View Full Version : is it worth it to pay the extra 100 for 4500 psi?

12-28-2002, 02:01 AM
I gotta get a bunch of stuff for my mag that I just got, and I can get a 68 ci 3000 psi tank for 80 bucks or pay 180 for a 68 ci 4500 psi tank, is it worth the extra 100 for 1500 more psi? I know that a 4500 psi tank holds about half more shots than a 3000 psi tank but I am also looking to save myself some cash if I can

12-28-2002, 02:06 AM
I think most would say yes, if you can get fills for it at your field. You'll go from *approximately 700 shots per fill to *approximately 1000.

12-28-2002, 02:28 AM
Actually the prices would be 125 to 180, the 125 would be 68 ci 3000 psi and I could get about 800 shots per fill, for the extra 55, I can get 1000 shots per fill, I am thinking that getting the 3000 psi tank can save me some cash for my lvl 10 bolt, thats one thing, pay more for the tank and not get a lvl 10 or get the cheaper 68 ci 3000 psi and get a lvl 10? another factor is every time I would go to my field, I would be paying 15 bucks for all day nitro fillup

12-28-2002, 02:48 AM
Many 4500 tanks have a 5yr hydro date, where many 3000 tanks (fiber) need hydro after 3yr. If you're looking at fiber 3k tank, I'd say it's worth $55 for 2 yrs free from re-hydro. If the $125 tank is steel (kinda $$$ for steel), the extra weight savings is worth $55 IMO.

12-28-2002, 03:47 AM
First make sure you can fill a tank up to 4500 at your local fields. Then weigh this personally: The convenience of more shots per fill, or the convenience of have 55$ to spend on other things. if you play rec/rogueball a lot, I'd go with a 4500 so that you don't keep running out of air. If you almost always play at a field that can keep filling you up, then I'd go with a 3000 because you won't really run out of air (since you can just get it refilled).

12-28-2002, 04:12 AM
There's always the option of your own fill station. You can go with the 3k tank, then head out to your local sporting goods store and pick up a scuba tank and order a fill station hook-up online. You'd probably be looking at around $150, plus a $6-20 scuba fill. Throw the scuba in the trunk and fill to your heart's content. 10 weekends at $15 per all day fill and the scuba tank has broken even. If you do decide to go this route, tell the people filling the tank that it's for paintball and you should get a discount over normal fill prices.

12-28-2002, 10:38 AM
Check to see if there are 4500 fills where you play. If there are, then YES, it is worth it. Otherwise you are wasting your money.

12-28-2002, 10:53 AM
I think it is worth it.

12-28-2002, 11:06 AM
yes, its worth it even if your field doesnt do 4500psi fills now, they may later

12-28-2002, 11:15 AM
if your field fills 45 get it and i have an new pmi pure energy tank 68/45 and those now have a 5 year hydro
i believe its all tanks that Luxfer make have 5 yr

12-28-2002, 12:09 PM
Go for it, you'll get about 40% more shots, 50 if you top it off, its a really nice feature.

12-28-2002, 12:23 PM
My field just got a megabooster and can do 45k psi fills now. I'm glad I got my 4500 tank when I was deciding to order a new nitro tank. Go for it.

12-28-2002, 12:33 PM
you know you can get level 10s from 888paintball.com for 68.94 right? that will save you some.

anyways, i woudl go with a 4500 because you will have lots more shots per fill, and that will make it lots more convenient.

12-28-2002, 12:45 PM
Depends on where you play. How your financial situation is. If they fill 4500. How much you shoot. And other factors too.

In my opinion it is worth it if you play alot and shoot alot. It really isn't worth it to me though.

12-28-2002, 01:00 PM
its COMPLETELY worth it, if your 68/3000 is a steel tank. Its a good idea to invest in a good tank

12-28-2002, 05:48 PM
For me it wasnt worth it. I settled for a 3k flatline. It is plenty consistant, its lighter than a 4.5, and i did the math and realized this:

if i play front, i only carry about 400 balls with me. my tank holds around 850 shots. thats a fill every 2 games. with a 4500, it would shoot around 1100 to 1200 balls, meaning i would have to fill it every 2 games anyway just to make sure i didnt run out in the third game. and if i play back i carry around 700 balls, so i would fill the 3k every game. I would have to top off the 4.5 every game too though to make sure i didnt run out the second game. therefore i realized to me the 4.5 had no advantage because i had to fill it just as often, it was heavier, and it was more expensive.

12-28-2002, 05:56 PM
umm im not completly sure on this so dont "quote" me but
a 3000 and a 4500 psi tank are the same weight.
its the same bottle

12-28-2002, 09:05 PM
i belive you are correct about the tank weight. however, kosmo does make sense in the refil probs. if you get an all day fill at your field then it doesnt matter anyway.

just a side note, i was rather underwhelmed playing with compressed air for the first time. it was less efficient than my 20oz tank and an expansion chamber. its better in the long run i suppose as the gun shot very consistant and it allows me to play when its just a tad too cold with co2.

12-28-2002, 09:13 PM
another thing u need to think about is how much playin u gonna be doing in the future?? are u going to play tourneys, scenerio games, stuff like that. it would be better to spend the extra dough now then to have to buy another new bottle a year down the road.

thats usually why u can pick up 3grand tanks cheaper cause most ppl dont think bout that and now are going to get 45s

after owning one i will not buy another 3000
but whatever clever
get what suits u

12-28-2002, 09:21 PM
It's alomst always worth it. Just for future capabilities.

Personally, the only 3k I'd even consider buying is the Max-Flo, and that's because the newer ones can be filled with CO2 in a pinch.

c sherer
12-29-2002, 01:59 AM
Definately need to consider how much you shoot in any given game. If you play front in 3 man tourneys, you could probably go with a small 45/3000, but if you are a back 7 or 10man player and typically shoot 1000 rounds in a game, then if you got a 68/3000 and were only getting 700 shots out of it, you'd be severely limited.

If you play rec, then its rare to shoot 1000 ball in a game and could probably do just fine. Also keep in mind that the level 10 bolts use a little bit more air than normal, so you'll get fewer shots with one installed. Do a search and you can find the percentage, but I think the LXs use about 10% more air overall (correct me if i'm wrong).


12-29-2002, 07:49 AM
now this is just a WAG(wild @ss guess) so dont quote me
but i think i lost about 100 shots out of my 68/45 tank
not really a big deal at all with a 45 but with a 3 u might be in trouble?