View Full Version : How to prevent getting ripped online

12-24-2002, 05:52 PM
Hey guess what I was loooking though some book-marks and found this one...I though it can't ghurt to repost it considering the amount of " I got ripped " threads we've had recently....man I can't believe how smart I was back then, where did all that brain go? .. oh yeah, collage heh..


12-24-2002, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Heat
OK, I just wanna touch on the topic of mail fraud. Doing ALOT of buying/selling from individuals I think I have a bullet proof way to safly do buisness, fast and so that both parties can sleep without having to worry.

CREDIT CARDS- I know most ppl hate them, some ppl don't have one but all PPL NEED at least one. Preferably a Mastercard or Visa (there are places that will not take american express or discovery or others)
WHY? Because the credit card companies are getting rich of US lets MAKE THEM do some work for it. When there is a charge to you're credit card and it was not made by you OR you did not receive product or services for a charge made you can dispute the charge. The company in an effort to NOT loose money will try to obtain proof that you DID/DID NOT receive that product/service. If you did not receiving they will automatically file charges with the appropriate ppl. All this with one call to the credit card company. That's the easy way. Of course if you would like to take someone to the small clains court and spend days or weeks on the matter it's up to you.

For the seller: NEVER under any circumstances send an item without a payment. NEVER, NO EXEPTIONS!!!! Used paintball stuff is not considered valuable and so no local PD will make much effort in retreving something for you. Also you will not be able to make proof that you actually sent someone something. You can show mail receipts but that just means that you paid 4.75$ for shipping and the contans of you're package could be rocks. That's not proof and so it will be you're word against theirs.
YOU WILL LOOSE IN COURT! Liars are experts at what they do and will not be caught on something this easy.

FOR THE BUYER: USE money that is traceable. NO CASH. A single dollar bill changes hands over 9000 times a year (as estimates by the goverment) and you don't know who the last 8999 owners were so how are you going to tell the police it was yours?
Money orders are OK. They have serial numbers and ALL banks keep track of them sometimes the bank will even enter into an acount record that you cashed a MO ( because bank will not cash them without you haveing an account with them )
Paypal through you're local banks account is ok too! Because it's more like a wire-transfer you're bank will have record of it and so will paypal. Paypal will also follow up on requestes to takeback money because they don't wants you to sue them and they want to stay in buisness.

Again credit cards are the BEST.

For both parties: When an agreement is made word out EVERY item being shipped (i.e. A nitro tank 1 neoprene cover, 1 Q/D and 1 Slide-check), brand names never hurt and the EXACT amount these items are being sold for. This makes shure if there is less then what was agreed upon in the package that you have proof, because believe it of not a E-mail can be tracked to a single computer beyond a doubt and thus it will hold up in court. Also keep all E-mails in you're inbox until you have both receive you're goods/money and everybody is satisfied.

And finally, BE PATIENT. I see stuff like " I got screwed by this and this individuall" all the time. Once and a while it's followed up with " my bad, it just took long in the mail". This kinda stuff hurt you're reputaion as well as the persons you're writing this about. Lets face it... shipping comanies like UPS,FEDEX and USPS SUCKS. They are the most irresponsible companies in the world and the reason they can get away with it is because we need them and they hava A DISCLAIMER. This is why tracking numbers are a BIG plus when doing buisness.

I hope you can all understand this. If there are any Questions drop me a line I will be morethen happy to help you out and if I don't have an answer I know someone who does.
I have done serious research on this matter including talking to the local PD and lawyers and bank officials.


Heres what Heat said.

Must be bored heat, lots of posts today. :)

12-24-2002, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by PFCKennedy

Heres what Heat said.

Must be bored heat, lots of posts today. :)

Nope, well yeah, but bordom seldom gets me on AO, usually it gets me in trouble.. heh. I think it's just that I've made 2 posts that were worth while today huh? I rarly start threads and when I do I need help from the AO ppl. So,... well this is my x-mas gift to AO... LMBO!

edit: woaw, I'm high as a kite...hihihi

12-24-2002, 08:24 PM
Glad to know I am not alone :)


Originally posted by Heat
edit: woaw, I'm high as a kite...hihihi

12-24-2002, 10:26 PM
that was a joke man, because my sentance was really strung out and hard to follow

12-24-2002, 10:53 PM
WOW that was back in the day did anyone else see how the site has changeed:eek:

12-24-2002, 11:21 PM
Ditto ...

Originally posted by Heat
that was a joke man, because my sentance was really strung out and hard to follow

12-25-2002, 12:35 AM
just making sure, drugs AREN'T cool
only loosers smoke and do drugs.....

also... you're not cool unless you pee you're pants!!!

12-25-2002, 02:05 AM
Another helpful suggestions is to send it insured if you're the seller, or ask for it to be insured if you're the buyer.

12-25-2002, 09:26 AM
Remember to never Western Union money to the Middle East or Romania for high end computers bought for 1/5th of the retail price on eBay. ;)

12-25-2002, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by Heat
just making sure, drugs AREN'T cool
only loosers smoke and do drugs.....

also... you're not cool unless you pee you're pants!!!

I think your wrong heat its ONLY USERS LOSE DRUGS not, only losers use drugs :rolleyes:

12-25-2002, 01:06 PM
LMAO ... define drugs ...

Originally posted by Heat
just making sure, drugs AREN'T cool
only loosers smoke and do drugs.....

also... you're not cool unless you pee you're pants!!!

12-25-2002, 02:47 PM
Lets face it... shipping comanies like UPS,FEDEX and USPS SUCKS. They are the most irresponsible companies

dont bag on the ups guy. we work hard delivering all the crap people ship.


12-25-2002, 05:43 PM
Bag the UPS Driver, so us underpayed slaves in the hub can laugh as we smash the crap out of your poorly packaged gun with a 69 pound box of steel going to a machine shop. :)
(St Paul Hub)

12-25-2002, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
LMAO ... define drugs ...

what's there to define? any 3rd grader can tell you what drugs are