View Full Version : Capo in Pb2x

12-30-2002, 11:42 PM
Just a little info. I noticed a player that I believe to be Caporeia (spelling? sorry ;) ) in the January 2k3 Pb2x on page 86. Congrats on the appearance capo!

12-30-2002, 11:44 PM
thank you for telling us, but we had already knew. We appreciate you comming tho, and taking the time to let us know. IF you hadnt been welcomed already, here it is


12-31-2002, 01:04 AM
I'd like to think that when the right people get asked a question, the right stuff gets done. Hence, Tom and JJ came to me at World Cup and asked me to photograph our resident well dressed, coordinated, lovely custom XMag-toting young lady. As I happened to be sweating puddles in Ronn Stern's booth at the time (it was HOT that day!), both he and I grabbed our cameras and got to work. We immediately agreed on a division of labor: he posed her how he wanted her while I stood there looking good (in a dehydrated sort of way). When he had finished getting her into a nice, in-game looking pose with her gear on, we both took her picture. Then I printed it. That, my friends, is professional paintball journalism at its finest, and I am very glad you all enjoy the results. :D
PS: What is the moral of this story, you ask? Simple: as the Assistant Editor of PB2X is a seven-year 'Mag shooter who happens to love hanging out on the forum, keep on proudly shooting those Automags at the major scenarios, big games, tournaments and at the local field, and keep an eye on the pages of the #1 paintball magazine, PB2X! You never know WHO you might see, even yourself!

12-31-2002, 01:13 AM
Hey Josh,

Thanks for the quick response, its great that you are hanging out around here. I have seen many of your pictures in magazines and online and I really enjoy them. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you posting around here more often.


P.S. I really like the Jew cocker that you posted on pbc. ;)

12-31-2002, 01:27 AM
Jeremy, that was very kind of you to say. I've been doing this job for PB2X for almost three years now, I've worked in the industry for almost six years, in addition to playing ball for about ten, and it still boggles my mind that anyone cares what I think about anything, even paintball. It's a true honor that people read my work, whether they like it or care what I'm talking about or not, and I'll always be proud to work hard and do what I do. PB2X is where we are because we ARE players and we DO CARE what players think and want in a magazine. ALL suggestions and ideas are always welcome with me. If I never stop learning, I'd like to think I'll never stop improving (both as a person and a member of the awesome PB2X family that I love.)

As a person who got his first Automag in the mid-nineties and has been a loyal member of the fold all the way through the RT, EMag and XMag, this is my kind of place and my kind of people, and I love being a part of this truly unique family. I need to thank YOU guys for having me. Thanks for being a friend!
PS: If you liked the Jew Cocker, you should have seen the look on Tom's face in California when I came walking up with my XMag after shooting my first case through it. I came up to him, looked him in the eyes (as best I could considering how much taller than me he is) and said "THE JEW MAG IS BACK!" The look on his face was priceless.

12-31-2002, 01:55 AM
HAHA the Jew mag, thats awesome.

Well I for one enjoy your work and what you do and I appreciate it. I really like your attitude when it comes to the magazine and I commend your efforts. Pb2x has always been one of the better magazines and I hope it stays that way. I like the for players by players attitude and it seems to work very well. Hopefully you will be at some of the pan am events next year and I might be able to say this to you in person.


12-31-2002, 10:32 AM
Hey Josh, how about some pics of your X-mag for us?

I saw one somewhere of you shooting it, but a few more sure wouldn't go a miss :)

It's a shame the only magazine we get in the UK is PGI, but I do check out PB2X when in the states.


p.s. Not suprised Capo wanted to pose for you... that 's has to be the biggest and most expensive lense I've ever seen!

12-31-2002, 11:12 AM
hey josh,i love PB2X!!!!!!

i havent been able to pick up the new january edition yet,but i will as soon as i can.

12-31-2002, 02:58 PM
PB2X rocks!

I'm a fan :)

12-31-2002, 02:59 PM
Hi Josh, glad to see that you're becoming a frequent poster on AO! :D

Congrats on the appearance capo!
Thanks :)

p.s. Not suprised Capo wanted to pose for you... that 's has to be the biggest and most expensive lense I've ever seen!

I wasn't even aware that Josh was taking a picture of me until after he took it! I was originally taking a picture for Ronn. :p

12-31-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I wasn't even aware that Josh was taking a picture of me until after he took it! I was originally taking a picture for Ronn. :p

Yeah yeah yeah....

we all know it's all about the size of his lense. ;) It's a big one, I was afraid to touch it when I was sat in the NPS trailer!


12-31-2002, 04:41 PM
The friendly welcome I get on this site is one of the reasons I keep coming back. I love it here, you guys (and gals) are the best. Capoeira, next time I'll do all the posing and even warn you before I take your picture, seems like the least I can do.
Manike, thanks for the compliments on the ol' lens...I get that sort of thing all the time (heh heh) but it's nice to know the news is going global.
The reason I haven't posted any photos of my XMag is because I know how difficult they are to get right now and I didn't want anyone to think I was showing off or bragging or anything. BUT since you asked so politely...I and snapped a quick digital. The lighting is terrible, but it's a start. Once I get it into the studio for official photography I'll have better photos for everyone. Currently I'm running it with a 14 inch all black Powerlyte Scepter barrel system, a 68 4500 Dynaflow compressed air system on a remarkably close to matching light blue Shocktech mini-drop and a blue JT tank cover. Ooch, sheas dead sexah.

12-31-2002, 04:47 PM
Manike, thanks for the compliments on the ol' lens...I get that sort of thing all the time (heh heh) but it's nice to know the news is going global

oh, Simon checks out everyone's lense!


btw, that xmag is a beauty :D

12-31-2002, 04:57 PM
It's typical. However I can categorically state that I am secure with my lens and its performance, and am not in the slightest bit dismayed that mine isn't the only lens in which he has shown an interest.

By the way, Manike, if you're still around, drop me an email at [email protected] and we'll arrange for PB2X to start showing up out your way. I can't have you being 2Xtremes-deprived...I've seen that lead to seizures and such.

12-31-2002, 04:59 PM
That X is the nicest one i have seen props bro

Load SM5
12-31-2002, 05:07 PM
So Josh, going to Mardi Gras. Y'know you're favorite online group is fielding an all mag totin' team. We may not do to terribly well but you can help us look compitant. :D

Extremelly nice X-mag by the way. That is by far my favorite fade.