View Full Version : Bad, Bad Day at the Field

12-28-2002, 04:04 PM
Well today was the first time I have been able to get out to the field in about 3 months. So I am all hype and all. Get out there my friend who was suppose to meet me said he couldn't come. So I went by myself (no big problem). Everything is going fine until our first game. Get out there and it is 20 vs. 20 on a decent size speedball field. So we go and I had planned to take command of the center bunker in the back and direct from there. This was our plan. But it didn't happen. 5 little kids who got scared under fire curled up in that bunker and left me to hang out dry. So I and my 6'4 300 pound self sprinted (if you call it that) to the 30 were I luckily only got hit once on the run and it was a bounce. I slide in and on the slide I rippped my pants leg. So I am sitting there trying to see what is going on, I see a man trying to take position on me so I move to the side and get a lucky shot on him (the good part for the day). So I am popping cover fire for a little kid to get to the 50. And I break a ball. So I take the barrel out with the help of some cover fire form my teammates, swab it and start going. As soon as I put it on I take a quick look to the side of the bunker to see if I can see anything to do. Just then I see a yellow ball bounce twice on the ground and then hit me in the goggles and break on my goggles but not the twice on the ground. Next game goes one going good, then all of a sudden two balls get jammed in the neck of the hopper I am sitting there beating it trying to get it undone, but to no avail. So I have to pull my hopper off stick my finger up to fix it then go on. Next game I forget to turn my revy on and break about 3 balls inside and even had one break in the hopper. And the last game with a big thing I ran out of paint, oh and had two bounce of my neck. All in all it was a bad day to paintball for me.

Did anyone else share in my experiences or I am the dummy for the day.

12-28-2002, 04:10 PM
well this didnt happen today, but a little while back, i had to go paintballing without a wire nubbin. oh my was that a bad time. i was shooting 5 balls per trigger pull (some people pay money for that feature ;)), and i broke about 200 balls that day. oh, and i got bunkered on 4 different occasions trying to clean my barrel out.

12-28-2002, 04:29 PM
i was once bunkerd 6 times( first day of sup air lol ) 18 bruises. Can you say bonus ballin. OH and lets see veeyday before i got LX was a bad day due to chopping.

12-28-2002, 06:51 PM
Yeah that is partially my problem. My level ten won't be installed untill this week, so I can't wait. The other is I am running a crappy 9 volt rev with intellifeed. I need to get something better.

12-28-2002, 06:52 PM
Yeah i had a really bad gaming day.

Let's just say I couldn't use my SFL Emag; I couldn't use my standard Mag; but I could only use a Tippmann Pro-Lite ;)

I walked home with more paint on me than in my whole experiences playing. ha


12-28-2002, 07:49 PM
Yeah the last few times I've gone I've had those experiences. Either a problem with the gun, bad paint or just some real bad breaks. I think it was the last time I went I just about got shot out off the break 50% of the time. Most of them were just ones that were bouncing off the ground and hitting me in the legs to. But oh well, just gotta get back out there and keep trying.

12-28-2002, 08:19 PM
my first tourny = horrible....

well, my velocity was + - 150... ya thats right, my mag was shooting 240 350 200 120 ect ect... many points were deducted for that...

got bunkered 3 times...

12-28-2002, 10:38 PM
Im sorry you had a bad day, that always sucks

man espo!!! what was up with your velocity?? My first tourny I had 98c that was always within 10 fps +/- (very good for me :) the only other gun I had experiance with could go up to 350 if I had chronoed at 250 earlier) and my tourny rocked :)

12-28-2002, 11:50 PM
sounds like a HORRIBLY busted reg seat to me

12-28-2002, 11:58 PM
i replaced every o ring in the gun and i worked fine after that...

as for the getting bunkered....well, i just suck

12-29-2002, 12:32 AM
Oh well, there will be days like this!! We've all been there!! Remember: Some days you're the Pigeon, and some days you're the Statue!!

12-29-2002, 12:57 AM
I went and played last night in the pouring down rain. The field was basically a lake (did anyone watch the raider game?) bacause it was that bad. I didn't know anyone there though, just a bunch of little kids and their dads. I played with this one guy and we pretty much owned the whole right side of the field the last game. Even though he ran out of paint and i ran out of air. We even managed to eliminate one of our own teamates. All in all i had a great time it was only the second time i used my new RT-Pro. I had two barrel breaks all night, not bad for shooting ghetto dimpled big-ball.

12-29-2002, 10:25 AM
yea, we all have our days, and i guess that 1 just wasn't yours, but hey, at least you know you've had better ones, just don't let that 1 get you down

12-29-2002, 11:52 AM
well, lastime i went i had a great time, only busted one ball int he barrel and it was my 8 incher soo the next shot blew all the paint out and i did not have any problems. But my first day palyin with my mag was the worst. It would not even shoot. I WAS MAD. I had to play with a rental gun, and needless to say i got (BLLEEPED) up. Hang in there man, it will get better. I hate ballin with little kids on the field they are so annoying

12-29-2002, 03:12 PM
I dont really recall having a bad day like that before..

one time i ran to the 50 and slid into a teepee bunker,and when i slid,i kinda slid more on my butt than my leg,and i landed on the hard ground REALLY hard on my hip,so it swelled up,and i could barely walk.....had a bruise for weeks...

but it was still fun

Steve Crush
12-29-2002, 03:29 PM
at least you made it to the field :(. there was an accident on the inerstate, after traveling 12 miles that only took me a meer hour and a half i decided well screw this i'm goin home ;( 50+ degrees outside beautiful day and had to call the paintball plans i had for the day off.


12-29-2002, 04:47 PM
I had my RT Pro when it didnt have LX and it broke like 20 times a day.

12-29-2002, 06:52 PM
u think ur day was bad? saturday we had a party of a bunch of jackasses who wipe, overshoot, bunker, and do everything theyre not supposed to. and then they argue with us and dare to call us morons. i swear, next time they give me guff theyre not gonna come back.

12-29-2002, 09:37 PM
Ive never had that bad of a day except for when the idiots on my team to stupid stuff to get points deducted which keeps us from going to the finals. Last tourney 175 point taken off and missed the finals by 15 points.

12-29-2002, 09:49 PM
My first tourney with a mag i forgot to turn my powerfeed to feed,I lost many eliminations that game.