View Full Version : Spoiled by high bandwidth

12-25-2002, 08:53 PM
Im spending Christmas at my Grandma's. Which is fine, if you leave out one little part. :( THEY HAVE 56k :( Im so spoiled by my 1.5 mb DSL that now, just browsing these forums, I have felt the urge to shoot someone, shoot the modem, shoot things in the room, read a book, and then collapsed in defeat as I still waited for a page to load. I am now dreading the moment I hit submit for this thread...

I am going to start an organization that will provide high bandwidth for every person in the world!! So they will no longer have to suffer with this agony!! AGH!!!

12-25-2002, 10:34 PM
i know how you feel man.

12-25-2002, 10:42 PM
lol I know the feeling

12-26-2002, 10:36 AM
Yea man we had a big ice storm and when my power finally came back on 5 days later my cable didnt come back on for 2 days after that and i had to use 56k *can't find smilie that has nuse around its neck*

12-26-2002, 02:05 PM

I've been on 56k going on 4 years now! and it has only made me better! I only post when I need to post (I think that would fix EVERY PW's problem... just give them 56k for a few years (nothing against you though falconguy!:D :D :D ))

It really doesn't make that much difference to me. We have a second phone line so I can leave it on all the time. This helps with the huge dowloads I do ( I filled 40 gigs in under 6 months) I just start Kazaa when I leave, or go to sleep or anything and it's usually done by morning.

It also helped me be a better gamer. Playing CS or TFC with all these sub-100 ping'ers while I'm usually at a healthy 3-400 really takes skill. I'm usually in the top half of the people on the server...

It wouldn't be so bad if it was at least OFFERED in our area. I'm in Loveland, Colorado... Cities 15 miles to the north, east and south ALL have Broadband available... but it just seems to reach a black hole of internet connections when it gets to our city.

12-26-2002, 04:18 PM
Heh... brave words... wait until you get broadband though :) The one thing I dont mind though with 56k is HL mods. Before Valve patched HL up, having 300-400 ping was complete death. Nothing was client side at all, and you might as well just not play it was so bad. Now its so much better, and I could care less if I had a high ping. Its usually better too, because its hard as hell to kill a person chopping around with a high ping

now, for 40 gigs in 6 monthes?? lol... I can do 16 gigs a day on kazaa

12-26-2002, 06:39 PM

I know no different than 56k.

12-26-2002, 07:05 PM
everyones spoiled nowadays, thinking 56k is a punishment. i remember, back in the day when i had my 14.4 modem and the original version of aol and i thought i was hot sh**. getting cable was amazing, but it just spoils people.

Creative Mayhem
12-27-2002, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Xerces
everyones spoiled nowadays, thinking 56k is a punishment. i remember, back in the day when i had my 14.4 modem and the original version of aol and i thought i was hot sh**. getting cable was amazing, but it just spoils people.


AHH but do you remember the 1200bps modem and the local BBS??? or better yet, 600bps..uuuggggghhhhh :D

C Mayhem

12-27-2002, 02:34 PM
lol..i remember when AOL first came out..i was youuuung.

12-27-2002, 05:03 PM
Dude, the first AOL was NICE. At least, I think it was the first one. Well, we had a 14.4 when they first came out. And I was about 3 or 4 when I first got on the net (with a little[lot] help from parents). Now they've gotten really big and are getting pretty bad.

Anywho, 56K isn't TO terrible, if you're used to it. But when my grandma had cable, going over there was sweet.

Koosh, I feel you. Nothing is offered in our area, and no one even has dates that they might put in the equpiment. A few months ago a company started offering wireless, but it isn't much faster then what I have now, at $50 a month plus $200 installation.

12-27-2002, 05:05 PM
-Home Connection: 1.5mb DSL line
-Work Connection: Bundled T3's (we're tied into the web servers) ... so I was downloading SP1 from Microsoft at about 1.25MegaBYTES per second, took about 1 1/2mins to download all 120megs


Dave K

12-27-2002, 05:55 PM
Digitard knows no shame.

I run 2.3 Mbps at home -for free...and I run on a T-3 here at work. It's so nice to come home and be at roughly the same speed as I was in the office.:D (Me n' the Mrs work for one of the largest ISP's still in business.)

12-27-2002, 06:04 PM
Hehe, how do I know no shame?

Is it cause I was downloading a MS product? My work computer runs XP Pro so I had to... my home computer runs it too (for gaming/etc) and I have LINDOWS installed too for humor.

I love my work connection though ... I work for a Fortune 500 company called INSIGHT and our main webservers are in this building so tech support is tied into the main line for it ... my UPLOAD from dslreports is over 9000 ...lol...


12-27-2002, 07:02 PM
Simply put, you were rubbing it in to those poor souls who are stuck in the bandwith blackhole known as "Dial Up". lol

(God I love my DSL.) looks like too am guilty of doing the same thing.:p :p

12-28-2002, 12:27 AM
I still have a phone patch 9600baud modem for my compact 286 laptop, you know the kind you velcro strap your phone too:) I wish I had 9000upload, I only get 120upload and 3865download at dslreports with my cable:(