View Full Version : Picking the correct Freak Insert

Irish Deth
12-28-2002, 06:58 PM

What is the best method for selecting the correct insert for a freak. I just purchased a freak barrel with one insert and need to know how to size the paint to purchase the right insert(s).

12-28-2002, 07:36 PM
You want to place the ball in the end of the insert, cup your hand around the end of the insert and blow into it. You should be able to blow the ball through the insert, but you don't want to turn your face blue trying to blow the ball through the insert and you don't want it to drop through the insert as if it didn't have any resistance. That's a perfect fit and will make the gun the most efficient, consistent and reduce breaks.

12-28-2002, 07:44 PM
I try to get the tightest fit possible that I can still blow the ball out. Also always try more than 2 or 3 balls. I will try at least 3, and then ask around and see what insert everybody else is using, and base my decision off of that.

Hope that helps.:)