View Full Version : warp feed for joe paintball player?

09-03-2001, 08:42 PM
i dont know how many times i have heard this question come up, but i havent retained any knowledge of it so i want to know. how many people out there have warpfeeds on 'normal' guns. more specificly not emags and rts that can more fully take advantage of higher rates of feed. other than the halo video i dont know if ive seen any pics of it on guns like mine. can you post your pic or fill me in on your experience with the warp on your more average gun?

09-03-2001, 08:45 PM
it wasn't in the HALO video.. and its not really neccassary for an average ordinary gun because most cant shoot much faster than 12bps... im not suppose to say this but if your planning on getting the WARP i suggest spending the money on a HALO... pls dont hate me for doing this AGD im just an anti WARP person but i still LOVE AGD PRODUCTS!!!

09-03-2001, 08:48 PM
warpfeed on that even though i can NEVER get the stupid warp to work http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif http://www.geocities.com/smurf_joker2001/index.html?981073633530

Reactor Valve
BenchMark 2x
LabVert Adapter
Dye Gas Thru Grip
Dye 14 in Boomstick
Warp Feed
Stock Bolt
RT Valve
E-Lcd or hyper Frame
ANS Venturi
Some Sort of paint job
10in BoomStick

"our guns are better because we care enough to make them as good as we can. Now don't take my word for it, go over to the Spyder forum and ask the president of that company why his guns are better than Mags. When he gives you an answer come back here and tell us about it."
Tom Kaye

09-03-2001, 08:48 PM
oh and yes, it can fit any type of gun. (or atleast thats what i heard)

Black Powder E-Mag (right Powerfeed)
Dye Boomstick 14"
Kapp Dropforward
NitroDuck 68ci 3000psi
WDP Lok Sok (Grey)
12v Rev
www.geocities.com/viil3/Team.html (http://www.geocities.com/viil3/Team.html) (my Team Site)

09-03-2001, 09:36 PM
The Warp provides 2 advantages, the first is the positive (and fast also) feed that brings out the best in a "super-semi."

The second and more important to everyone in paintball is that it moves the hopper off of the top of the gun - dimishing the area your oponent has to hit. As of now, if you run a warp you are almost invisible on the field - why? Because most people look for the hopper first, when they don't see one, they assume no one is behind that bunker. The day will come when people are used to the warps and are more attentive, but they'll still have a much harder target to hit. I feel "exposed" in a sense now when playing with my direct feed shocker. That damn hopper is alway telegraphing my moves, and presenting a nice big target to hit.

The warp tucks the hopper into the natural crook of your off hand (non-trigger) arm, where it is nice, tight, and protected. Any gun can benifit from this - don't get mis-led into thinking the warp is only about the feed-rate because it's not. The warp is a actually an evolutionary step forward in paintball - the same as when we moved from gravity feed tubes to hoppers, or from pump to semi, maybe even from 12 gram to constant air :-)
