View Full Version : New Years eve

12-31-2002, 12:05 AM
Whats everyones plans for tommorrow me im sitting at home with some friends and gonna play some air hockey wo0t!

12-31-2002, 12:08 AM
hangin out with my girlfriend, woohoo

12-31-2002, 12:12 AM
Sit in front of the computer?

Gitaroo Man
12-31-2002, 12:33 AM
Mom's b-day :)

12-31-2002, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by personman
Sit in front of the computer?


12-31-2002, 12:58 AM
working 8pm - 2am. oh how I hate my job.

12-31-2002, 01:35 AM
getting drunk

12-31-2002, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Gotenks
getting drunk

12-31-2002, 08:02 AM
I plan on not remembering any of tonight ;)

12-31-2002, 08:56 AM
Well, I have a LONG day of work...12+ hours...no break=more $$...then who knows what I'll do...maybe pass out...maybe not...but I have to be at work tomorrow by 3pm....so I have to be semi good...;)

12-31-2002, 10:06 AM
If I had a girlfriend I would spend the night with her, but I dont :( so I'm going to a big party at a friends Mansion (his father is VP of Sales for Oracle!!!) and my other friends band is playing there. It will be an interesting night. :D

12-31-2002, 10:11 AM
uh i'll be babysitting 30 kids, teaching them martial arts, playing games with them, and giving them lots of sugar!!!!!

pray for me!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

12-31-2002, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by cris8762
uh i'll be babysitting 30 kids, teaching them martial arts, playing games with them, and giving them lots of sugar!!!!!

pray for me!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

I feel terribly terribly sorry for you any thing that starts with babystitting 30 kids cant be good.

12-31-2002, 11:56 AM
Uh....tomorrow is my birthday, and I'll be 21..of all ages. So you call can probably guess what I'll be doing, and yes I'll be doing it safely.

12-31-2002, 11:57 AM
well we know you will be enjoyin it have fun bro

12-31-2002, 11:59 AM
My roomates throwing a wherehouse party, so I'm going to that ... gonna hang out with the other 400 people there, maybe drop some vinyl (i dj), play some video games on the projectors we borrowed for the event to put on the walls, maybe drink a lil (being 22 im sick of it), and probably end up doing something I'll regret ...lol

Dave K

12-31-2002, 03:41 PM
sitting in front of my comp posting in AO

12-31-2002, 06:12 PM
i had plans... they fell through now im pissed and bored and all my other friends are prob gone so o well ill go blow stuff up and be mad the rest of the night... :(

12-31-2002, 06:15 PM
Same here my plans fell through so ill be sitting at home like i do every nite

12-31-2002, 06:25 PM
I would play quake 3 excessive but my cd key for q3 doesnt work and I need to buy it again, and I would work on my crappy computer and installing linux but I need a bigger hard drive, ect ect ect..
Maybe I'll work on the computer anyway.. :p
Its gonna be boring.. but hey comedy central has to have some funny stuff on, ima look at their schedule and see wats on tonight and write down some reminders..
I like this TV I got for christmas, I can watch shows without the chance of my parents walking in during one of cartman's cussing fits ;)

12-31-2002, 10:29 PM
im going to show off some my custom98 RT and minimag at my friends house