View Full Version : Is there no adjusting a BLADE trigger magnet?

12-31-2002, 09:38 AM
Looking at the Blade Trigger for the Emags & Xmags, I wondered if there is any way of adjusting the Hall Effects magnet in the middle of the trigger. Being that there is no hump in the trigger, where is the set screw? If theres no ability to adjust, doesn't that limit your trigger pull adjusting?


12-31-2002, 09:40 AM
there is a screw by the top magnet (for lack of correct term). It works like a trigger stop, you adjust the start possition of the whole trigger.
(this is all based on memory, so I could be mistaken)

12-31-2002, 09:52 AM
The set screw in the top of the grip fram is a Stop screw. The more out it is the shorter the pull. On a regular double trigger you need to then compensate for the lack of a pull by screwing the Hall effects magnet closer to the Hall Effects sensor.

(If) there's no screw behind the Hall Effects magnet, how do you move the magnet closer to the sensor? If you adjust the trigger pull to non existent, the sensor magnet doesn't get close enough to the sensor.

12-31-2002, 10:04 AM
The trigger you're refering too is the TL63,
they were made by Timmy63 of Team AGD Pride.
The top stop screw is not only you're adjuster
it is also magnetic itself, that's how Timmy
got around having to install the top magnet
that you're stock E-Mag trigger has.
How do I know this {I've known Timmy since He
started playing Paintball and have played with
him on 2 different Teams.}
Check My Sig.

12-31-2002, 10:18 AM
I dont think we're all talking about the same set screw, or maybe you are and I'm confused. The TOP screw you're referring to is in the grip frame, and it adjusts the pull. I'm talking about the screw in the middle of the trigger where the hump is on a stock Emag trigger. See the set screw in this trigger here on the bottom:


12-31-2002, 10:32 AM
He is asking about the adjustment on the
"Blade Trigger for the E-Mag and X-Mag's"
as far as I know TL63 is the only one out
I'm pretty sure if you ask Manike {who's
marker is pictured at the top of this thread}
He will probably back me up on this.
Am I right Simon or am I just sucking wind.
Rick :eek:

12-31-2002, 10:38 AM
Jedi, there is no screw in the middle nub of the trigger to adjust the magnet directly.

There is however an extra screw in the top of the trigger itself in place of where the top glued magnet used to be in the stock trigger. The screw inside the grip frame (in the selector barrel) is a different one and not what the guys here are talking about.

By adjusting this one with the frame in place you can tilt the angle of the trigger back towards the frame and thus adjust how close the magnet is to the HES. The screw pushes on the spot on the frame where the magnet for return is housed internally, and thus tilts the trigger back...

The blade trigger is not adjusted in quite the same way as the normal trigger, but you get the same result pretty much.

That is my gun and yes it's one of Timmy63's triggers.


12-31-2002, 10:42 AM
Ok, cool. I knew I was just mixing stuff up. I didnt realize there was another set screw "up there" to take the place of the trigger one. Thanks Manike and others.

01-03-2003, 01:13 AM
One thing you may need to do with the blade is adjust the fire mode selector if you make the trigger pull very short.

01-03-2003, 01:41 AM
uhhh....why is that piece of beauty on a hard rock like that any ways. I wouldnt trust it to get scratched

01-03-2003, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by CRog075
uhhh....why is that piece of beauty on a hard rock like that any ways. I wouldnt trust it to get scratched

Because I put it there... to take a picture. It didn't get scratched. There's a thread about guns on rocks somewhere now where you can see more about it :)