View Full Version : i can post again!

12-29-2002, 11:17 PM
wow, my login name hasn't worked forever, tried to log in again tonight, and it worked. i haven't posted in monthes. i remember when i was up on the top 10 poster list. wow, i gotta catch up again.

Spray Painter
12-29-2002, 11:40 PM

12-29-2002, 11:48 PM
lol glad you back and where is the list you speak of im gonna make it there eventually

12-29-2002, 11:49 PM
You still have that sig image from back after 9-11. Everyone got rid of theirs since :(

12-29-2002, 11:51 PM
ya, i guess i haven't updated my stuff in a while...

Load SM5
12-29-2002, 11:53 PM
Welcome back.

12-30-2002, 12:10 AM
I don't find his sig outdated at all.

12-30-2002, 12:31 AM
Yea i like approiate and compact

12-30-2002, 12:38 AM
i find it a very nice sig:)

i highly doubt that you will catch up to the top 10 posters now... unless like 2 of them just magically stops posting... or dies.

12-30-2002, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Army
I don't find his sig outdated at all.

I don't think I ever said it was 'out dated'. I said everyone else got rid of theirs, which they did.

12-30-2002, 01:04 AM
i wasnt on here before 9/11. i want one of those images in my profile. can i use it?


12-30-2002, 08:17 AM
feel free to use it, the url is http://www.gbsu-usa.net/boss/respect.gif just stick the brackets on and there ya go. ya, i'm looking at the top 10 list now and you guys have done a crap load of posting lately...

12-30-2002, 01:01 PM
I want to see this top ten list where is it I want to see it i'm gonna be number 1:D

12-30-2002, 01:03 PM
just go to the little "members" box at the top right and then sort by top 10

12-30-2002, 02:10 PM
welcome back man!!

p.s. ur mag is broke:( (not my doing) i'm sending it in for a rebuild

Creative Mayhem
12-30-2002, 02:13 PM
WELCOME BACK!!! Nice of the powers that be to let you back in....J/K

C Mayhem