View Full Version : All AGD 3-5 man team for N. VA...

09-03-2001, 07:41 PM
To any listers in the MD/N.VA/DC area - I'm interested in getting together an "all-AGD" 3 man team for local tournaments. (5 man if possible...)

I'd like to stick with warp equipped 'mags (of any variety) for the primary guns, with whatever you've got as a back-up. (I’ve got some stuff to loan such as a spare warp, complete level 7 mini-mag, and a Retro-mini)

This team would start out as fun, and the upcoming winter would allow for time to "jell" and decide how serious to get next season.

For the record, my goal is to show to the locals that the E-mag is here to send the Angel packing back across the pond, and the warp is going to revolutionize the sport.

The more business that we generate for AGD though example/product-display directly affects the cool stuff that comes out of R&D.

Let's do our part locally to stir things up!


anyone interested can also email me off-list at [email protected], but REPLY HERE ALSO! Lets get a good understanding of everyone interested in our area.

09-03-2001, 08:00 PM
Calvin - Hey http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Just a mention that Pevs will have 2 or 3 3 man events and 5 man events before the end of the year.

Also as I recall up in Fishersville they run several 5 man events and you have the small series down in the Va Beach area.

I would be intreted but my 10 man commitment will interfere.

You might look at Series, Gene and Mike all Emag/Warps owners


Major Ho
09-09-2001, 08:35 PM
Count me in. I live in fairfax va and starting to form that sacred bond with my retromini... warp too of course ;)

09-10-2001, 09:27 AM
you are a dirty cocker user Ho! :)

09-10-2001, 01:47 PM
hrmm, maybe if this becomes something big, i can quite the current team i'm on right now ....

I use a Cocker now but i've still got a Warp Feed on it, and an AGD sticker :).

09-10-2001, 02:15 PM
what you gonna be calling the team? and who's captain?

Major Ho
09-10-2001, 04:49 PM
RT your not allowed in! :D HE's the dirty cocker user. You can even call him the ultimate sell out. He traded in his retro for a cocker.
I tried real hard to find this quote of his from a past thread but couldnt. Story is he traded his RT and suddenly became mister cocker king overnight but the quote is as follows as close as a I can remember "...Im a hardcore cocker user..." WTFreak??? HIPPOCRITE! (he prolly delelted it for me critizing him) He is now in the process of debating whether or not to trade his cocker for a shocker, Matrix or Angel. This is also from the guy who said...

Originally posted by Arturus:
Looks nice and I sincerely hope you enjoy it. I'm one of those who actually don't bash on cockers.

Just one thing, you said somewhere up there that you didn't want a 'timmy' because it's an electro and you didn't really like them.

Thought your plan was to get a cocker, sell it and buy an Angel? Isn't that an 'electro'?

people change

RT ^

Ah Ha! I found it...

Originally posted by FeelTheRT
I'm a hardcore Cocker user and i don't see the point of shooting fast. Your skill level is still the same even with the most fastest shooting gun. With my Cocker, i ususally can shoot about 6 bps, if i got a fast shooting Mag, say an Emag and i could bounce out 13 bps, i doubt i would be getting more players out.

The reason i currently switched from a Mag user to a Cocker user is because Autocockers are just very upgradable and many mods you can do yourself. Each Cocker is unique to the player and no two Autocockers are alike.

I know you'd think i'm crazy but i truly do find Cockers tend to be more accurate. Now, i ususally shoot my RT with a good matching paint, but in my personal prespective, i find the balls comming out of Cockers to fly more straight. I'm not saying Cockers are anymore accurate than any gun but just something personal that i'm comftable with.

Maybe i'm just hypnotized by the moving back block

I have exposed the TRUTH!!! :D Quit the team your on? Our "team" ? Ha...until we all get together and not plink around like last time. I dont consider that a team...

PS... Mods this isnt a flame. He lives in the neighboring town and I just really like giving him a hard time.

09-10-2001, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Major Ho
He lives in the neighboring town and I just really like giving him a hard time. [/B]

LOL Ho, your doing a great job :p