View Full Version : 2003 shocker looks like a mag??

Matrix or RT
12-24-2002, 12:25 AM

wow the 2003 shockers are dead sexy

Still the same accuracy and distance,18 bps,2000 shots off 68ci 45psi tank,A LOT lighter,sleeker design everything.just dead sexy.once reviews come out i may look into one of these instead of a Emag but i dunno

12-24-2002, 12:27 AM
yeah, thats the first thign me and chris(misfit) said , it looks very similar to an emag or mag in general, but o well.


12-24-2002, 12:28 AM
Wow, I really liked Shockers too.

With a vert Maxflo, its ugly- but ya can guarntee it shoots nice. :) *

** When its working :) (I currently have a broken Shocker)

12-24-2002, 12:36 AM
lol, I thought I was the only one who thought that.

12-24-2002, 12:37 AM
18 bps,2000 shots off 68ci 45psi tank,A LOT lighter,
Where did you get that info?

12-24-2002, 12:38 AM
That thing looks sweeet, but does anyone think that looks like a barely milled sluggo?????????
Tom, that is what your Sluggo would look like with the valve covered instead of the current one.

Matrix or RT
12-24-2002, 12:41 AM
a guy that post on aardvark direct got that info from one of the techs at smart parts.its hard to believe so i still dont believe it till i see it lol

12-24-2002, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by irbodden
I currently have a broken Shocker

Me too. :*(

I dont really like the look of the new shocker but if it does what its claimed to do then it sounds like a good marker.

12-24-2002, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by irbodden
** When its working :) (I currently have a broken Shocker)

How is it broken?

Jack & Coke
12-24-2002, 02:12 AM
Looks nice!

Kudos to any company which makes an effort to "improve" their old designs - unlike Kingman which keeps repackaging the same gun over and over again...

Whether or not the new gun is better, I think it's good when companies try to advance the design and technology of their products (i.e. XMAG, IR3, A5...)

12-24-2002, 02:16 AM
That trigger looks like it would feel nice. I really think they could've done a better job on the foregrip though... maybe a big boxish type foregrip housing a larger 18v battery... oh wait... :p

12-24-2002, 02:27 AM
I dont think SP is trying to advance their design. They bought out PVI for the Shocker design because they figured they could make a gold mine on it. Well Shockers never were that popular, mainly because it looks like a shoebox, SP Figures people want a sexy marking machine (which is partialy true). Any how I was told that its gonna get about 1200 off a 68/45 which isnt that much better than the old shocker. So basically smart parts just made it sexier. I personaly think SP is evil (Im allowed to say that I own an IMP ;) ) Currently they havent made a unique paintball gun. They purchased the Shocker design and changed it around to make it sexier now. They copied the design of the Bushy in the Impulse. And now they've made the Nerve which is closed bolt, wow closed bolt. The Nerve's marketing relies alot on the fact its closed bolt, yet another marketing ploy. Im sorry if this sounds to serious, I'm probably not conveing it right but w.e im tiads asdfffffffffff ...

12-24-2002, 02:33 AM
yeah, big box battery pack, and expose some of that sexy valve internals.. and WOW! it would look even more like a mag!

Personnaly that thing is ugly! The foregrips is ugly, well maby on a different gun it would look nice.. but not on that one. And the Back of the gun dosn't look right...

12-24-2002, 10:20 AM
do you guys have a thing for referring to a gun as "sexy"? you just said it like 12 times in 1 sentence.

but aside from that, who cares if they are posing a mag? they made a good choice for a gun to pose, dont you agree?

12-24-2002, 11:47 AM
i think it looks really <b>sexy</b> hehehe

i think that the slanted front of the body where the barrel goes in makes it look like an emag body.

12-24-2002, 12:37 PM
i love smart parts:
"Still the same accuracy and distance"

hehe, oh well, what can you do...they try to copy AGD's design, but wont do the research AGD does. tisk, tisk...

oh, and it does look nice, but you know its gunna be like 4" thick...

12-24-2002, 01:34 PM
well I like the way it looks. I love the fact that they made it faster, 18 is respectable these days. I have to agree, what the hell is in it though, cause if you have seen the internals of a shoker you just cant help but wonder. anyways it looks nice. its about time SP came out with something other than a POS impulse, don't own one and never will. I think I could give it a shot. first I should fix my shocker. oh and whoever said that the new tank cover is nice, it is very nice, just not theirs I belive is somebody called Kalibur, I saw them at the cup and its probably the only cover that provides true protection. the sales man said that its like the ones that fireman use on their big oxigen tanks. well enough of that. I like the new shocker and will probably get one eventually, probably after an xmag. later AZZKIKR

Matrix or RT
12-24-2002, 02:05 PM
also SP is coming out with the Nerve.no pictures or nething yet.its suppose to put the IR3 and Xmag to shame quote a tech that is working on the gun cuase its crazy fast accurate light and all that

Little Matt
12-24-2002, 02:06 PM
Personally I think that it looks awsome. I think its a big step up from the shoe box design it had before. I've always like the way shockers shot but never liked how big and bulky they were.

Whats some other info on this gun. When does it come out? whats its price range gonna be?


Little Matt
12-24-2002, 02:09 PM
I just saw on the smart parts web site that they will be available spring of 2003. But what about price?


12-24-2002, 02:37 PM

i just got 1550$ i was gonna buy an x-mag but im gonna wait and see how much these are

Little Matt
12-24-2002, 02:40 PM
I'm pretty sure they will be alot cheaper and alot easier to get then a x-mag.

12-24-2002, 02:42 PM
nerv pic

Matrix or RT
12-24-2002, 02:46 PM
the 2003 shocker is suppose to be like 800 and the new Nerve is suppose to be a totally new gun to put the IR3 and all the shame and its suppose to be like 1000$+

Creative Mayhem
12-24-2002, 02:47 PM
Looks like festus's sluggo. That foregrip looks weak though.

C Mayhem

12-24-2002, 02:49 PM
From this angle it looks a lot less like a Mag (courtesy of infoman on PBNation):

12-24-2002, 02:51 PM
thats not ther shocker, thats the nerv (i already posted a link to that pic)

12-24-2002, 02:54 PM
So you did, oh well. It does look an awful lot like the 03 Shocker though.

12-24-2002, 02:55 PM
thats what i thought, but the milling is different, its got the plug on the back and on the front under the barrel

Matrix or RT
12-24-2002, 03:52 PM
haha what are u thinking?that is the 2003 shocker.no pics of the Nerve are out yet so that is the 2003 shocker.the Nerve is suppose to look TOTALLY different fromt he 03 shocker and impulse

Little Matt
12-24-2002, 03:57 PM
I think it looks like a milled down version of a imp. becuase the red gun has 2 tubes in the body, but it looks like the blue gun only has a 1 tube body. Maybe its just the angles and the lighting, but they look alot diffrent to me.


12-24-2002, 04:02 PM
i agree, so which one is the new shocker? which one isthe nerve? or is that the new impy'????? jeez sp.... always gotta be mean like that!

12-24-2002, 04:03 PM
I can't believe that no one has mentioned how much that air system looks like a Flatline. :eek:

Little Matt
12-24-2002, 04:12 PM
Ok, I'm slowly coming to a conclusion the more that I look at the pictures. The blue gun is a shocker. That pictures is shown on the smartparts website, and you can also tell by looking at the grips on the gun and the milling on the side of the gun both signifying that it is a shocker.

Ok the red gun thats another story. I honestly have no idea what this gun it. I would say its the nerve but I didn't know that gun exsisted until it was first mentioned on this board today. From the picture that is shown of the red gun you can tell it was scaned from a book. I think the book was more than likly a smart parts catalog. So there must have been a name in there saying what it was. Also I don't think it is a impulse unless they redesigned it to. Simply becuase there is no pull pin in the top of the gun. also most advertisements for the impulse for the past several months has been of a vision impulse not the regular one. So I'm thinking its the nerve.

Anyone else have this same conclusion?


Matrix or RT
12-24-2002, 04:14 PM
the blue gun is the 03 shocker,the red gun is the 03 shocker i checked it out.there is NO pictures posted yet of the 03 Nerve becuase smart parts wont release them yet.also the 03 impies are pretty much going to be the same

Matrix or RT
12-24-2002, 04:16 PM
well i feel stupid http://www.paintball-xtreme.de that has the red gun which is in fact the Nerve......the blue one is still the shocker lol

12-24-2002, 04:21 PM
Looks like the Nerve will cost less than an x-mag, if my german? is correct?!!:rolleyes:

12-24-2002, 04:21 PM
according to Adam, the Shocker is gonna be 750 and the Nerve 1200

12-24-2002, 04:21 PM
More pics of the Nerve and 03 Shocker! (http://www.geocities.com/infoman20032003/pics/)
It states in the catalogue that the Nerve is the red one, we know that for sure now. So the blue on is the 03 Shocker (which is even stated on the SP website).

Little Matt
12-24-2002, 04:21 PM
yeah I just recived a e-mail from the Impulse Owners Groups , and they just post pics on thier web site of both the O3 shocker and the Nerve, and picture of the nerve matched the picture of the red gun, in fact it was the same picture.

So I wonder if they are going to change up the impulse any?


Little Matt
12-24-2002, 04:23 PM
750!!!! Thats not bad. I might have to give this gun a try. Sounds like it will be alot of fun.

Hmmmm, choices choices, which gun to get next?

12-24-2002, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by PolishSausage
according to Adam, the Shocker is gonna be 750 and the Nerve 1200
Wouldn't the shocker be more if it was closed bolt and the nerve wasn't?

12-24-2002, 04:29 PM
i'm pretty sure the nerve is closed bolt... it'll be interesting to see what the difference is between the two.

Little Matt
12-24-2002, 04:40 PM
So does anyone know a date or month that the shocker is coming out, other than the general time period of spring?


12-24-2002, 04:44 PM
so much crap about the nerve/shocker.....

Nerve The Nerve receives 2 new innovations; the redisigned maxflo 4500 air system and the new lpr. MAXFLO is smaller way smaller about half the size of the orginal maxflo. Its now a inline reg too the manifold is gone, Integrated dovetail mount and the gauges can be set to either side. LPR self adjusting output pressure similar to the patented max flo- is a feature no other lpr offers, this is NOT a volumizer it is a regulator designed to maximize rapid firing consistency.

Patented Electronic control delivers fire rate of 20+++BPS
Freak Barrel
Patented low pressure air regulation shoot paint straight and far
Built in LPR
Reverse polarity Magentic trigger
Electronics housed in the grip
Quick clean PIN-LESS bolt assembly
9 disc cd changer (joke)

Larry@IOG has attached this image:
Click For Full Sized Image:

12-24-2002, 04:52 PM
cough... told you so...cough

12-24-2002, 05:07 PM
i still believe that the nerve is open bolt, as the open bolted marker should be faster then the close bolted marker.....

12-24-2002, 05:18 PM
Patented Electronic control delivers fire rate of 20+++BPS
ROFL, patented electronic control.

12-24-2002, 05:28 PM
New/old Shocker size comparison:

12-24-2002, 05:31 PM
Another Nerve pic (I'm really liking this gun):

Little Matt
12-24-2002, 10:40 PM
I really don't think that the size comparison picture is up to scale, becuase look at the tank size diffrences. that looks alittle funny.


12-24-2002, 10:51 PM
either that or they're using some obscenely huge 114ci tank on the old shocker...it's entirely possible..the efficiency was that bad..

Little Matt
12-24-2002, 10:56 PM
That would be a very big tank, surely that couldn't have been that horrible on gas. lol

12-24-2002, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Little Matt
surely that couldn't have been that horrible on gas. lol
You haven't used a Shocker before have you?!! I haven't shot a ton of guns but I'd have to say that the Shocker is the biggest gas hog I've ever seen. I have 2 for sale BTW if anyone's interested!:D

Little Matt
12-24-2002, 11:26 PM
actually I have shot one, I've never owned one. But I have played with them before. But usually handing them right
back to the owner becuase I couldn't get me and the gun behind the bunker at the same time.


12-25-2002, 04:57 PM
The Nerve is closed bolt, in fact that's about the only official info SP has released on the Nerve, I suspect it's a dual solenoid version of the Shocker (Which is now single solenoid). The pics of it come from a new SP catalogue that got shipped early. And the Tank on the new Shocker appears to be a tubby 68ci, same diameter as the 88 on that old shocker on the comparison shot, but much shorter. Normal 68's are thinner and shorter than an 88, the tubby's are just shorter (And shorter than a normal 68).

And Smart Parts does have patents on Electronic Guns. They're just unenforcabel because of some US Navy patents from the early 70's show prior art (If SP ever went to court over them, they'd lose to anybody competent).

12-25-2002, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by ChucktheMAGician

Wouldn't the shocker be more if it was closed bolt and the nerve wasn't?

What does closed bolt have to do with it? My info is from a fairly reliable source, and what I was told is roughly $750 for the Shocker, and $1200 for the basic Nerve

12-25-2002, 07:01 PM
Closed bolt has nothing to do with pricing, since both the Nerve and the Shocker are closed bolt. Now I suspect that it has more to do with the fact the Nerve is faster (20+bps to the new Shocker's 18), has an LPR (Which no shocker has ever had) and is possibly a dual solenoid design (The new Shocker is reportedly a single solenoid design). It's also a Vision board stock in the Nerve (I hear that the Shocker may have Vision, possibly as an upgrade though)

That would easily justify the price difference.

I'd still probably get ths shocker though. I don't need more speed, have no real use for ACE's (Even my Angel almost never chops), and prefer the smaller profile.

Update: Just confirmed that the New Shocker is indeed Single Solenoid & Comes with a Vision Board. $1000cdn.

12-25-2002, 07:19 PM
Wow, I can't beliieve I'm saying this, but I actually want a shocker!

12-25-2002, 08:03 PM
i dont like the way the blade trigger looks. bleh.

i think the reason it looks like a mag would be the angled front where barrel goes in, the gadget grip-esque foregrip(SP, i wonder why), and the milling sorta makes it look like it has a body rail and a tube like design.

12-25-2002, 08:44 PM
ok well now dosent AGD have the patient on the magnetic trigger?? i hope they go to court over that because its one of the few true innovations in paintball latly and i dont have much interest in seeing SP (a total crap company IMO ) using it.

hey there shocker looks like a mag, there max-flow looks like a flatline and there new toy has a magnetic trigger...sounds like there tryin to copy someone doin all the right things :D

12-25-2002, 09:33 PM
I was always under the impression that 2 solenoids were needed for an elec. gun to be closed bolt? Feel free to elaborate w/ more info!

12-25-2002, 10:09 PM
ok well now dosent AGD have the patient on the magnetic trigger?? i hope they go to court over that because its one of the few true innovations in paintball latly and i dont have much interest in seeing SP (a total crap company IMO ) using it.

and there new toy has a magnetic trigger...
Obviously they don't have a patent for it, considering that the Impulse, Matrix, Viking, Excalibur, and AutoCocker have magnetic frames available.

hey there shocker looks like a mag,
So? So do lots of other guns. Pretty much all guns look like some other gun.

there max-flow looks like a flatline
It just looks like a smaller Max-Flo to me, am I the only one who doesn't really think it looks like a Flatline ?

...sounds like there tryin to copy someone doin all the right things
I fail to see the benefit of copying a company who is doing half as well as you (as much as I love AGD, you have to admit SP is doing MUCH better as far as paintball products go).

12-26-2002, 12:45 AM
I dont know if this question has been asked before, but i would like to know what AGD thinks of the new shocker.

12-26-2002, 01:08 AM
Couple of things:

First off, AGD is the only company doing a Magnetic activated trigger, all the other Magnetic frames use a magnet for a return spring, but only the E-Mag uses a Hall effect sensor as a microswitch replacement. Everybody else (Except WDP) uses a Microswitch, WDP is now changing to an opto-electronic switch, which is far more reliable than a standard microswitch. The only part of the E-Mag trigger that may be patented is the use of the hall effect sensor.

As to looks, yeah, the new Shocker looks like a Mag, I suspect thats due to it sharing a body extrusion with the Nerve. Most guns which resemble each other, also work similarily. Thus the large number of nearly identical stacked tube blowbacks and stacked tube open bolt electro-pneumatics, which are all nearly identical designs(In fact the two designs most noted for wide use are rather related to each other). The Shocker is teh exception to the rule, but it is a one-tube design, like the Mag, and thus does look similar (All one-tubes do share some similarities)

The New Max-Flo does mildly resemble the Flatline, but that's simply becase it went to a Reg mount similar to the Armageddon (Which the Flatline is a clone of).

As to Whether or not SP or AGD is more successful, I'd say they're equally successful, at what they're trying to do, which are two different things. If Smart Parts is the Nissan of the paintball world(Lots of nice, reliable, moderate-high performance stuff), then AGD is the Subaru (Quirky, high-performance and unique). The Extreme E-Mag has been a very popular design looks wise (I've heard more than a few people say they'd buy one if it wasn't a Mag) and I'm not surprised that somebody has made a lookalike, and SP has never been very innovative in the looks department.

And Tom's said he wonders where they put all the parts?(What they actually did was eliminate 1 solenoid and thus the need for the Shoebox)

04-21-2003, 07:02 PM
Has anyone heard anything else about when the gun is going to be released.

04-21-2003, 08:10 PM
I never really thought of that, but now that someone brings it up it does look like it.

04-21-2003, 08:42 PM

04-21-2003, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by cris8762


ive heard only a hand full of people have accually shot that gun. 2 of them are from hyper sports works in PA. a buddy of mine plays for a team sponsered by SS and was waiting to get one. i thought this was kinda funny, i let him borrow my Emag for a sat, now hes reconsidering an Emag over the new shocker.

04-21-2003, 09:09 PM
Here's an interesting link. Hopefully it hasn't already been posted, http://www.badlandspaintball.com/aboutus/spfactory.html