View Full Version : New mag owner!!

12-29-2002, 11:28 AM
I just bought my first "real marker" (had a spyder, not have a minimag) I am looking to do some big upgrades to it soon. Where can I find the best parts for the best price on the web? Also could someone maybe suggest some parts that I might want?

12-29-2002, 11:41 AM
Welcome to AO.

The subject of mag upgrades is naturally a well covered topic here. Please feel free to use the search function to see what has been said. Your post left it wide open as to what you wanted to upgrade, but I'm sure you'll find it in a search.

As to the best deals on the web, everyone has their own opinion on that.

12-29-2002, 06:59 PM
well i got a mag BUT i am not shore what kind it is .but i know 4shore its a mag .:confused: :confused:

12-29-2002, 07:34 PM
What does it look like and where did you get it?

12-30-2002, 12:34 PM
Well if i was you i would get all my upgrades off of paintballgear.com. They have usually the best stuff and it is usually always instock. For ugrades you should get level 10, 80$ and the i-frame, 110$. Also you want a nice barrel you can get a fairly good cheap barrel from custom products. But if you want a good barrel try smart parts and dye.

12-30-2002, 01:34 PM
Take a pic and post it if you can ....

- HPA (nitro/compressed air) if you haven't already should be the first thing.

- Intelliframe and Revvy 12v hopper (or better) .. should be 2nd

- Replace the valve with an XValve so you get the RT valve basically and the Level 10 built in ... no more chopping

Those should be the major gun stuff, other than that its just cosmetic (new body, etc).

Maybe a WARP if you dig the way its setup, try using one before you buy though.

Dave K