View Full Version : Inconsistent FPS

12-28-2002, 07:17 PM
I can't get mag to shoot consistent velocities. It usually varies by about 8-15 FPS. This about as good as any marker I have owned previously, but not nearly as good as I have read about on the forum.

I have a Classic with a LVL 10 that seems to be working fine. I use an ACI bulldog nitro tank that puts out about 750psi, usually use an AA barrel.

Anybody got any ideas?

12-28-2002, 07:37 PM
try changing your reg.seat. See if your reg.piston o'ring could use some changing. dont for get to oil your valve. make sure your using the biggest carrier that doesnt leak and get a GOOD paint/barrel match(that's a biggie).

12-28-2002, 08:51 PM
"90% of all velocity fluctuations are due to a poor barrel to paint match" -Bud Orr

that sums up my point of view

12-29-2002, 03:32 AM
^^ What he said. Rount paint + good barrel match = nice consistancy.

12-29-2002, 07:41 PM
I recently replaced the regulator piston and o-ring, and I oil it every 1500-2000 rounds, basically between days of playing. The gun operates great. Since the LVL10 I've only broken maybe 3 balls in 4000. And those were on a 30 degree day. I'll try checking the FPS with the best barrel to ball fit I can find and see what happens.

Does the old trick of trying to blow a ball thru the barrel really give a good indication of the fit?

12-30-2002, 12:35 AM
yes, it does. its how most people do it....i dont take calipers with me to the field :D :rolleyes:

anyways, yeh, if it roles through, too small, if you cant blow it through or have a hard time its too big.. and amke sure to try 3-5 balls from a bag...each ball will vary slightly

12-30-2002, 01:10 AM
um... its barely related but i put 8 shots over the chrono with my mag... all of them were at 258 :p :D

very good bore match, new o-rings, and everything was clean, oiled, and broken in

hehe... i love mags :D

oh yes, there was a guy with an angel next to me at the other chrono who was getting +/- 3 fps :eek: ... but mine was +/- 0 for thoes 8 shots :p