View Full Version : instead of Go Retro, why not upgrade?

12-24-2002, 08:48 PM
This would only work for people trading in retros for x-valves.
Why Replace the whole valve if the only difference is an aluminum front half? It would save customers money if they sold an aluminum front and if they priced it right they could make a buck off it. sell the front without anything. i cant imagine that AGD makes a significant amt on the Go Retro program as is. not to mention they have to sit on used valves.

12-24-2002, 09:28 PM
I was saying the same thing a couple weeks ago. It makes no sense really to purchase a complete new valve. Most people with a ReTro valve already have Level 10 so thats not even a factor. Personally I am going to wait until the dust settles and see if AGD will throw them up in the store for a reasonable price. Who cares if they are unfinished aluminum. It will not affect anything and then you can send off your valve for anno if you wish.

I would be willing to spend up to $50.00 for an unfinished aluminum front half. More then that and it would be hard to justify.

12-24-2002, 09:30 PM
OK, lemme get this off my chest before I reply to this post... there are already plenty 'O posts about the different ways AGD should sell the X-Valve.

Valve trade in??? (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=61182)
Tom! Sell gutted X -Valves! (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=61148)
And now this one.

AGD can't sell the X-Valve in an unlimited number of configurations, it just doesn't make sense. How would they produce the X-Valve if they were sold gutted or front-only? They would have to have extra valve fronts on hand, extra valve bodies on hand, and then the complete valve.

It's a logistical nightmare to have all of these available. You have to look at it from the business side and consider the demand of such variations of the X-Valve before you can supply them.

Bottom Line: I wouldn't hold your breath... ;)

Later ~ Jonesie

12-24-2002, 09:36 PM
I will look at this from a business point of view. If you can produce a chunk of aluminum and make a 34,40, or even 50% profit off it then why not. AGD will sell more X-valves then they will upgrades. Of course that is my opinion.

Also on another note who do you think is assembling those valves? AGD of course. So, now you have parts and labor to charge for. If you own a ReTro valve with level 10 then all you are missing is the front half. Why does this make for a logistical nightmare? You simply have the machinist make a 100 extra front halves while he is working on current orders.

As for enough threads, I cant help you there but this was a thread concerning a specific solultion to the problem ReTro owners have.

I checked to posts you have linked, and I can not find a specific anwser to this question.

12-24-2002, 11:16 PM
I thought I saw a thread and some pics on AO where someone said the valves come from a bar of Aluminum/SS and are assembled before AGD gets them. However, I cannot find such a post, so that arguement is irrelavent without proof to back it up, so I offer this.

Just to be the Devil's advocate, and I'm not trying to stir up any trouble, you will have an issue with Warranty and Serial numbers. AGD's CURRENT policy is not to service valves who's serial numbers do not match front and back. How does AGD handle this policy if they sell only 1/2 the valve? How do they do so without voiding the existing policy, because this policy is still necessary for those with the original valve halves...

Not trying to give anyone a hard time, I'm just trying to have a friendly debate about an issue. I apollogize if my tone has seemed anything other than playful! :)

Later ~ Jonesie

12-25-2002, 12:18 AM
Wasn't there a dealie with the annodising on the valves looking like crap, and thus being sent back?

how 'bout some blemmed X-valves for cheap? Probably not right now cuz you gotta be able to sell the regulars.

12-25-2002, 12:57 AM
Quite honestly, I don't see a need to upgrade to the X-valve, if you already have a Retro!! Does anyone really think that 3oz or so is going to make a difference in their game??? If you must have an X-valve, then get the X-valve at the said price, quit whining about it, and grow stronger!!!!

12-25-2002, 01:11 PM
i dont NEED the 3oz less, but i would pay 100 bucks for a lighter front half. Would make my emag a bit lighter.
I have to disagree with you on the logistic nightmare. i think AGD would have no problem dealing with another small chunk of aluminum.
Why would the fronts need a serial? AGD could sell them without serials. sure some could get stolen, but no matter what theyre going to have to use the back of the valve, so you would be able to trace just the same.
Sure its a different idea, but maybe they could make some money off it. because, i know for dang sure im not going to trade in my emag valve, and im not going to buy a xvalve. but if they sold a front, id have the card out and waiting. and im sure there are others like me.

12-25-2002, 02:10 PM
I stand by mt previous comment: Grow Stronger!!!

12-25-2002, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by toymyster
I stand by mt previous comment: Grow Stronger!!!

It is more about weight. Balance is also an issue for me. My gun is real back heavy with the SS ReTro valve.. If it were alluminum, and 1/4 pound lighter, I think my gun would be more balanced.

Just a thought.

(I am not, however, willing to throw down 200$ with a trade in. That's too much. I would probably pay up to 75$ max for a trade in for my MICROMAG RETRO valve and Level 10 kit.)

12-25-2002, 05:33 PM
i have a Emag, warp, and an SS apoc 68/4.5 i am strong.
i have no problems hefting it. i would just like a cheap alternative. meh, maybe ill just fork out and buy the Xmag.

12-25-2002, 05:39 PM
I don't think it would be too difficult for Tom to sell the front halves. People would have ot realize that the valve havles wouldn't match though.

I'd like to hear from Tom on this if he gets a second, Im curious to know if this is possible. I don't have a retro so it really isn't an issue for me, but Im still curious.

12-25-2002, 06:07 PM
I will break the weight issue down right here.

We play tournaments regularly as well as practice every other weekend. In a tournament you play an average of 14 games (7 prelim and 7 final). During a practice day we play anywhere from 10-14 games. If you add up all that time carrying around a heavy marker you will get tired. If I can shave off a 1/4 pound here and there at a nominal cost I will.

I didnt spend 1500 bucks on a C+C X-Mag just because I liked the way it looked. It is probably one of the lightest electric markers on the market right now. So, again how hard is it going to be to get a front half?

Thordic I agree that it will not match, but it doesnt match now.

AGD? Some input is always appreciated.