View Full Version : Dual batteries while keeping the warp 9volt?

12-25-2002, 04:18 PM
Is there any way to modify a warpfeed to use 2 batteries but keep it running at only 9 volts? I don't need the speed of a 12volt warp but I'd like the extra battery life.

12-25-2002, 04:34 PM
gets above standard 9, but not to 12.


12-25-2002, 04:36 PM
Thanks! That's exactly what I needed.

12-25-2002, 08:25 PM
no. running in parallel will still give you 9v. All it does is double the cell size so it lasts longer. It's a Great mod. just remember, if you leave the batteries connected they will still drain power(like 4v per month on 1 battery and like 2v per month on 2in parallel.) If I were you, I'd connect a mini-micro-toggle switch, that'll cut the drain so you dont have to be taking the batteries out.

12-25-2002, 09:19 PM
I did the same thing you did... here are some pics i just took. It was very easy, actually, just a few minutes at radio shack for the parts. For anyone reading who is totally clueless, here's the step-by-step constructions (if I can remember all of them):

obtain 3-way on/off/on switch, you should already have the necessary soldering equip, and I used the wire I had left over from intellifeeding my warp
cut and strip a little (maybe a cm) wire from the wire going to the single 9v snap
solder this wire to the middle posts of the switch
solder a red and black wire (I used about 4 inches a strand,make sure it's long enough to take out the batteries comfortably) to the outside two posts
solder 9v snaps to each pair
cut a small hole on the inside of the warp and install the switch (I had to cut off part of the support plastic on the inside of the warp, but it doesn't matter)
install the batteries, and you're done!

12-25-2002, 09:22 PM
another view

12-25-2002, 09:24 PM
final view, what it looks like when you're shooting it (well, if the switch were in an "on" position")