View Full Version : "Paranoia" pays off!

12-27-2002, 02:09 AM
Here is an amusing incident that happened to me today. My local field held
a "bring out your new toys" day after xmas game.
A little background---I carry a PT Extreme in a low-slung tactical holster
as a back-up. Years ago I was shot while sqeeging a barell or reloading
once too many times and got into thehabit of carrying a pistol. when I got
back into the hobby about 6 months ago I sprung for a PT and have caught
grief from my friends for being "paranoid".
Well today, I stupidly ran my hopper dry. I fast firing strings of 6-8
round bursts from the Rainmaker while exchanging shots with two opposing
team members and simply lost track of how much I was shooting. Alarmed at
the continuous running of my Revvy, I ducked back behind my bunker (a chest
high earth mound topped with sandbags) and started to reload.
Within seconds I heard rapid footfalls to my front. I quickly dropped my
still unopened pod, shifted the Rainmaker to my left hand, and drew the PT.
(Note that one thing I pride myself in being is an extremely fast draw with
a handgun. I've done some competition pistol shooting, and in this case the
practice (with real guns, Jeff....) paid off!
I bobbed up from behind the bunker and ended the would-be bunkering attempt
with a double-tap to the mid-section from less than 15 or so feet! The
suprised look behind the goggles of my target was worth the price of the PT!

So after 6 months my "paranoia" pays off!

Anyone else have a similar experience?

"Trench Raider"

"Some people are alive simply because it is illegal to kill them!"

"I shoot an air gun, not a marker!"

12-27-2002, 02:30 AM
...... Waiste of money .. 6 months shows how much it helps doesnt it :)... yawn :o

GJ anyways though.

12-27-2002, 02:34 AM
yeah, I've found PTs to be wastes of money... 3 of my friends were like "oh, these are so cool! You can use em while you're reloading!" but they had such crappy range, accuracy, and poor efficiency that they all sold theirs. Glad you found some use for it though! :D

12-27-2002, 02:44 AM
...... Waiste of money .. 6 months shows how much it helps doesnt it ... yawn

Heh....What's $100? And a couple extra pounds on the hip?

"Trench Raider"

12-27-2002, 02:54 AM
I've used mine as primaries, and backups. I have done some valve work and had BOA barrels made for them.
here is the link to my review:
and a sample picture:

They work great, and though I have heard of folks having problems with them, I had relatively few. If you want a pistol that is more of a primary, then the Squall or even a sydearm would be better, but these are great fun otherwise.

whatever backup I wear (holstered), squall, ptx, PG or even minimag, I always use it as a primary at least one game when I play rec for a day. :) It's about having fun!

12-27-2002, 12:17 PM
One time I ran my stock class phantom dry - and instead of reloading I took out my Sydarm and bunkered the last opponent! WOOT!

Evil Bob
12-27-2002, 01:42 PM
I'd prefer a Sydarm over the PT, much tighter profile.

-Evil Bob

12-27-2002, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
I'd prefer a Sydarm over the PT, much tighter profile.

-Evil Bob

And 5 times the price, if you can get your hands on one. PTs look cool and are fun for a while. Common guys, dont you think that 32* is doing us a good service making the co2 run out just as your 10 rounds do? I hate having extra air, personally.

12-27-2002, 05:31 PM
Hey awsome story!! I love hearing that, way to go! :) :D

12-28-2002, 02:47 AM
Come on Steve... Let's not get our dreams mixed up with reality. :)

Originally posted by Webmaster
One time I ran my stock class phantom dry - and instead of reloading I took out my Sydarm and bunkered the last opponent! WOOT!

12-28-2002, 11:21 AM
Sometimes all we have is our imagination Black.

Hey...its his Birthday...lets let him have this little moment of fantasy... :D ;)