View Full Version : Should I go to the darkside

12-26-2002, 04:05 PM
Ok guys I have bought a ANS-GX3 cocker for Christmas, and I am thinking of getting a eblade, anyone have any input on this?

12-26-2002, 04:16 PM
Eclipse triggerframes rock (Except for their Angel Frame).

But upgrade that frontblock.

12-26-2002, 04:38 PM
you're already on the "darkside"... but yeah, if you can afford it, go for the eblade! They look pretty nice... especially after watching that guy from Eclipse ripping on one on that video someone posted a few weeks ago :D

Wc Keep
12-26-2002, 04:44 PM
my stand on this is simple. you get a mag or a cocker for mechanical triggers. if you want an electro simple get a different gun. pick one cause theres way more electros than high end mechanical guns. but my advice is get a bomb with a wgp hinge and you can probably rip as fast as some electros.

12-26-2002, 05:02 PM
Yea WC i see what your sayin but my theory is i put a eblade on it and then i have the best of both worlds

12-26-2002, 05:16 PM
actually the best of both worlds is the emag/micro emag, etc, which i personally have and like the micro emag, so yeah, emag. but going back to the topic, i say go for it, they look sweet, esp from that video.


12-26-2002, 05:21 PM
I should have known i would get a comment bout the emag lol but thanks for the input anybody no where i can catch that vid i did a search but it turned up nothing

12-26-2002, 06:53 PM
I say go for it, the eblade is a really nice peice of kit, I shot one a little while ago and it had me thinking sick and wrong autococker thoughts for a while.

12-26-2002, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
Yea WC i see what your sayin but my theory is i put a eblade on it and then i have the best of both worlds

best of both worlds? could u care to explain that? it seems to me that all you get is the complexity of the autocoker, with the complexity of an e trigger (for the cocker i mean) and then you get all the price on top, and you coulda bought urself a damn nice impy with vision eye.

12-26-2002, 10:00 PM
Halb-NO i'm saying i get the cocker accuracy with the speed of electro i no its alot but still cheaper then a emag ;)

land hurricane
12-26-2002, 10:30 PM
i get the cocker accuracy


but other than that i think that the trigger would give it a nice look, so yeah if you want it go for it.

12-26-2002, 11:34 PM
your smokin crack.... emag being more expensive than a gx-3 with e-blade.... hahah!

you can get em used for as low as 450!

but I say go with it,

12-26-2002, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
Halb-NO i'm saying i get the cocker accuracy with the speed of electro i no its alot but still cheaper then a emag ;)

sigh, when are you gonna learn?

12-26-2002, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by freek133
your smokin crack.... emag being more expensive than a gx-3 with e-blade.... hahah!

you can get em used for as low as 450!

but I say go with it, Where can I get an emag for 450? I've been lookin at used ones recently, where is this magic place you speak of? I'd be lucky to find one for 600.

12-26-2002, 11:50 PM
no magical place I speak of... your already here.

But seriously, the trading forums, I have seen (only one) a deal go down for 450, and I think speedballbanks got that one.

And alot of others go down in the 500 to 600 dollar range, in fact, I bought mine for 600 from a fellow named heat on these boards.

It can happen

12-26-2002, 11:56 PM
its true, i saw one with a fried board go for 550, with... armeggedon i believe 114 ci tank. an 80 dollar part and it was good to go. damn i wish i had the money for that then :(

12-27-2002, 12:00 AM
interesting...I have yet to find one of these deals... :(

12-27-2002, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
Ok guys I have bought a ANS-GX3 cocker for Christmas, and I am thinking of getting a eblade, anyone have any input on this?

YAY! SO DID I! in fact, i gotta change my sig, hehe. I got a red to black fade g enx3, and i absolutley love it, dispute the trash people say about ANS. I feel it was well worth the money

12-27-2002, 12:13 AM
Automaggin-I'm still waiting on mine to come in the mail i hope its awsome

12-27-2002, 01:51 AM
Here take your advice from a beloved cocker owner who cherishes his work of art :D.

In no peticular order (you figure it out its your cash)

But definetly drop all ans crap pneumatics.
Replace with:

Palmer Micro Rock Reg with Rock Knob
Belsales Evolution Hollow Point 3-Way
Belsales Evolution Ram
= Best Combo you can get for ajustableness to great trigger pull

Then we move down to bolt: AKA Nickel Plated Z-Cut Lightning Bolt

For a frame i shoot an Eclipse Blade Trigger nothing else.
Combined with a Belsales "EQUALIZER" Roller Sear
you will have the shortest, smoothest, cocker in town. :)

I dislike ANS Regs but if you like it you can keep it but if you were to replace it i would go with a MacDev Gladiator or AKA Sidewinder because they are no doubt the best out there on the market.

Finally pick up a Full Freak Kit.

This is what i run and i will tell you one thing it shoots amazing at all times. BTW if you dont know how to time your gun or tune your LPR right please dont hurt your baby and take it to your local cocker guru or airsmith :) :)

12-27-2002, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*
Here take your advice from a beloved cocker owner who cherishes his work of art :D.

In no peticular order (you figure it out its your cash)

But definetly drop all ans crap pneumatics.
Replace with:

Palmer Micro Rock Reg with Rock Knob
Belsales Evolution Hollow Point 3-Way
Belsales Evolution Ram
= Best Combo you can get for ajustableness to great trigger pull

Then we move down to bolt: AKA Nickel Plated Z-Cut Lightning Bolt

For a frame i shoot an Eclipse Blade Trigger nothing else.
Combined with a Belsales "EQUALIZER" Roller Sear
you will have the shortest, smoothest, cocker in town. :)

I dislike ANS Regs but if you like it you can keep it but if you were to replace it i would go with a MacDev Gladiator or AKA Sidewinder because they are no doubt the best out there on the market.

Finally pick up a Full Freak Kit.

This is what i run and i will tell you one thing it shoots amazing at all times. BTW if you dont know how to time your gun or tune your LPR right please dont hurt your baby and take it to your local cocker guru or airsmith :) :)

Totally disagree. Only penumatics i would change is the 3 way, and the ram (after like 20,000 shots). I cycled 2000 rounds in earlier and didnt have a problem. At first reg was a little inconsistent, then it started breakin in, and i started to get 3 fps variations in velocity. Keep teh Jackhammer, most LPRs are the same. There is no prlbem with that. And as for the bolts, bolts are mostly hype. I wold stay with stock bolt for a while. And the lightining bolt is how much? 60-70 dollers, plus a new block is what, 30 dollers? I would keep the stock bolt for a wwhile, it might show like its wearin down, but its completly normal. ANS fixed the flying bolts of fury problem, so dont worry about that. If you were to replace the bolt, i reccomend the DEZigns bolt or Supafly

and roller sears+hinges=waste of money dont even bother. you will barely see a difference.

12-27-2002, 09:40 AM
you can certainly tell this is an automag forum with all the cocker lies being spewn about.

i will say this once.... no mechanical cocker frame will even begin to get close to the power of an Eblade. Never!

the whole reason i got the eblade on my cocker was to infact simplify EVERYTHING.
all i have to do now is set the hammer lug and then the grip handles everything else. not to mention you now can time your gun to the Millisecond, you can no longer short stroke your gun, you get an anti choping eye, and you eliminate the most troublesome part of a mechanical cocker the 4-way.

there is no better purchase for an autococker then that frame. all other mods to it can wait!! a stock 2k3 cocker with that frame alone is better then any Gimpy with or without vision.

12-27-2002, 10:17 AM
First off, While the Belsales ram is an excellent part, the Palmer Quickram is the best ram on the market, smooth, and larger diameter for good operation at lower pressure (I'm a noted Palmer Hater btw, but I respect good parts). DYE or Belsales for the 3-way, Palmer or MacDev for the Pneumatic reg. Swap out the ANS inline for a Max-Flo inline, add a AKA or Supafly bolt, and MacDev or AKA internals and you will have a cocker that performs as well as it looks. The GenX 3's are nice looking guns, but the ANS parts are no better than the stock cocker parts, just prettier (And adjustable, in the case of the front reg).

As for the Trigger, personally I'd go for the Eclipse Blade or Dye Hinge (But I can shoot them as fast as I can any electro). The Eblade is nice if you really need an electro trigger, better trigger than the Raceguns (Fast frame, crap trigger).

12-27-2002, 10:31 AM
Thanks for all the input guys keep it comeing

hammer-THe is excatly what i was thinking faster and yet simpler