View Full Version : Home Networking?

12-28-2002, 06:35 PM
I would like to build a home network to share the printer and net access with two computers (and hopefully, soon, my PS2 and possibly a laptop). Something wireless would be preferable, since both comp locations are temporary, and very well may move several times, and if I get a laptop, I would like anywhere access. I don't know about the different wirelesses range, but I do know the 900mhz cordless phone we have does not work throughout the whole house (might be crappy phone, thick stone walls, or a mix, since the house is not huge). The base station for the phone is in the corner of the house, however. Anyway, some help would be greatly appreciated. I would like inexpensive, but sometimes you need to spend a little more for quality stuff. Thanks in advance.

*edit* - I looked into Powerline, but the fact that it needs its own outlet sucks, I'll need to investigate it further.

12-28-2002, 07:01 PM
Hmmm, I just setup a D-Link wireless router. 4 hub, plus "unlimited" wireless connections- 2.4 ghz. Its pretty easy to install. You can put all the computers next to your cable modem on the hub (save money from the expensive wireless cards) and anything far away or wireless on wireless cards.

The router is roughly $150 (I payed $50 on Black Friday :cool: )

and each card is roughly $65 I believe. I'd check eBay for some good deals.

Have fun with it :)

12-28-2002, 07:17 PM
Check Buy.com, you can get the DLink Irbodden is talking about for $107.

I personally like the Netgears, never had a problem with them.

12-28-2002, 07:22 PM
Heres all the help you should need bro


12-28-2002, 07:34 PM
My dad set up all of our computers through the house like that but he WONT use wireless stuff. He makes programs and stuff and says that wireless is really really easy to hack into , just something to think about.

12-28-2002, 07:35 PM
it's just too easy now-a-days...
when I had my housebuilt, I had 3 runs of cat3 and 3 runs of cat 5 to each room (except the bathroom), not including phone, and cableTV. I alos had half a dozen fiber runs fromteh basement to the "computer room", since the servers would be in teh basement at/near the punchdown blocks.

now folks just go spend a couple hundred bucks for wireless and viola' - instant intranet and sans server necessity as well! Cheaters! :) (just kidding)

12-28-2002, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by pbguy888
My dad set up all of our computers through the house like that but he WONT use wireless stuff. He makes programs and stuff and says that wireless is really really easy to hack into , just something to think about.

It's called Wardriving, i.e. someone drivers around in their car with a laptop w/ wireless card trying to get into a network.

You dont have to worry about this really if you live in the country. The other option is to use encryption which can make it slightly more difficult.

In many cases wiring multiple computers together isn't an option, it would be VERY difficult to do it here with how far away some computers are spaced out.