View Full Version : What adjustable hpa system gives you the biggest bang for the buck?

12-28-2002, 05:31 PM
I have noticed that the Smart parts Max flow and the Agd flatline 68/4500 are the same price. Which is a better system? What system would you buy for under $400? I am still not convinced that hpa is the way to go for me. I cannot tell if it is necessary. The temperature today is in the upper fifty's and I was placing paint on top of paint win a 16oz bottle attached to my vertical adaptor. However I was not shooting very fast (about 1 bps). As a recreational player I do not shoot much paint nor do I shoot very fast. I really do not know how consistent my gun is shooting because I do not have easy access to a chronograph (I do not usually play at a field). Tell me your thoughts.


12-28-2002, 06:06 PM
the CenterFlag DynaFlow definitly gives you the biggest bang for the buck...but thats LITERAL...man it makes a big bang when you toggle the on-off valve... :D

12-28-2002, 09:23 PM
lol kev thats for sure i had a 201 hyperflow and everytime i shut the on/off ppl would always duck and yell at me for shootin my gun....noobs lol

12-28-2002, 09:26 PM
another thing if ur playin renegade ball u should get ur gun chronod. if you got the cash or get some friends together and buy a hand chrono. the like 80$ and worth every penny.

12-28-2002, 09:56 PM
Thanks for the replies! I am sorry for the babbling at the beginning of the thread. I would like to know what would be the best 68/4500-hpa tank under 400. I have a classic valve and I am not sure if I want to get retro or not. As of now there is no need for me to get it. Should I go for a flatline, a max flow, Or save money and get something like a preset Crossfire? What kind of consistency can I get with crossfire? Is the flatline the most consistent regulator I can get?

12-28-2002, 10:02 PM
really all you'll need is a preset, then with the money you saved buy a chrono, safety first man.

12-29-2002, 07:41 AM
yep i have to agree with yeahthatsme i play tourney and us a pmi pure energy 68/45. new there only like $200 so u can buy the $80 hand chrono which is VERY handy.

and if anyone says presets arnt good enough heres a list of NPPL teams that use pmi pure energy
SC Ironmen
Team Energy
Paraplegic Turtles
ECX Fac Team
these are just some sponsored teams man not counting all the other ppl who just use em.
another thing is that if u buy a new 68/45 pure energy they are luxfer bottles and have a 5 not 3 year hydro date
well worth the money.
just a thought though :D

12-29-2002, 12:33 PM
In your Sig. you have a retro Mag. Is your trigger reactive with your PMI pure energy tank? Is it preset to 850psi, or 800psi like crossfire tanks? If I eventually get the retro valve, I will not like to have to change tanks to get some benefit from the reactive trigger. The crossfire is $169.99 while the PMI is $205.50 and the center flag is $184.99. I have heard good things about the crossfire but not much about the other two. Which has the best regulator? Do the center flag, and crossfire have 5-year hidros like the PMI?

12-29-2002, 01:16 PM
if you have classic,i would stay preset, if you have retro, i would go adjustable... prolly a flatline.

12-29-2002, 02:51 PM
yes trigger is reactive pmi input is 800 centerflag is 750
i had a centerflag hyperflow 201 for my angel and loved it but i have not noticed any differece when i sold it and went to pure energy. they work great and are way cheaper sooo? i wasnt really impressed with the crossfire when i tried one long time ago so cant really say for sure, maybe they got better?

12-29-2002, 09:49 PM
For a classic valve, a Preset tank is fine.

For anything else, there's Max-Flo.

You should be able to pick up killer deals on 2k2 Max-Flo's right now, since the 2K3 looks to be a massive upgrade, size wise (Performance doesn't look to change between the 2k2's and the 2k3's, the 2k3 is 1/2 the size though).

12-29-2002, 10:37 PM
if you do go preset, go crossfire, i love mine, in terms of retro, every 1 is always worried is it gonna be enough, but presets are either set at 800, or 850(at least high presur ones)and if you go to the tech page at AGD's main site, and go to chronoing the RT, a high inputer pressure is considered 750, so it should be plenty