View Full Version : X-Box Troubles...

12-28-2002, 06:35 PM
So I got Ghost Recon and Agent Under Fire for X-Mas....now when I'm playing occasionally(espically in GR, acutally a lot in GR) the game will freeze or give me an error message. "Disc is dirty or damaged....blah blah balh". I assume its the game, but then it happened with Agent Under Fire, only once or twice though. The disc are perfect, no scratches at all...Is my X-Box dirty or something, who should I contact about it if it is? Anyone else ever have this problem?

12-28-2002, 06:41 PM
I don't have X-Box but my guess is that the laser eye is dirty which makes it harder for the console to read the disks. I'd get one of those CD cleaner pads and wipe it clean. Be careful though, if the pad isn't clean it will scratch the eye and probably ruin the console. Good luck though.

12-28-2002, 07:04 PM
You realize that the player in the XBOX is just a low-quality DVD reader. If your box is out of warranty just go buy yourself another DVD-ROM (recommend a Pioneer) and attach it where the existing one is attached. If it still is under warranty just have it repaired or replaced.

Problem solved... (as a side note, this will allow you to read CD's and burned media as well, so you can put your burned music on your Xbox)

12-28-2002, 07:57 PM
OMG that is so ironic, that happened to mine too! I got Splinter Cell for xmas and it freezes or wont reconize disc or whatever, i was like "wtf :confused: ".....

12-30-2002, 01:49 PM
The power connector on the DVD drive in the Xbox is proprietary. It's also 'top-less' so to speak, and I don't think a standard sized drive will fit inside the Xbox.

Chances are Remington is right and your laser pickup is dirty. I'm guessing a standard DVD cleaner disc would do the job, but it's worth a call to Microsoft's tech support. I've only had this happen to me once, and it was with a rental game that had fingerprints all over the disc.

(In case you're wondering, I know about the xbox dvd drive because my first xbox got fried in a thunderstorm and I got to disassemble it and look it over.)

12-30-2002, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by krafty
The power connector on the DVD drive in the Xbox is proprietary. It's also 'top-less' so to speak, and I don't think a standard sized drive will fit inside the Xbox.

(In case you're wondering, I know about the xbox dvd drive because my first xbox got fried in a thunderstorm and I got to disassemble it and look it over.)

I know a standard DVD-Rom will work because I have 2 XBoxes using them right now. Granted they don't exactly "fit" in the enclosure, but that doesn't bother me. I just run them with the top off.

12-30-2002, 09:31 PM
Sound like the BSD(Blue Screen of Death)!!! LOL


08-04-2003, 06:10 PM
Hmm I think Microsoft should do something about their crappy drives... I got a NEW xbox at the beginning of this year and the drive was bad right out of the box. I had the xbox replaced for free but Ive seen alot of xboxs that are out of warantee and also have problems reading discs (my new one included).

Id like to see pics of an xbox with a different DVD rom put in. Seems like its something worth doing in the long run (i would like to be able to rip burnt CDs too)

08-04-2003, 07:53 PM
I don't have a problem with mine, but if I did and installed a new DVD-ROM, would it affect Xbox Live? I heard things about Live not working with modded xboxes.

08-04-2003, 10:14 PM
Ok, since I've stopped posting there so much, I only browse through, but on gamefaqs.com, in the xbox box forum, I saw something about boiling your discs. I do not in any way know how to do this, or the saftey of doing it. What a remember was something about just setting it on top for a few seconds, but I may have missed something. Just trying to help, and always remember, it might be something wrong with the disc or the box.

08-05-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by alkafluence

I know a standard DVD-Rom will work because I have 2 XBoxes using them right now. Granted they don't exactly "fit" in the enclosure, but that doesn't bother me. I just run them with the top off.

I'd greatly appreciate pictures and directions on how to do this correctly!

EDIT: Found a website with directions for a bunch of mods, thanks anyway though.

08-05-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by HoboJudge
I don't have a problem with mine, but if I did and installed a new DVD-ROM, would it affect Xbox Live? I heard things about Live not working with modded xboxes.

First to address this problem.

Yes, if you run your Xbox with the mod-chip's alternate bios enabled MS has some way of monitoring the status (I've run network analyzer's on this and they do perform status checking). If they discover that you're on live using a modded xbox they will ban that xbox's MAC address from connecting as well as the associated Live account.

Most mod-chips nowadays have a switch that will allow you to enable or disable the mod at will.

But you don't need a mod chip if you are just going to replace the DVD-Rom drive.

08-05-2003, 09:22 PM
Theres a store that buys used games, nintendos, xboxes, etc... and one of my friends started having that same problem and took it to the store (one of the large chain stores, dont remember which one) and they bought it, didnt try it or anything, never even asked if it worked. I think he ended up getting a brand new xbox and like a controller and a game for another 30$ or something. Kinda low, but it works.

08-05-2003, 09:27 PM
Actually, my friend went in EBX and asked if they would accept a broken Xbox as a trade-in and the worker there said it was fine. And thank you alka.