View Full Version : just a thought about this forum

12-31-2002, 12:31 AM
You know i used to think this forum was great but now all this talk about 'cockers are better than mags!' then the next post 'no your freakin stupid mags are 10 times better.' Well i got news for all of you NOBODY CARES!! I dont even come on AO anymore. There used to be some really good info worth reading but now its just a waste of time because i already know what the newest post will be about. Either 'Mag;s rule cockers drule' or someone showing off how great their new gun is. I liked it better when you could come on and get some really good painball information and everyone was objective and had a positive personality. it WAS a great place for a newbie to come and learn about the sport but that has all about went down the crapper. Just thought i would let you guys know what i think.

12-31-2002, 12:38 AM
I must say that you are wrong because at least 75% of the threads are not talking about what gun is the best. It comes up only from time to time and dies out quickly, what really gets annoying is people like you who come and diss on the forum, cluttering it and turning it into the nightmare you speak of.

12-31-2002, 12:41 AM
you make a good point but im jsut tired of every time i come on AO there is some forum about which is best and i think that people should just drop it because everyone will always have an opinion. And it is more often that just every once in a while.

12-31-2002, 12:46 AM
Ditka vs. Tom Kaye
Check Out How This Guy Mounted His Warp
mags suck* ( 1 2 )
New Toy!!!
Lets See What You Got

All threads very critical to the advancement of our sport, i realize the ditka one is funny but come on

12-31-2002, 12:58 AM
oh jeez...come on now, first of all, at least the "mags suck*" is funny if you READ IT, cuz it ends up not dissin anything specific.
SECOND: most of that crap is manliness (or womanliness) getting ahold of people, they gotta show of their latest and greatest. or else just <i>friendly</i> rivalry, which, TRUST ME, you will get anywhere in any sport.
if it bothers you, don't read those few rare posts. it's that simple.

12-31-2002, 03:31 AM
ok, first of all, sorry about my accusation in my first reply. I was hungry and that always clutters my thoughts. (hehe). Anyway, I do see your point, I believe it is just that as a race, humans are so competitive that we cannot stop trying to outdo each other. And then again, that is what has gotten us so far! It may have started back 50 million years ago with caveman 1 going "Hey caveman2, my poonji stick is far superior to yours." And then caveman2 goes "Die, scum! Mine is far better than and other poonji stick!" and because of this competition both people work on embettering their things, pointy sticks in this case. Thus, its natural for us all to think that our gun is better than everone else's gun. We then improve our own gun's so that they CAN be better (which is strongly opinion based) than our friends' guns. It's a spiral, and as long as flaming doesn't occur, which i guess is what you are objecting to (and most other people), i think this competition is fine

Also, this forum does give useful information. For instance, the threads about Nitro tanks that have recently popped up, or the one about level 10 and how to work it, etc. People just have to ask the question first, so that the info will be in reply.

12-31-2002, 08:21 AM
I have to agree with DERN, that is exactly what I was thinking...without a small bit of competition, there would be no will to upgrade or make things more efficient...also...this forum is about paintball, but also meeting others who play from all over the world...it's cool to know their likes/dislikes or even their face or their new marker...so don't diss it...the technical roundtable is there, the airtanks forums, dealers forums...etc...there is something for everyone here...whatever their agenda.


01-07-2003, 07:18 PM
yea i agree with all of u i was just having a bad day then i saw some of those post and i was like o come on, but i guess i was just venting and i apologize. AO is a very good forum, it just has a few ........ yea.

01-07-2003, 07:23 PM
The most common reason for thoughts like this is the following-

When your around forums for so long you will eventually hear everything at least once :) Besides the new topics you will start hearing the same thing over and over again and it will get frustrating :) its just what happens.

01-07-2003, 07:24 PM

Thread is under influence of FLAMING...... danger danger.... MODs will swoop down from the sky and ban you all....

Just chill out... Its your choice whether or not to open, or respond to a post... just dont read the ones u feel are annoying....


~da "take a chill pill (80's)" baller

01-07-2003, 08:20 PM
AO is a never ending cycle of threads most of the time. I mean, going through it once or twice is ok... but now it's annoying. The same tech threads, the same paintball talk threads, lots of friendly corner repeats.... The only place I think wouldn't be the same would be deep blue

01-07-2003, 11:31 PM
We have "lively debates" here. Paintball is a competitive, pasionate pastime, how can you expect people to be middle of the road about it? People come here to meet and converse with like minded people. You have to expect a variety of opinions along with the same ideas being debated again and again. I visit PBN and most of the posts there are questions about how to fix stuff. I think we are doing better here.


01-07-2003, 11:44 PM
My thoughts exactly AGD.

01-08-2003, 04:25 AM
spoken from the man himself.......nice call.... silences all once again....

Mad props to the man TK.... even though i continue to hunt him to take his fangs as my trophy....

~da "really really tired TK Vampire hunter" baller

01-08-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller
Its your choice whether or not to open, or respond to a post... just dont read the ones u feel are annoying....

This is the policy I follow.

01-08-2003, 03:58 PM
Now I'm starting to feel like MagMan007 and some others... getting their quotes used by others to express their minds...

Thanx for the complement :D

~da "feels all warm and fuzzy inside" baller

01-08-2003, 04:14 PM
I happen to like the "look what I got" threads. It gives me ideas about what I might want to put on, or do to , my marker. My local paintball store is very small and I don't get to see firsthand some of the mods on markers. Yeah I can look at just that part in an online store but that doesn't always help. Plus I want to hear people's OPINION. I can read about a part from the manufacturer, and it will be the best thing since sliced bread. I want to hear what people who have it, think about it. There are many people that will diss every other marker but theirs because they don't want to admit they are unhappy about a purchase, but there are many people on this forum who tell you both the good and the bad and you just have to be around a while to see who those people are.

01-08-2003, 07:22 PM
i don't know about you but i don't mind all the threads with people flashin their stuff, in fact i like it when people flash me their stuff;). But the things that really ticks me off are the "what is the best gun?" polls. I despise those things. Other than that i love this place, people are always friendly and helpful. But then again there are always the jerks... such is life!

da "baller who is taking the idea of the other baller" baller

01-08-2003, 07:47 PM
Everyone has a question or answer about paintball gear. Who are we to say what should or should not be asked. I know some questions will be asked over and over, (What is the best gun, or what is the best paint.) This is what forums are about, to HELP people with questions and to give info that is helpful. Not everyone is a paintball guru. If the Post is not something you like ignore it.

01-08-2003, 10:13 PM
renegade2k - I do agree with one thing you said when you were venting, a lot of posts have become very POINTLESS, I'm guessing people are just posting for the hell of it. It's VERY annoying especially when people post comments in the sales forum and clog people's threads. TSK TSK TSK