View Full Version : Help me fine tune my level 10...

12-24-2002, 12:11 PM
I have had it since the beta, and it has prevented some ball chops, and i love it for that, but it has not stopped all of them by any means...
I have the 2.5 carrier, 2 shims, medium spring, shooting about 265-270. I want to keep the velocity in the 270/280 range. It wont fire with the long spring, bigger carrier leaks, smaller causes bad consistancy and stick.
Already it doesnt fire consistantly, i mean that by it wont fire everytime i pull the trigger. 99.9% of the time it is the first shot when im coming out of a bunker that wont fire, then it will fire the rest of the pulls. If i crank down the velocity it will dry fire, but wont with paint.
Currently i can stick my finger in the breech and fire all day long it doesnt hurt much at all, but it chops 3-4 bounce paint pretty easily(marbs/anarchy).
so whats the deal? Any suggestions? I hate turning my gun down to 10 bps so i wont chop.

12-24-2002, 03:48 PM
How will it "not" fire with the long spring? Will it vent out the back, or just not shoot at all? Are you using plastic nubbins in your barrels?

If you hold the valve vertical and hold the bolt at the top of the powertube, and you drop the bolt, does it slide all the way down and hit the bumper or does it stop? If it stops, there's too much o-ring friction. What you need to do then is install a new o-ring and break it and then fit it so that the bolt will fall the length of the PT under the force of gravity. That's the ideal fit. Also, I don't recommend using shims unless you have to. Try it without shims and if it locks up on the ball when it pinches it, then add one shim at a time until it stops.

12-24-2002, 04:32 PM
By the time i got it to fire on the long spring i was shooting in the 320's and couldnt lower it.
I am almost out of air now and getting a little frustrated.
The 2.5 carrier stopped the bolt when i dropped it, the 3 did not and i tried it, and it just leaked.
Ill break in my last new oring i guess.
Should i try the bolt drop trick with the new oring as well?


12-24-2002, 04:42 PM
oh and yes on the plastic nubbins.

12-24-2002, 08:01 PM
Do the bolt drop test with the o-ring AFTER it's been broken in.

Also, since it's a lot colder this time of the year, there's going to be more paint breakage problems in ALL guns. I'd recommend storing your paint in the car before you put it in your pods.

12-28-2002, 04:20 AM
I've had this problem once before. First, make sure it's installed properly. If so much as 1 shim or o-ring is out of place, it won't work properly. About the not firing at all thing, I had that happen to me too. Switch to a smaller spacer if possible, and definatly make sure everything is seated properly. You might have to stick with the shorter spring, though. But seriously, it's the shims and o-rings you gotta watch for, and try to lower the spacer.

12-28-2002, 07:07 PM
with the longest spring you may have to cut one coil off at a time until you shoot a consistant velocity. the longest spring in the first level ten kits did not come pre-cut.(from what i am told) and the newer more recent kits are coming from the factory pre-set. Soo on the spring issue you may have to cut a few coils off.