View Full Version : Paintball on CN8!

12-27-2002, 06:21 PM
CN8 @ 10pm! Watch it! (12/27)

I just saw the promo. For anyone who gets Comcast and their channel, CN8, there will be a segment on paintball at their 7pm and 10pm news. The promo had some fast-paced speeball shots, and a voice over of what sounded like 10 year old saying (paraphrased) "It's just modern tag, or Cowboys and Indians." Everyone was wearing masks on the field, and it looks like it will be a pretty positive portrayal. I will tape it, and watch it later to let you guys know how it was. If anyone has CN8 and a video capture card, maybe you want to record it and make it available to those who don't get it.

12-27-2002, 07:30 PM
I've been watching it for a half hour already, and no mention of paintball yet, not even during the "coming up" segment. Maybe it wasn't tonight, I didn't remember the time or show mentioned in the commercial, I just assumed it was tonight, and the only other thing on in primetime is a Fleetwood Mac concert. Oh well, there's still another half hour, so I could be wrong. I hope no one watched it just because I thought it was on. If it doesn't, I apologize in advance.

Multi-Colored J
12-27-2002, 08:29 PM
i just saw that too.

i like the guy saying, "it's not a gun, it's a marker."

12-27-2002, 09:14 PM
For anyone who has comcast, it's also going to be on at 10pm.
Yea, I taped it and I just saw it. Hands down the BEST portrayal of paintball in the media I've ever seen. THe shot most of it at Skirmish.
LOL, multi-colored J, the had this guy showing off his "2002 dye autococker paintball gun", then this old guy saying "it's a marker, not a gun" this guy showing off his angel, que old guy, another guy with a tippy ("Best gun out there" pffft, yea...), que old guy. Not once did I see anyone without a mask while playing, or without a BBD off the field. All in all, a great segment, and I hope it changed some minds. I'm going to keep the tape and show it to some people in case they have qualms about paintball or a negative view of it.

12-27-2002, 11:23 PM
I showed the tape to my sister, mom, her boyfriend, and my grandmother. My grandmother, who is very cool, actually thought it looked like fun and would want to try it, but wouldn't want to embarass me at the field.
My sister came out with a MORE negative look at paintball than before, and thought it was stupid to show my mom that.
My mom said that if she'd seen that before I started playing, she doesn't think she would've let me play. Immediately after the screening, she said, only half-jokingly, "I'm not going to let you play anymore." She didn't mean it, and I got her to admit it looked fun, and, although I doubt she will, she said she wouldn't be against trying it.
My mom's boyfriend, while not being against paintball, also came out with a more negative look at paintball. He thought it was a little odd that adults played, but said if it was around when he was a teenager, he would've loved it. I questioned what age had to do with it. He said it is a phase. I countered with, "I'll play paintball until I'm too old to crouch behind a bunker." I also told him, I don't think he'll "get" it, unless he tries it. Maybe I'll drag him and my mom out to the field one day and play, see if that will change their minds a little.

12-28-2002, 12:14 PM
dude take them to a field and punish them raiden style!