View Full Version : What people do to their markers..

12-30-2002, 08:14 PM
I'll never quite understand..bought this marker used, this is how I got it.

The previous owner put the vertical ASA off of the AIR valve, foregrip mounted on that and at the bottom attached the line. wrapped the hose around the body to the ASA on the bottom of the grip. The actual foregrip I don't even know what it is, it's one of those ones with the barrel plug built in.

double-trigger in there, no safety, no trigger guard....man talk about bad shape...it needs some serious TLC....Also you can't see it in the pics but on the bottom where the body meets the rail theres a big gouge, well not real deep, looks almost like someone tried to do some home-brew dremel work. hopefully it's not beyond repair.

Good news is the valve still has 3 stars on it :p

Serial is CF49966

any idea roughly how old that valve is?




also what type of barrel is this? There's no markings, it's real smooth and no porting. about 12" maybe?



12-30-2002, 08:25 PM
sad stuff man...:(

<a href="http://store.airgun.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=17&Product_ID=329&CATID=5">barrel...its agd stock</a>

12-30-2002, 08:32 PM
Um, thats a regulator and they were trying to duplicate a palmer sideline stabilizer, thats a gadget grip on front.. Missing safety and cut guard isnt that uncommon..

12-30-2002, 08:51 PM
you sure that lapco is a reg? Doesn't have any adjustments on there and when I took it apart it was empty inside..seems real low-flow too..

maybe they were trying to emulate the "magic box" or running CO2 and wanted to make sure none got into the marker?

I dunno

it's all better now :p

After about 30 mins of sanding with some sandpaper I was able to remove the scratch, body no longer has that ugly grey look and I'm gonna slap an old single-trigger frame on there and should be good as new.

that barrel is kinda cool actually heh

12-30-2002, 08:55 PM
The asa is lapco.. the thing attached looks something like a stock cocker reg but I dunno, defentally isnt a foregrip.. :confused:

12-30-2002, 09:54 PM
definitly a cocker reg. Man that thing is sillied up. That poor guy could have just got a stab. for a mag for like 70 buxs. Silly i say SILLY.

12-30-2002, 10:01 PM
That almost looks like a stock 'Mag barrel. The foregrip is definatly Gadget and it does look like a stock Cocker reg. If you paid 70 for it I say game on. It really isn't that bad. I have seen the cut trigger frame a few times before. Heck you could pull off that contraption on the side, get the rail milled and buff that body to a nice shine and it would look pretty hot.

12-30-2002, 10:46 PM
Bet he thought he was clever huh?!?!?! Well we quickly proved his stupidity!

BWA HAHHAH. Dumb People Suck.


12-31-2002, 03:46 AM
holy goo-goo mu-goo! That does NOT look like fun.

Deff. Needs some TLC

12-31-2002, 05:36 AM
The barrel is positively an AGD stock item,
the foregrip is for sure a gadget or copy thereof,
It look's like that thing on the side was being
used as a Spill Tank to keep liquid CO2 from getting
to the valve. The cut grip frame is nothing new,
back in the day when 2X trigger's first hit the
market that was the only way you could install them.
BTW I've dealt with a lot of spill tank's in the past,
and have never seen one mounted quite like that.
Good Idea WIERD execution:eek:
EDIT= A lot of safetie's got removed from those
frames becuase they had a tendancy to rust tight.
I always take mine out because they SUCK! for lefties.

12-31-2002, 09:27 AM
also what type of barrel is this?
Looks like an original Automag barrel.

12-31-2002, 10:50 AM
thanks for all the replies all! But I'm standing firm that that "thing" off the AIR valve isn't a reg of sorts..theres no way to adjust it externally, no extra holes, nuts, etc...I even went as far as to take it apart and there was nothing inside..I mean I unscrewed it from the vertical asa and looked down into it and couldn't see anything but a roundish plate with a hole in it near one of the edges. There is a seam about 1/2 way down or maybe less but I can't get it apart there. It may be a cocker reg, but not sure. Anyway to know for sure? I mean I could try gassing it up when I get some air..

12-31-2002, 11:52 AM
take the 90 elbow off the bottom of the reg there will be an adjustment screw under it ... kind of a stupid design but it is a cocker reg I have a few of them

12-31-2002, 12:37 PM
the cocker regs though, are very goood regs.

Great on CO2, nearly as nice as the palmers, good flow, rebuildable, and cheap. Just not externally adjustable.

I have one on my M98 set at 500 PSI and the gun runs +-3fps never have to adjust the reg :-)


12-31-2002, 03:33 PM
i wasn't saying that it isn't a good reg just a bit funky

12-31-2002, 04:38 PM
fetus, do you mean expansion chamber for spill tank??