View Full Version : Earth and Beyond, anyone here play?

12-27-2002, 01:03 PM
I absolutley love this game. It's got such a cool storyline, great ships, awsome character races and the universe is really big. I highly recommend this game if anyone is looking for a good MMORPG. PLUS there is a free 5 day trial!! Just download it and give it a try. No credit card needed either. If you do download it, I'm on the Orion Galaxy and have tons of money and could help you out a lot!! My name is CarpetShark and I'm a Jenquai Defender. :)


If you do play, whats your name and what Galaxy?

12-27-2002, 01:07 PM
:D This is my ship, named The Peregrin after the fastest and deadliest bird in the sky!! (Anyone know what the symbol is on the wings? Paying homage to one of the greatest games ever made.

12-27-2002, 02:31 PM
is it an actual game , or is it liek a online website rpg, im confused on how you buy it

12-27-2002, 02:38 PM
Its a game, I was a beta tester for it ....

Its like an online adventure/RPG type game ... its a full game about 1gig+ in size.

Its pretty boring, but nowhere near as boring as NEOCRON was!!

I cant wait to get my copy of TRON 2.0 to test...

Dave K

12-27-2002, 03:21 PM
Well I guess it's boreing then. I find it very exciteing, intrigueing and interesting. I guess it's all on how you play. :rolleyes:

12-27-2002, 03:32 PM
I just find it boring cause I didn't like how long it took to jump to points ..lol

Its a cool game if you enjoy the style of game (RTS/RPG) ... just not my particular bag.

I wasn't dissin' ya or the game ... just saying from the genre of gaming I like it was slightly boring.

Dave K

12-27-2002, 03:39 PM
ahh I see your point! Yeah, not that I'm higher level warping isent so bad, but I see what you mean. I just want to show people the game :)

12-27-2002, 04:11 PM
Yeah, warping took forever at the beginning ..... that and I couldn't find anyone to team up with me to fight those lil weird creatures at the beginning and I kept dying ..lol

For those of you who like the space RTS/FPG games its worth a look ... especially for the 5day free trial cause its quite cool looking, just time consuming.

Dave K

12-27-2002, 04:59 PM
I started testing the beta during the second phase and I agree with digitard, I thought the game was boring although I kept playing it until the beta was released on gamespot and fileplanet. One nice thing about the game was that I was just able to just fly. One thing that I found was that it was hard to start a new character if you don't know whats going on. Finding places and compleating quests is somewhat difficult in the begining. but they may have made it simpler since I stoped playing. Everybody should go play The Sims onilne!

12-27-2002, 05:03 PM
I'm sure its a lot of fun if you have the time and patience for those games (Which I used to, but now I'm pretty sure I have ADD ..lol).

If I had gotten an Engine upgrade instead of putting more guns I'm sure I probably would of moved quicker ..lol

Dave K

12-27-2002, 05:08 PM
i'd get it in a heartbeat... but... my computer sucks.

what are the requirements like?

12-27-2002, 05:11 PM
Its not too bad, just a decent computer and video card .. I think at the time I played it I had a TNT2 (or a voodoo3 i cant remember)

but then I changed to a GF4 so I dont have any game issues now ..lol

Dave K

12-27-2002, 05:15 PM
The game is MUCH better since the Beta period! The quests were easy in the beginning, they get you to level 10 in no time flat. I've only been playing for about 8 days and I already have a Level 45 Jenquai Defender and a level 23 Terran Trader, and I dont play more than a couple hours a day at most. I am member of a guild, and that helped greatly. I could get any AOer's in my guild too, not a problem. I can take you hunting too :) I love helping people in the game.

You really should try it again since the Beta though, a lot of my fellow guildies have been playing since beta and agree that they improved the game 10 fold since then.

Sys requierments are :

Windows® XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2 or higher), Windows 98 (Windows 95 and Windows NT are not supported)
56 Kbps or faster Internet connection
500 MHz Intel® Pentium® III or AMD® Athlon™ processor
128 MB RAM
4x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive
2 GB free hard disk space
32 MB Hardware Accelerated video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card

800 MHz or faster Intel® Pentium® III or AMD® Athlon™ processor
256 MB or more RAM
16x or faster CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive

12-27-2002, 05:24 PM
Here's a cool picture of me warping, I have my combat engine in so im warping slow, with my trade engine I get 5K warp :) Turbo buff.

Thats saturn in the background.

12-28-2002, 12:42 AM
I did the whole beta test and was even included in the "founders" league for the first month of live game play for free. I went by "TheBloodyOne" and think my account is still open with EA. I just cant see paying a monthly fee to play the game, I may start playing again if they lower the price a bit, it was a pretty good game.

12-28-2002, 01:09 AM
AHHHHH! EA deleted me I have to start all over. Oh well Im downloading the new demo version all 1.05gb of it. I think this is the longet download I have ever done with my cable,45 min at 370kb/sec
PS why did I read this post now im going to be stuck on this game again LOL:D

12-28-2002, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
(Anyone know what the symbol is on the wings? Paying homage to one of the greatest games ever made.

Isn't that the GDI symbol from Comand and Conquer? I love all of the Comand and Conquer games!

12-28-2002, 01:41 AM
uhh... boo. :)


massive online first person shooter.

one big world, one big war. The game doesnt end until an empire has fallen.

There are 3 empires, The Terran Republic, the New Conglomerate, and the Vanu Sovereignty.

I'm joining the Vanu Sovereignty. I just hope it doesnt cost TOO much though....

12-28-2002, 02:05 AM
the symbol is from C&C.... great game!

12-28-2002, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango

Windows® XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2 or higher), Windows 98 (Windows 95 and Windows NT are not supported)

56 Kbps or faster Internet connection

500 MHz Intel® Pentium® III or AMD® Athlon™ processor
128 MB RAM

Comments on the reqs: If you run W2K you can play it w/o any of the service packs whatsoever.

This game is playable on 56k but don't even try combat... it gets atrocious.

You can easily run the game on a P3 500 with no performance hit if you have at least a TNT2 unlike what their reqs say. I would recommend having at least 256mb of Ram though or the game sits there and tries to swap all the time, which causes your game to totally lag and slow up.

12-28-2002, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Nobody077
AHHHHH! EA deleted me I have to start all over. Oh well Im downloading the new demo version all 1.05gb of it. I think this is the longet download I have ever done with my cable,45 min at 370kb/sec
PS why did I read this post now im going to be stuck on this game again LOL:D

Which galaxy did you pick? And whats your handle? TheBloodyOne again? I'll add you to my friends list and help you level if you want? I'm on Orion Galaxy like I said in my first post. :D

12-28-2002, 11:46 AM
hey spraying, if i bought it could i do the buddy thing and get 5 bucks off?

12-28-2002, 12:17 PM
Spork: right now, the buddy code costs only $15, and what you would do is put someones EA Account name in (like mine for instance "SprayingMango") and it gives my character 2 skill points and 100,000 credits. And you get the game for only $15!!! compared to 40 or 50 from the store, but you get no box, cd or manuel. What I've done is, one of my other friends did the buddy code, and I gave him the 100,000 credits in the game (it helps more than you could imagine). If you do the buddy things let me know, I would greatly appreciate it if you put my name in. Just make sure you join Orion Galaxy!! Or else it dosent work. :D

12-28-2002, 01:25 PM
so i download the whole game? and only pay 15 bucks

alright that sounds cool, ill try that today or tonight

12-28-2002, 03:02 PM
Wow they only deleted one of my people, (the level 50 of course:rolleyes: ) but I still have my level 22 progen warrior, with my "FF" founders sig on the side of my ship. Mr name is Bloodyone and hes in the Galileo galaxy at the Trader's fort. I will add you to my friends list

12-28-2002, 03:09 PM
Spork: yeah just download the game and try the 5 day freebie before you buy, just to make sure you like the game. Then, if you like it, buy the buddy registration code for $15 bucks and go to "Account Management" and then "Register" or something like that, enter the buddy code and voila, you own it. Then when you restart the game it will ask you if you were refered by someone.

**But there is a monthly fee, but you get 30 days free and can buy a 1, 3, or 6 month package. I just got the 1 month for like $12 bucks.

Nobody: ahh that stinks, cause you are on Galileo, we won't be able to play together, unless you make another character on Orion. :( My guild is on Orion so I pretty much have to stay there.

12-28-2002, 03:14 PM
alright im downloading it

guild?....this remind me of shadowbane, anyone gonna play that when it comes out?!? it sounds so fun

12-28-2002, 08:40 PM
i downloaded it , im on the orion place, my account is spork_1

12-29-2002, 01:29 AM
spork: awsome!! What is your characters name though? Thats what I need to be able to find you. My characters name is Carpetshark. If you add me to your friends list you can see my location and if I'm on or offline. If I find you I can show you the ropes and get you leveling pretty quickly :)

12-29-2002, 03:49 AM
I hate this game is to adicting:) I gust stoped playing and I started at 10:00am and it 12:45pm with only minor food and bathroom breaks. I do plan to make a new charactor maby a seintanal, and i'll make it in orion. When the ame was in beta we only had 2-3 servers and Galileo was one of them. OK time to get some sleep

12-29-2002, 10:03 AM
ya im totally confused on where very thing is in this game, im a lvl 3 trader guy, are traders a good character?

his name is spoom1 , cause someone took spork1(who the heck takes spork!@$!)

whats the ebst character to play?