View Full Version : what do YOU want in a field?

12-24-2002, 08:49 PM
as anyone who can read my signature knows im a ref at spraypaint paintball, which is a rather new paintball field. based on suggestions ive read years ago we've already added some features and changed some things, we have lockers for players, no field fee (cause of fpo), memberships with steep discounts, and so on. anyways, i was wondering what things you dont like with your local field that you would like to change. or what you would like to see at any field.

12-24-2002, 09:09 PM
what I'd like to have at my local field is a nice stereo system playing awesome music while you play. I always thought that'd be cool.

12-24-2002, 09:22 PM
Cheaper Paint, Cheaper Air.

My local field is plenty nice and friendly. Everyone seems to enjoy being there and reffing/playing. I just wish I could afford to play more and still be able to eat! :D

Later ~ Jonesie

12-24-2002, 09:22 PM
I'd like to see a bigger emphasis on goggle safety and chronoing. Clean restrooms too.

12-24-2002, 09:35 PM
nice staff. a nice staff makes the day.

good fields. keep the fields changing so the regulars dont get bored

music is a good thing to have in the background

cold drinks for sale

munchies and serve lunch of pizza b/w 12-2 or so


ill have more later

12-24-2002, 11:05 PM
i need more!! we pretty much do all that stuff

we have an indoor restroom thats incredibly clean, as long as you dont mind the bowl of dog food (rocky's gotta eat too)

we chrono as often as possible. we also have pocket chronos (which, no matter what anyone says, are accurate) and we've actually caught people cheating with their velocity. if we receive a complain or are suspicious we just chrono them after the game real quick.

we sell cold drinks, and there are restaurants next door and a pizza place.

we also change the airball design every so often

however, something i think we cant do is play music. it would interfere with the refs talking during the game, and it would be impossible to find something everyone could agree on. do any other fields do the music thing? and what music do they play?

anymore suggestions?

12-24-2002, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by halB
however, something i think we cant do is play music. it would interfere with the refs talking during the game, and it would be impossible to find something everyone could agree on. do any other fields do the music thing? and what music do they play?

anymore suggestions?

My local field does the music thing, and it works fine. It'a an indoor place that get ~40 people on an average Friday night.

Just don't crank the music up and it shouldn't be a problem. The local field turns on the local Alt. Rock station, and no one complains...


12-24-2002, 11:09 PM
1) BYOP and all day air, readily available
2) Wide variety of fields (hyperball, speedball, woods, etc.)
3) Good refs
4) Nice owners
5) Food+drinks readily available

sounds like you've got a pretty good field!

adam shannon
12-24-2002, 11:17 PM

everything else is nice, but i would play at the ratiest field in BFE as long as they had good safety procedures and cheap paint.

12-24-2002, 11:19 PM
extra batteries on hand(i hate it when my revvy dies)

repair kits for lots and lots of guns

good air fills(clean, and high pressure fills)

different level play

12-24-2002, 11:33 PM
i want it to be free

12-24-2002, 11:38 PM
I would like to see a paintball field on an Ice rink. I would also like to see beer on tap at the field. Thats why I don't have my own field.

12-24-2002, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
extra batteries on hand(i hate it when my revvy dies)

repair kits for lots and lots of guns

good air fills(clean, and high pressure fills)

different level play

we got all that, except for maybe that level thingy... we can fill up to 4.5k and we got them batteries

im hearing the paint thing though. what would u consider a good price for paint? we got 65 for a case of venoms, and theres no field fee (which was what i would always complain about when a place would screw you on paint and then charge u for field fee)

anyways, what would u think would be a good price for them there venoms? we also have memberships that gets you 20 percent off paint. is that a good deal?

12-24-2002, 11:47 PM
oh yes back to the music thing, ill talk to him about it, its quite possible he'll do it if enough people ask. its an outdoor field and we have neighbors but ill see what he can do.

12-25-2002, 12:07 AM
My suggestion on paint would be like you have it now, with fpo at 65 with no field fee is a good and player friendly idia, or possibly BYOP with an entry fee of like 25-30?

Also, what do you charge for air? as in 4.5k fill?
I know i like it when i can play 5-10$ for all day air.
Some fields have it where you have to pay prices from 1-2$ per 1000 psi which just rapes the wallet imo.

also, team practice times, around me it is normally sunday mornings at where i play. We usually don't have refs, cuase you don't need them just for practice. with BYOP and reasonable entry fee 15$ including air will help bring in customers.

12-25-2002, 02:23 AM
Fields like Badlandz and Sc village.

Good comp

Good fields

Learn to play paintball.

Thats it.

12-25-2002, 02:36 AM
The place I play has $15 field fee, which includes all day air or co2.

I continue to go there.

12-25-2002, 04:10 AM
Refs who look beyond the jersey and gun. What I really hate is when refs put a few newbs with a lot of money on one team and the players with jerseys and guns who play in tournies on another, and one team gets worked.


- Staging area close to the field
- Refs have 5 minutes in between games even if only 2 people come to play
- Refs who try to help the players out, give them tips on how to do better
- Chroning every other game and allowing no tools on the field and tourny locks on regs and velocity adjusters
- Bark behind each bunker (makes sliding easier!)
- Friendly Staff, people who wanna talk to you, ask about your gun, help you out if you need anything (lend out guns) things like that.

There is a field like that around here that I love going to, KC Crusaders in south praire, the refs give you suggestions and talk with you, they have even teams, they have games constantly going, the airball field has bark, the staff will fix any gun and I've even been lent a full cocker setup because mine needed to be worked on, they chrono every other game, and since they have over 5 refs and 3 red chrono's it isnt much of a hassle, they have 4 porta potties and a grill inside the building, a very nice proshop with 3k and 4.5k fills, um yah

Basically, you gotta be nice to everyone, even if you see a newb talkin crap, being a jerk, lighting people up, cheating etc. Continue to be nice to them, tell him he can't bring tools on, to light up on the trigger etc. What pisses me off most is when a ref is really rude when he comes to tell me something, like I've had one ref say "Hey you little punk*** you better stop lighting people up or I'm gonna have to kick you out" when I was putting 2 balls into each person I shot... another ref came up "Sorry about that, he's a little new here and wants to do a good job, but don't worry, you aren't in any trouble"

anyway... I'm tired... and stuff... yah... bye :confused: :eek: :D :o

12-25-2002, 04:47 AM
A field that is run by refs that aren't even of a driving age..I love it when some refs starting giving me a hard time about something or other (ask Bad_Knees..I'm a nice guy) only to see him lift up his mask later on and still have his baby teeth...

12-25-2002, 10:17 AM
hmm, my local feild, run by 2 brothers, about a 30yd x 30yd speedball feild fenced in, normal paint and air prices. so alot could be different, but a new feild is coming in come spring, sup'air, and that 1 is looking hot, sooooo

12-25-2002, 12:27 PM
the bark behind the bunkers is intriguing, could u go into it more? like what type of bark, how it works, etc etc. i think we might do that if it works well.

and to address everyone, i cant help you on the refs, i try to be nice but i get pissed off when someone lifts their mask on the field.

oh yes and some problem we've been having. we have two big reds and we put em on one table, and we get bad readings. someone will shoot and we'll get 470 fps on both chronos at the same time, or for no reason one will get a reading of 17 and the other will ge a reading of 40, at the same time. anyone know what the hell is happneing?

12-25-2002, 12:33 PM
they are too close together. keep like 5 feet between'em.

12-25-2002, 04:12 PM
bark? sounds like it would hurt... I think the best thing to slide on is actually just some nice grass or dirt.

12-25-2002, 05:17 PM
light bark, its not like theres a huge mound, its much easier to slide on because the bark creates friction and slows you down, plus it makes that Chh sound when you slide.

It doesn't hurt, you just need enough that it slows the player down and they have a comfortable slide, hell I slide into stand ups for the hell of it because of that. :D

Not sure what kind of bark, but basically you have the bunker, than you add about an 1" deep pile of bark and spread it out about 3-4 feet towards where the player will slide, and some on the other side incase some pyscho from the other team trys to bunker them :p

12-25-2002, 05:30 PM
wood chips that are a bit finer chipped than standard public playground ones seem like they would feel the best.

12-25-2002, 05:53 PM
I'm stupid... it was wood chips, I'm confusing the 2! :D

Wood chips is what you want :)

12-25-2002, 11:15 PM
Halb, I think the no field fee is a great idea. It sucks when you spend $15 on field fee, another 5 for all day iar, then field paint for $80 a case. Eliminating that $15 goes a long way. And $65 for a case of paint is good too. On the music thing; possibly in the assembly area, have speakers set on a local station. That way, they dont interfere with games, but give you a nice area to hang out in.
Another thing the field I used to play at had was water jugs for the players, and a little sprinkler-type shower misting thing for really hot days. Basically all that was, was a hose hooked up to a spigot, with small holes put into it. Was nice to cool down under.
Sounds like you guys have the price thing nailed though. I think that is the biggest point with players...so, everything else now will be bonus!

12-26-2002, 01:12 PM
For you to run a feild with all this near me!!!!

The best i have is a feild that i work with sometimes who doesnt charge me for feild fee or air, and gives me discounts on paint....

but they are still 40 min away and i drive fast....

12-26-2002, 03:00 PM
Honestly, I'd rather have no music in the actual game, but music in the staging area wouldn't hurt, not to loud though, and nothing too obnoxious.

A good proshop and airsmith who's at the field and will look at markers for people.

How about a field fee for BYOP? $20 and then BYOP is still pretty nice. Paint has to be approved when you sign in, so you can make sure it's ok, and you can have rules on what paint can and can't be used.

All Day air is nice. I don't mind a field fee if it includes all day Air.

Well kept rentals with Nitro tanks. If you get a field compressor, it's cheeper with Nitro anyway, and it's easier on the markers. Granted I won't use the rentals, but it's nice to have them there if your marker breaks down, or you have a friend who wants to come for the first time.

Hot and cold food available at the field. You may have restraunts close by, but being able to buy things at the field is nice, even if it costs just a bit more.

A large, well lit staging area, preferably with a few canopies for cover/shade.

A variaty of speedball and rec ball fields, with at least one of each basicly being open all day.

Sounds like you got a sweet setup so far. Keep it up, and hope you're making enough to keep it up.

12-26-2002, 06:12 PM
halB, where in S Florida are you guys located?

12-26-2002, 09:52 PM
i am intrested in the membership thing you mentioned hal. depending on how you used it, it could be a champion idea. $65 for decent paint is a fair price, espically if you have fpo. fpo is not a bad idea, it just sucks when you only have one choice. i would suggest you have several different types of paint at different prices. the field i play at has more than 10 types of paint available at the field ranging from $42-80 a case. the only other thing is to try to make sure the refs dont "big time" the new players. too many times i have seen refs ignore or talk down to a new player just because they are new. that really annoys me.

12-26-2002, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by logamus
i am intrested in the membership thing you mentioned hal. depending on how you used it, it could be a champion idea. $65 for decent paint is a fair price, espically if you have fpo. fpo is not a bad idea, it just sucks when you only have one choice. i would suggest you have several different types of paint at different prices. the field i play at has more than 10 types of paint available at the field ranging from $42-80 a case. the only other thing is to try to make sure the refs dont "big time" the new players. too many times i have seen refs ignore or talk down to a new player just because they are new. that really annoys me.

well, there are some not so good refs that im required to work with, but im working my best to get em fired (i know i shouldnt, but its fun) i always try to help the new players and i even do no no things like telling some new players when its a good idea to move up ^_^ heee heee.

Originally posted by vlhockey22
halB, where in S Florida are you guys located?

we're down in homestead/goulds area. but its literally right off the turnpike so it aint no thang, usually easier to get to than strike force (where you have to go on krome (omg we're gonna die when that car thats passing all the other cars crashes into us) ave.) we're a half or so mile from homestead airforce base in airport plaza... or was that airbase plaza. anyways, if you dont know how to get there theres a phone number on the website that you can call and we can give u good directions (i really suck at directions)

bront, my boss has taken classes in just bout everything so you dont have to worry bout the airsmithing

and logamus, how can i convince my boss to offer seconds? i understand that a variety of paint is important, and ive been pushing to get him to sell seconds but he says the quality is just too low. o well.

12-27-2002, 02:48 PM
Large tables and benches (lots of them) in the staging area. Not two boards nailed to a tree either. Large picnic benches with seating so you can sit and work on your gun. Also have it near a manned booth so you can set down your gear and take a leak and not have your stuff stolen.

12-27-2002, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by battlegroup
Large tables and benches (lots of them) in the staging area. Not two boards nailed to a tree either. Large picnic benches with seating so you can sit and work on your gun. Also have it near a manned booth so you can set down your gear and take a leak and not have your stuff stolen.

actually, this theft thing is something im concerned about. i want a maximum security field also. anyone know how i could prevent theft the best? i mean its almost impossible to have a ref in the stagin area all the time (even though we try to have that) and when there is a ref in there, we cant really memorize a face to every gear bag. we actually are gonna get lockers though, although i fear this is not enough. i hate thieves, as much as i hate wipers!

12-27-2002, 04:46 PM
Sounds like a cool place. Next time I'm visiting the folks in Cutler Ridge I'll drop by for a few games. Your prices are very cheap compared to everything around here.

12-27-2002, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Bulldog
I'd like to see a bigger emphasis on goggle safety and chronoing...
Safety is a must! I see so many people at the local fields here going onto the field with markers ready to shoot with their goggles up. Sometimes people pass the netting and start shooting into the woods or at bunkers while people are walking around with their goggles up or off. After games are called several people pull their goggles off while others are clearing their markers and turning off air and such.

I had one kid pull his mask off during a game to call himself out while there was paint in the air going to him! If I had hit him in the face... It gives me chills.

Barrel plugs in safe areas too! No live markers in staging areas and other safe areas. Separate areas for testing, clearing, debuging and chronoing.

Good staging areas are great too, with plenty of table space. Everyone else hits on the other things like, clean bathrooms, a good airsmith on hand with parts kits, and o-rings and such. Maybe an area for spectators with bleachers or something to sit on.


12-27-2002, 07:28 PM
I like that bleachers idea. You could just get the small bleachers that they have at little league baseball games or somethin like that. Nothin too big I'd say, seat maybe 20 people, or more depending on the number of people who come to the field and whether or not they would all way to spectate from the bleachers.

12-29-2002, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by strongboy2005
I like that bleachers idea. You could just get the small bleachers that they have at little league baseball games or somethin like that. Nothin too big I'd say, seat maybe 20 people, or more depending on the number of people who come to the field and whether or not they would all way to spectate from the bleachers.

no can do. we already got a bunch o picnic tables with shade canopies right on top of em next to the fields. so u can just sit there ^_^ although, when we get some more fields (everythings gonna be in a U shape witht he setup of the fields, we got 8 acres) we might have one of them have bleachers in front. ill run the idea by my boss.

oh yes, and i talked to him today, and theyre getting in a crap load of mulch, might even have enough to cover both fields entirely in it, as soon as he can find a way to transport it. its gonna suck to go to work that day. hes also looking into music, but i'll tell you, you can just pull in your car next to the staging area and play music outta it.

big E kingpin
12-29-2002, 08:02 PM
cheerleaders and girls in catholic school uniforms
now that is what paintball is lacking

Multi-Colored J
12-29-2002, 08:35 PM
i'd like to see more canopies or shade at my field. my paint usually breaks because it's so hot sometimes. I'd also like more clean up. there are enough trash cans, but people don't use them. MORE SUP AIR BALL FIELDS! My field doesn't have one!

Good things that they have at my field:

A proshop at the field. They sell paint, squeegees, or anything else you need if something breaks and/or forgot something inexpensive that you may have needed.

Nitro fill tickets. Each exchangable for a nitro fill. You can buy multiple tickets, saving them for later use, for nitro fills.

A pro team playing there a lot. Bad Company is based here in Maryland, where i live. I met Tom Cole and JC Whittington!

An overall nice staff. They give tips to new people, so they improve performance constantly. These refs have mouths like sailors, but they're still cool. :)

land hurricane
12-29-2002, 08:38 PM
I don't know if this has been mentioned but my field has barely and drinks and no food. So we have to walk to a gas station down the road, I want to see more refreshments at fields.

12-29-2002, 09:47 PM
on the issue of drinks and such, while its nice to have them at the field, personally i always stop off on the way and grab some gatorade so field drinks are of no concern.

chrono, my goodness. i played saturday for the first time in a while and i was just shocked at the utter lack of it. perhaps it was due to the amazing lack of refs (there was only 3 and over 60 walkon players) but the refs would just ask the group as a whole if they had chronoed. they never made anyone or watched anyone. they just listened for the beep the chrony made when someone shot over 300. the problem is the field limits speed to 285 so there is no way to know if someone shot 299 as there was no ref at the chrony station. pretty bizzare i thought. i understand getting enough staff can be difficult but that kind of lapse in attention can become very dangerous. that combined with the fact that not one ref had a squeege on their person (and my dumbass left his at home) made for some rough moments. i dont know but i would think that by offering discounts to regulars you can get enough refs to properly run the games and chrony station.