View Full Version : AO'ers get together at Pev's yesterday

09-02-2001, 10:53 PM
Well, myself and a couple friends (including Eagle) rolled into Pev's parking lot about 11:00, and Dark Ripper and his Friend Alex showed up about a half hour latter. I finally found Major Ho and Feel the RT after walking around the staging area for a while, (even though Ho wasn't wearing the Jersey he said he was going to). Rob was up there around 10:00, but he "supposedly" had to go to work at Pev's Fairfax store.

<img src="http://www.ehomebook.com/users/thecavemankevin/images/Mvc-032s.jpg" width=300 height=300 border=0>

Alex (DR's friend) on the left, Alex aka Dark Ripper on the right. Is it just me or do i see two cockers and no mags??

<img src="http://www.ehomebook.com/users/thecavemankevin/images/Mvc-035s.jpg" width=300 height=275 border=0>

Major Ho on the move

<img src="http://www.ehomebook.com/users/thecavemankevin/images/Mvc-003s.jpg" width=300 height=300 border=0>

"Hey Ho, that was a nice trick catching that ball with your mask!"

It was funny watching this one happen... He poped up at the wrong second, but it was like he saw the ball comming. So he started to do the Neo (from matrix) move where he bends backwords trying to duck it, but it still caught him in the mask (as you can see).

<img src="http://www.ehomebook.com/users/thecavemankevin/images/Mvc-002s.jpg" width=300 height=300 border=0>

<img src="http://www.ehomebook.com/users/thecavemankevin/images/Mvc-004s.jpg" width=300 height=300 border=0>

(In order from left to right) Alex (DR's friend) Dark Ripper, Me (thecavemankevin), Major Ho, and Feel the RT.

So this was our first one, now we are talking about putting some sort of team together. The only thing is, I am the only one that shoots a mag (cocker punks!!!) http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by thecavemankevin (edited 09-03-2001).]

09-02-2001, 11:43 PM
Nice job on pulling the AO guys together! All are welcome no matter what you shoot!!


09-03-2001, 07:20 AM
LOL RobAGD works at the pevs in fairfax????

I went there looking at their used matrix and I was like "darn that guy looks just like rob" http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif
He aired it up and I shot a few on it and kinda liked the trigger... Then i asked him which he preffered the e-mag or the matrix and he said he definatly prefered the e-mag.
I told him I would have to think about it and he said its only money... Silly Rob now get me a discount ! http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif
oh and btw Pevs does have the nicest price on the emag ive seen... wasnt it 845?

Boy do i feel stupid now!

http://www.galaxy-pc.com/mag <---my automag

http://www.galaxy-pc.com/mag/wiringdiagram.jpg <--- Warpfeed Intellifeed diagram

[This message has been edited by DryIce (edited 09-03-2001).]

09-03-2001, 08:52 AM
Correction, I shoot an Emag.

Die Screaming

Brass Eagle Stingray
12oz CO2
VL 200

09-03-2001, 08:58 AM
Rob provided an AGD banner but seems like no one noticed . . .

09-03-2001, 09:10 AM
heh, i forgot to get my friend in the pic, he posts here once i'm a while (Me is Mine,4 posts) but hey, he's still a member http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Major Ho
09-03-2001, 09:33 AM
<img src="http://www.littleasianman.8k.com/images/cavemankevin.jpg" width=350 height=275 border=0> CavemanKev striking a pose trying to reclaim is masculinity after being eliminated on the breakout...snicker... http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif
<img src="http://www.littleasianman.8k.com/images/darkripper.jpg" width=350 height=300 border=0> DarkRipper taking it ONE step at a time http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif Your not as old as you think DR http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif
<img src="http://www.littleasianman.8k.com/images/kevininaction.jpg" width=350 height=300 border=0>
Caveman about to wreak havoc
Also! I resent being called a cocker user. I used my mag for the first part of the day! My warp was being funny on me.
Soon to come...A pic of Rob quite miffed about missing out on all the fun. http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif

Add on: How do i rotate that first pic of Kev?

Hey where is the pic of me shooting under the leg and then me being shot in the leg 3 times(all bouncers luckily http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif)

[This message has been edited by Major Ho (edited 09-03-2001).]

09-03-2001, 12:09 PM
sorry that i couldnt make it up there, seeing as i made the friggin thread for this little thingy IN THE FIRST PLACE! http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif all about money. Oh well. :/

Im a 1.5 callorie treat that everyone loves to eat!

Major Ho
09-03-2001, 03:01 PM
Hey cavemankev, I told you not to let me leave without giving back your elbow, So now I feel like i stole something from you. Ill buy you a new one one day I guess :\ Anyone else sore? The whole back part of my legs INCLUDING my behind is sore. Being in the snake all day really tore me up.

09-03-2001, 03:16 PM
my right arm, sides, and both legs are sore.

09-03-2001, 08:07 PM
No i am actually not all that sore!!

As for the pic rotating, i think you will have to do that in a photo shop program like Adobe or something, then post it.

And the elbow, i'll just get it from you some other time. Like if we get together at BCBG. We stoped there on our way home. Not a bad little field and you can bring your own paint. But they have good prices too. 15 field fee (includes all day air) (10 if we bring a large group he said) and 59 for a case of 32* team colors.

As for the shot out off the breakout, that is a first for me. There was like 20 people (mostly newbies) on each side on a small ten man hyper ball field. Too darn crowded!!! Oh-well, had a good time http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

here you go Ho, it didn't turn out to well though

<img src="http://www.ehomebook.com/users/thecavemankevin/images/Mvc-036s.jpg" width=300 height=275 border=0>

ho shooting under the leg

09-03-2001, 08:25 PM
You know how in the world can you miss a 6 foot long AGD banner facing the parking lot http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Yea I got my old but up and out of bed at 630am so I could be down tat the field to meet and greet before work.

I managed to Stay until 1030 but had to get the shop opened up by 11. Oh well....


09-06-2001, 07:27 AM

Is it me, or do those photos make me look fat?


I had a blast with you guys, we definitely need to do that again.


09-06-2001, 09:09 AM
Hey Guys,

This is Alex, DR's friend...had a great time on Sunday...we just need to work on getting there a little earlier next time. :D

Cool Pictures! I need to get me one of them there digicams!


09-06-2001, 11:20 AM
Hey, what are you guys doing on the 16th, two sundays from now?

I was thinking about going over to BCBG in Ashland (right accross from Kings Dominion).

You can bring your own paint. But they have good prices too. 15 field fee (includes all day air) (10 if we bring a large group he said) and 59 for a case of 32* team colors.

They open at like 11 on sunday and go till like 8!! Doubt i would be there that long myself, but who know's. They have two speedball fields running, doubt they will have the sup air up though :(.

So what do you guys think? Good chance for us to practice!! :)

09-06-2001, 11:46 AM
I was angling more for the 23rd or 30th, to be honest. I need to do some family stuffs the next two weeks.


09-06-2001, 11:48 AM
It would have to be the 30th for me too, as I'm out of town on the 16th and 23rd. :(

09-06-2001, 01:25 PM
Horizontal stripes next time DR... horizontal stripes...

Originally posted by DarkRipper

Is it me, or do those photos make me look fat?


I had a blast with you guys, we definitely need to do that again.


09-06-2001, 01:27 PM

Hey! That's a new jersey!


09-06-2001, 03:22 PM
Ok, well i will be at BCBG on the 16th with some friends if any one else wants to show up.

09-06-2001, 04:16 PM
I wish I was still in VA so I coulda played w/ you guys at Pev's.

Major Ho
09-06-2001, 06:20 PM
I always wanted me one of those Foot Locker/Pro Football Ref Jerseys. Ill work on that for my next outfit. ;) THAT and the Target Tshirt with the Target logo. Chea buddy...It's all about the dumb cracker head look on the field :D Im also aiming for the end of the month dealy... More time to raise funding of my dump the paint campaign I shall begin :D

09-07-2001, 06:38 AM
Now we just need to figure out where to play....


09-07-2001, 07:59 AM
OA paintball in bowie MD ! :)

09-07-2001, 08:01 AM
It's an hour to Pevs for us, OA is like another hour and a half north of Pevs.


09-07-2001, 08:36 AM
its like an hour and a half or so to pevs for me
ive never been there
but thats what im guessing
OA is like
45 mins

09-07-2001, 08:47 AM
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to play at AO sometime.... it's just so bloody far.


09-07-2001, 09:14 AM
well i guess it will just be me, :( you bunch o'poor bastd's :)

09-07-2001, 09:30 AM

Does it HAVE to be the 16th? I might be able to scratch together something for the 23rd.


09-07-2001, 09:36 AM
well, we might be able to do it then too, but i don't know yet. but i am already set up for the 16 with some friends

09-07-2001, 09:46 AM
OK. I was looking at going to Action Town Sports on the 23rd with a friend.... Not Xoc, he can't make it.


09-14-2001, 08:16 PM
hows about AG Paintball or VAG? The Hog would be nice too.

Major Ho
09-14-2001, 08:24 PM
if you guys can come up the...6th of october...GMU is having a lil outing for the activities board, i hope to make it to that and then we AO ers can harrass GMU folk :D noo thats just plain mean... But GMU people are being mean to me so I wouldnt mind. NO ONE is friendly up here...grumbles...I smile and nod...no response

09-14-2001, 08:49 PM
i could be up for oct 6th

im supposed to play next weekend
so i gotta buy some paint for that
but by oct 6th i should have some more money
sounds good!

09-14-2001, 09:38 PM
hey Ho, that sounds great. Count me in :). and Trace i think, he said he was going to play on the 1st week of OCt anywayz..

09-15-2001, 11:30 AM
I am up for most anything, just let me know. I unfortunatly wont be going out tomorrow the 16. Plans fell through :(

09-15-2001, 02:07 PM
We cancelled our plans to go to the beach, the field is on Ft. Eustis, and with the military on full alert after the horrible heinous acts on tuesday, we felt that a civilian field would be a better choice.

So, we are hitting Paintball Authority instead.

Anyone want to go?


09-15-2001, 04:01 PM
Yeah buddy, i'll rumble up there. That's just a hop, skip amd jump away from my place.

Just let me know!

09-15-2001, 07:25 PM
Cool! We'll be there at 11.

See you there!


Major Ho
09-15-2001, 07:46 PM
Scratch thatId rather play at pevs with people I know and be assured a good time. Rather a bunch of mean strangers...

09-15-2001, 08:21 PM
so when exactly does everyone plan on being there?

09-15-2001, 08:24 PM
Being where?


09-16-2001, 08:48 AM
Hey Ho, it actually aint bad anymore. Ray the owner doesn't hang out there on the weekends anymore. Now this dude named Ken runs the field for him on the weekend. He's cool, not an jerk like Ray. Remember that one dude with glasses that was with me, he works for them too.

But it will suck not having you out there, but that's cool if you don't want.

But it will be cool having DR up there

Major Ho
09-16-2001, 01:59 PM
I thought...dang i forgot the names...But the dude named Ken?, the non owner hangs out there all the time and...Ray never was there? N E Ways it was too short of notice for me. I didnt have paint nor air and i tortured my mag due to curiosity w/o the assistance of Rob. Now she is lying there all messed up and leaky. I remember the dude with glasses...Tetley or something tea related. I met him while I went to school at VCU. But uhh...I think ill be at pevs next seunday the 23rd like DR had mentioned. Hope yall like to play back to back weekends or have the cash to do that. If that doesnt sound good I can wait another week till the 30th if yall want.

09-16-2001, 05:20 PM
Well, to be completely honest..... Paintball Authority was a wash. We didn't see Kevin and games didn't even START till 1 pm, so we left and went to BCBG.

The people were great and so were the prices at BCBG, but that speedball field needs a few larger bunkers. They are made for midgets....

It really makes you learn to play tight.

It's not looking like we'll be hitting Pevs next weekend, I need to send my AIR off for some O-ring upgrade, and Alex is going out of town.

Maybe mid october?


09-16-2001, 09:50 PM
Dude, Alex you didn't tell me you were going to be there today!?!

If i had known that i would have been there.

I was originally planing on going to BCBG in the first place today until a friend cancelled. If you had said something i would have ben there too.

Oh well, so who and where are we playing next?

09-17-2001, 07:02 AM
I could have sworn I told you.... maybe I'm just losing it.

Anyway, it wasn't that great so we went up to BCBG.


Major Ho
09-17-2001, 10:38 AM
Pevs the 23rd or the 30th(preferably the 30th);) Up to you guys really. I just need some practice soon.

09-17-2001, 03:30 PM
Yeah, we are looking at mid October now because I need to send my AIR off for a small repair and Alex is having issues with his Hyperflow tank as well.

I think he's going to get it fixed and get a Conquest.

I'm sticking with the AIR though.


09-17-2001, 04:13 PM
I thought you were going to get rid of the AIR...???

09-18-2001, 07:41 AM
I decided to keep it. The "cool" factor is off the charts.


Major Ho
09-18-2001, 03:06 PM
Boyz, Ill be at pevs the 30th. As for the mid october one I think thats a no go for me since I have the tourney real soon after that, a week after I think. Gotta save the cash for that... After that hassle me all you want and Ill most likely be there... :D