basically a full-lenght movie about a 5-man speedball team. i was just wondering if anybody has seen it, and if so, if it's worth getting.

12-23-2002, 11:21 PM
umm this was posted already somewhere else...

12-23-2002, 11:32 PM
yeah it was...but i got rid of it there and put it here instead, becuz i thought this forum was a more logical place for it.

12-24-2002, 11:51 AM
i think it looks stupid. too much cheezyness and not enough paintball. paintball isnt a very good carrier for an already thin plot line. it might as well be a 3 man curling team

12-24-2002, 02:14 PM
I've heard it was really bad. But what happened to "speedBall" the movie?


12-24-2002, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Brak
it might as well be a 3 man curling team
just for the record...curling rox!!!! lol

alrite so i won't waste my money...unless ANYBODY thinks it's worth it...??

and i heard a reference to <i>speedball</i> just today, the guy said the website was www.speedball.com but when i checked it out it was nuthin. too bad.

12-24-2002, 07:02 PM
www.speedball.com splits into a flash and html site. The flash version is down but the html version is up and running. Nothing has been updated since 2k.


paint magnet
12-24-2002, 08:06 PM
BTW, on the movie poster the guy doesn't have his barrel plug in. And he's wearing camo. ( I mean come on he doens't want to be seen, he wants to blend in witht he bright orange inflatable bunkers, right? )

12-24-2002, 09:36 PM
Yup, this has to be the gayest movie ever. After you watch the trailor at:


And yo still think it looks interesting...you have no place on earth :)

Seriously, its so corny. In the trailor, it has bad acting, and its so fake. At one paintball game, one guy got elimnated another team mate grabbed him and used him as a human shield!!!1 WTF?~?~ You dont grab your team mates that got shot and grab there beck and use them as a human shield!

12-24-2002, 09:43 PM
Reminds me of the crap rolling blading movies of the early 90's ...

Although I have to say there are some fine looking girls in the movie ...


12-24-2002, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
Reminds me of the crap rolling blading movies of the early 90's ...

Although I have to say there are some fine looking girls in the movie ...


Ya lol, all they got is good looking girls.

12-24-2002, 10:00 PM
well now...maybe i'll be taking my hard-earned twenty bucks elsewhere!!

12-24-2002, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by BobTheCow63
well now...maybe i'll be taking my hard-earned twenty bucks elsewhere!!

lol :D

12-24-2002, 11:59 PM
I think the whole cast needs to go back to remedial paintball school..most of those noobs can't even hold their markers right...they look like a bunch of 12 year olds at a birthday party playing recball...

It would have been smarter for them to get a young tourney team with half decent looking people who could at least act like they can act..and then throw in some hotties to spice it up...

adam shannon
12-25-2002, 12:01 AM
that is sooooo sad. i am really glad to see that that waste of celulose production was given a blue warp fed X-mag...no wonder i cant get one, they are all going to movie crews that want to set paintball back 10 years in the eyes of the public.

you can see the x-mag in the first trailer where the guy holds his teammate as a shield.

12-25-2002, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I think the whole cast needs to go back to remedial paintball school..most of those noobs can't even hold their markers right...they look like a bunch of 12 year olds at a birthday party playing recball...

lol i know. And they are all diving and shiznit like this is the military, and if they drop there gun, it wont hurt it. :rolleyes:

12-25-2002, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by adam shannon
that is sooooo sad. i am really glad to see that that waste of celulose production was given a blue warp fed X-mag...no wonder i cant get one, they are all going to movie crews that want to set paintball back 10 years in the eyes of the public.

you can see the x-mag in the first trailer where the guy holds his teammate as a shield.

LOl yeah that sucks. Budd Ore and Tom Kaye were like in it too and gave them cockers and mags.

12-25-2002, 12:16 AM
right now I couldn't even see Blockbuster carrying this movie..I mean...jeez..you can at least get the Dolph Lundgren Punisher Movie for rent at blockbuster..but this thing...sorry...horrible story with even worse execution..it's ol' yellar time for this baby..

12-25-2002, 12:21 AM
oh this is the movie that tom said he was in...well atleast here are hot chicks in it...i might buy it for the hell of it.

12-25-2002, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by paintslinger
oh this is the movie that tom said he was in...well atleast here are hot chicks in it...i might buy it for the hell of it.

No you must not. Seriously, no one should buy it, if people buy it, the company might think its good and make a sequal.

12-25-2002, 03:32 AM
No..we must bring these hotties to Ao and show them what real paintball is like..yes..that must be done...*goes back to hatching his master plan*

12-25-2002, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
No..we must bring these hotties to Ao and show them what real paintball is like..yes..that must be done...*goes back to hatching his master plan*

LOL :) :D

12-25-2002, 01:18 PM
Nice job guys!! This is PERFECT!! You should go ahead and trash it because that way no one will ever invest in paintball movies AGAIN!

If you want paintball mainstream I guarantee you Mel Gibson is not going to step up and do one without seeing it make money somewhere else.

Sure you have the right to diss it if it sucks but don't complain if its the last one you ever see.....


12-25-2002, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Nice job guys!! This is PERFECT!! You should go ahead and trash it because that way no one will ever invest in paintball movies AGAIN!

If you want paintball mainstream I guarantee you Mel Gibson is not going to step up and do one without seeing it make money somewhere else.

Sure you have the right to diss it if it sucks but don't complain if its the last one you ever see.....


Come on tom, we know you were in it. But if you werent, and you saw this like we are by trailors, wouldnt you think it sucks?

12-25-2002, 01:39 PM
People trashed SW: Episode One and yet they went and made Episode Two ... :)

Honestly though I dont know any movie about a specific subject that actually survies interrogation by people who are familiar to that subject.

Like I said prior, when rollerblading was big they made several movies about it which most people who bladed thought sucked.

From what I have seen in the preview the movie does appear to be a joke ... akin to the likes of Hot Shots, Airplane, et al. I will hold full comment till I see the full movie. There are scenes of one character using another as a human shield?!?!?! Oh yeah just what I want the mothers of America to see before deciding if their son/daughter can go play.

There are several scenes of unmasked people with un-blocked barrels, looks like people using their backyard kids toys as bunkers without thought of the surrounding houses, etc. While I am for a movie that has paintball as part of it, they should really give more thought to the technical advisor then they usually do. Like they did with Saving Pvt. Ryan, which got a very good and very detailed military advisor for the whole movie. Companies should invest in a good paintball advisor, not so much for the gear, but for the safety aspect.

Overall I think this is a movie that isnt going to benefit the culture, and until they can make a movie that does I purely happy with www.forceofnature.com movies of games.


12-25-2002, 03:00 PM
I do own it, Sarah and I suffered through nearly 1.5 hours of it, and now we are more dumb because of it.

Sorry Tom, but this will do nothing to promote, nor encourage any more films on paintball. The premise, while standard fare, was poorly executed with plot lines that never built the characters, among many other flaws.

The poster shows the main character, Todd, coming off their outlaw woods field, the face at the top left is the antagonist, and the face at top right is the ex-British SAS hero who shows the rookie team how to use their inner strengths to defeat the uber-cheater-wipers-local-store-sponsored team. The "bad" team are all rich snobs, the leader of which has that aforementioned 'Mag with blue halo and Warp, the rest have an assortment of 'Cockers and, I think, an Impulse. The "good" team all have Spyders or Tippy's.

The rookie team plays and practices in one member's back yard in town (here's where it starts to get bad), with NO netting or anything to stop balls from hitting the very near by houses. The first game is quickly over, after one boy is hit in the crotch (with the expected slow drop moan to the ground), and a very silly chase around a childs plastic slide set. As they are discussing the upcoming "big tourney", a shot comes from nowhere, hitting another boy. This comes from a girl that wants to be on the team, but isn't allowed because she is a girl so she can't be serious. Tired plot line.

As they are practicing one day, a "mysterious stranger" shows up and takes them all out, by magically appearing where they least expect him to. Yet another tired plot line. Being an ex special forces soldier, he shows them how to snap shoot, move like the wind, use the terrain to their advantage, and to do cool Ninja rolls into the bunkers, all the while speaking in a sexy Aussie accent, while claimning to be Brit.....sad....and a tired plot. (I won't mention the inevitable love plot between the Brit and the hero's big sister)

Of course, comes the day of the tourney (winning team gets 100% sponsorship), there are "xen-moments" of conscious and conviction, but get together at last to pull of a slim victory..did I mention that's a tired plot line? The victory is shortlived however, as the anti-hero emerges totally clean, after a 3 hit with orange paint, shoots the hero, and is declared the winner....yes, the refs didn't see the hit, even though only three player were left. The tourney sponsor DID see the hits AND the wipe, and declares the rookie team the winners during the awards ceremonies, much to the anger and chagrin of the snob team, who only NOW thinks the bad guy is a jerk, the final tired plot line.

Throughout the entire movie, is an almost non-stop string of profanity, including from the "younger brother" who is praised when he calls the bad guy a nasty name. The foul language just wasn't needed, and will be one of, if not the real reason, that most parents will be shocked that their little johnny plays such a dirty game. The entire movie is shot on video (the trailers not only look cheesy, but are excerpts from the actual movie), giving it a very amateur look (however, the video editing was done rather well). The shot on video is another reason why people will question the $20 price tag, when you can now get "We Were Soldiers" for $9.99.

The tired plots, semi-pro acting, poor choice in videography, extensive cussing, all too many safety violations, and being way too expensive, will keep this film on the joke list.

However, Tom and Bud's cameos were OK, 'cept Bud sounded scripted. Tom took to his other personna, "Mr. Microphone-Man", with ease. So if you want to get it just to have a small piece of AGD history, cool. But avoid this poop pile for any other reason. It doesn't promote paintball, it laughs at it.

12-25-2002, 03:13 PM
Thanks for the info army. Even at the trailor, all i heard was the "b word" this and the "b word" that. This does look like an immature movie, and shouldn't of been made.

(*EDIT* Didn't need the quote, my post was big enough as it is! Army)

12-25-2002, 04:25 PM
I haven't seen much more than the trailer, and well, it's all I have to go on. It looks horrible and I'm sure they had the best intentions but it just looks like they have no idea whatsoever about paintball. I'm sorry that the movie turned so bad it reminds me about the early skateboarding movie, Gleaming the Cube, with Christian Slater. They could have just as easily made this movie about an other "extreme" sport but chose paintball because they would be first.

12-25-2002, 09:44 PM
obviously, AO as a whole is against this movie, simply cuz it sux (or so i'm hearing). wut's funny is, on LiveJournal i am hearing pretty much good things, altho none of them have seen it. they say it "looks good." i can't judge the trailor for myself, i have only 56k. and i obviously haven't seen the movie...so i'm assuming those pour souls over in LJ-world are just...well...WRONG??!!

12-31-2002, 12:29 AM

come on guys, hasn't ANYBODY else seen it, or at leat heard about it, that can vouche for it??

12-31-2002, 12:32 AM
Well..I'm going to the Premier this weekend in Anaheim Hills (near Disneyland) with Todd Martinez and Keely..so..I'm going to take a poll from everyone after they see it to see what they think....

12-31-2002, 12:42 AM
nice. don't forget to post your findings!!

12-31-2002, 11:25 AM
anybody else?? anybody at all??

this really intrigues me, as i have talked to a few (VERY few) ppl who seem to like it, but are very defensive about how good it is. and then over here on AO...EVERYBODY (except for tom, of course) is dissin it like crazy!! i'd really like more from anybody who has actually seen it.

curiosity killed the cow...new motto, perhaps?? lol

01-14-2003, 03:28 PM
just bringin this back from the dead, cuz dirty bunny said he was gonna see it and then report back.
on a seperate note: MY 69TH POST!! lol good number.:D

01-14-2003, 04:22 PM
omg stop upping this, you got your answer :)

01-14-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by BobTheCow63
anybody else?? anybody at all??

this really intrigues me, as i have talked to a few (VERY few) ppl who seem to like it, but are very defensive about how good it is. and then over here on AO...EVERYBODY (except for tom, of course) is dissin it like crazy!! i'd really like more from anybody who has actually seen it.

curiosity killed the cow...new motto, perhaps?? lol

sorry. 10 people doens't justify for the couple THOUSAND registered on AO.
ok so 10 people hate the movie. big deal, theres only about a couple ten thousand people that play the sport.
i, haven't seen the movie. i've watched the trailers and it hasn't made me think twice about watching it.

i agree with Tom and his post. ok movie might be bad, he can acknowledge that, but OBVIOUSLY he knows why he participated in the movie. the soul purpose of it being a paintball MOVIE that could inspire other directors to go 'oh hey, i can make a better version of that', and then it gets the sport out a lot.. lot more. i'm sure this is what TOm saw in the whole movie...

01-16-2003, 09:33 PM
umm...i meant "everybody" in the sense of everybody that had replied. i assume the ratio of ppl in the entire sport of ppl who like it compared to ppl who don't is the same of those who have commented here...

err, ok, that made sense in my head...follow along if you like...

basically the only reason i made such a big deal out of this was cuz money is REALLY tight for me, and spending $20 or $25 on a piece of crap movie that i'll only watch once and then do anything to get rid of...that's just not gonna cut it.

01-16-2003, 09:57 PM
Jeez, the trailor did make me feel stoopid. Man, I could make a better movie. In fact, I will, as soon as I finish film school. I promise to make the coolest paintball movie ever. None of this immature I swear alot, I cheat alot, noob movie.(oh, and the team that are the "good guys" will all be shooting mags) In fact, if I get a big enough budget, I might get a few pro teams in on it. Well, we'll see after another 4 years......

01-17-2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by automagfreek
Jeez, the trailor did make me feel stoopid. Man, I could make a better movie. In fact, I will, as soon as I finish film school. I promise to make the coolest paintball movie ever. None of this immature I swear alot, I cheat alot, noob movie.(oh, and the team that are the "good guys" will all be shooting mags) In fact, if I get a bit enough budget, I might get a few pro teams in on it. Well, we'll see after another 4 years......

Just remember, we here at AO have long memories and we will hold you to your promise. ;)

Seriously though, good luck.


01-17-2003, 12:55 PM
Thank You!!:)
I DO NOT plan on achieving anything less than Hollwood, no matter what the cost. And yeah, you can hold me to that promise, and I also promise that if I do make a paintball movie, AO members will be the first to view it. Like I said, after 4 years.....

01-17-2003, 03:34 PM
to VIEW it? no! we wanna be IN it!

01-17-2003, 11:04 PM
LOL this is awesome!! good memory, INDEED!!
*waits expectantly*

01-18-2003, 01:14 AM
Alright, sure! If I get a budget and the go ahead in like 4 years, sure, any AO member can be in it. That's my promise. Now, to graduate film school!!!!!