View Full Version : Getting kitted out.

12-31-2002, 03:36 PM
You'll have to forgive my ignorance, concerning the more in depth details of paintball tech. But seeing as I thought in my foolishness that all markers were created equal I think it would be best to ask wiser heads then myself as to where to begin.

Would someone be so kind as to inform me as to what is a good starting marker, preferablely something that any idiot can maintain. As well as what other equipment I'll need.

Thank you, if this is in the wrong forum sorry.

Also for those of you that are gung-ho about camoflage, where/how does one find/make a ghille suit.


12-31-2002, 04:00 PM
first off, welcome to the AO forums! Are you looking for low-cost/low maintenance markers? high-end? What's a price range your looking for?

For a first player starting out I'd suggest a spyder or similar clone (pirannah, etc) or a tippman...both are very reliable markers in my opinion and offer alot of upgrades. If you're looking for something more high-end perhaps an automag classic is for you? Great reliability and service (just ask anyone here) as well as low maintenance. Plus you won't need to spend ungodly amounts on upgrades to make it a better marker. Pretty much the only add-ons you might consider are better barrels/grip frame/Level 10 bolt kit. As far as ghillie (sp?) suits are concerned, never made one but found plenty of info just doing a search for "paintball ghillie suit" or something similar on google, yahoo, etc. Usually you can find info on how to make one/where to buy one.

edit: Oh yeah, other equipment, hopper (revvy/etc), CO2/HPA (Hig pressure air, also known as Nitro or compressed air), ball harnesses perhaps a 3 tube or so? Mask, gloves, comfortable shoes, clothes, etc.

Also as far as the Co2/Nitro goes, if you're looking at a lower-end marker as opposed to some $1200 electro, CO2 would be fine. However if you go with an electro or other high-end marker (RTPro, Cocker, etc) you might want to consider a HPA system.

12-31-2002, 04:24 PM
Welcome to AO :)

warpfeed pretty much hit it all, but from experiance I would reccomend a tippmann for a low end/extremely low maintinence gun. If you go that way, buy a 98 custom. I like the pro carbine more for many reasons, but if you get that you are stuck. No upgrades practically (trust me, I had it :) I loved the machining and higher quality work but it just had no upgrades). If you can, get an automag of some kind. It might look ugly now :) but you can upgrade it to almost anything you want; has tons of potiential, and you wont have to buy another gun for a very long time unless you want to. I wouldnt reccomend a cocker unless you know about them, or have a friend who knows about them (complex guns).

If you go automag, I would reccomend HPA (nitro, compressed air, all the same thing). It will run on c02, but it can freeze the valve if liquid c02 gets into it, so you would need an expansion chamber and antisiphon or a palmer stabilzer. I would reccomend getting a good HPA tank if you do get one though, a small one (like 47/3000) holds few shots, but thats up to your situation; if you cant get it filled often during the day (often the case) you might run out of air too fast. So c02 may be a good choice because a 20oz will hold over 1000 shots and is $30 or less :).

Hopper, Clothes, Ball carrying pouch/pack, mask

We have to know your budget before we can give you more definate answers :)

12-31-2002, 04:39 PM
Check my post in the Markers section....I've got a Tippmann for sale...
I'd also reccomend spyders/clones or tippmanns

12-31-2002, 06:10 PM
ANother possibility, if you don't mind spending a bit more is the ICD BKO. It's a true electronic marker (Unlike the Spyders, Pirahnas and Black Draguns, which are an electronic grip only), low maintenance, all the performance you'll need for a while, and relatively low maintenance (Just be sure to keep it clean between sessions).

Downside is a 12V Revolution Hopper and HPA tank(Cheap screw in will do) are required.

12-31-2002, 08:11 PM
okay lets see the budjet. well depending on which month it is the budjet is about $400 cdn give or take depending on the bills that month. Damn bills.

12-31-2002, 08:25 PM
$400 canadian??

12-31-2002, 08:48 PM
400 CDN is equal to about 250 US... so I'll make all price assumptions in US dollars...

This is everything I would buy if I were you:

Tippmann Model 98 Custom: ~$125
20 oz CO2 tank: ~$20
JT nVader Thermal Goggles:~$35
Lapco Bigshot Barrel ~$50

Thats really all you need... the barrel isn't required, but it helps out a bit. The Model 98 and the Custom 98 are basically the same gun, but the Custom has a few modifications made to it to allow it to be upgraded easily.

Tippmann customer service is one of the greats in this industry. If ANYTHING EVER goes wrong with the gun, it can be solved by talking to one of their techs. Of course after you learn how this gun works, you won't ever have to do that...

If I were you I would buy this all from www.countypaintball.com ... I have made several orders from there and it is a GREAT place to deal with. You will find cheaper places to buy things on the 'net, but the service County gives you is top of the line... Unfortunately I don't know if they ship to Canada, so you would have to look into that.

Just my two cents

(on a side note, WEEE! 300 posts! it only took 9 months to do it in too!)

12-31-2002, 09:07 PM
welcome to AO..

i agree with just about everyone above..its all preference to what you want..

my first gun was a piranha pro ts...i loved it...it was simple,fast,nice looking,CHEAP,ect ect ect...

good luck.

12-31-2002, 09:27 PM
I agree with koosh's plan, mabye get a ball pack/harness too

12-31-2002, 10:54 PM
whats the barrel for? I've been checking out the links for the stores that have been mentioned, and reading various reviews for the markers. I keep seeing players swearing by aftermarket barrels of one type or another. Whats changing the barrel accomplish.

Hell well I'm at it, what is a drop forward? I saw them a few times and can't for the life of me tell what its for.
Also what is the general feeling towards pump markers for a starter marker?

12-31-2002, 10:57 PM
The stock barrel on the custom 98 is absolutly terrible
Its sad really.

You need a new barrel for accuracy and making the gun quieter

12-31-2002, 11:05 PM
people usually replace the barrel first for several reasons. If you look through the inside of the stock barrel, then go to an aftermarket one, it will be amazing. The aftermarket barrel is usually as smooth as glass, while the stock one can be very rough and have lots of imperfections in it.

On top of that, a longer barrel will make the gun a little quieter and more gas effecient. Now don't get crazy here, 10-14" is about as big as it should be... the stock barrel has porting at about 3 inches, effectively making the barrel that long, and it takes more energy (gas) to get it accelerated in that 3 inches.

Lapco makes some fine barrels. Some people are going to swear by a Freak system, or a Boomstick, but spending 100-200 for a barrel is kind of overkill in my eyes...

I believe I said that right, but feel free to disagree with me, physics buffs! :p

12-31-2002, 11:05 PM
i would go with the m98 tippy, or if you run into a bit more money, a tko automag from pbgear. the stock barrel on a tippy is perfectly fine, don't let anyone talk you into buying things you feel you don't need. get more comfortable with the sport before you spend money on upgrades you dont need.

*remember, most important think to look for when buying a gun must be that it feels good to YOU. ask some people that play at your field if they wouldn't mind letting you hold their gun and see how it feels/shoots. my friend swears by his m98, but to me, i just dont like the foregrip placement, and i like how compact my mag is, again it is ALL personal preference. good luck and welcome to AO!

01-01-2003, 01:06 AM
The drop forward is an attachment that moves the position of the tanks a few inches forwad and usualy about 2 inches down.

01-01-2003, 01:30 AM
agree on the Tippmann Model 98 Custom. i've got one myself, and am in the process of upgrading it to a point where it could probly compete w/ some mags, cockers, etc.

i would stress getting a mask w/ a therma lens, that was one of my biggest problems the first couple times i played (mask fogging up). JT spectra is a pretty good mask w/ that feature (sorry if somebody said that already).

also agree about lapco, they make EXCELLENT barrels, and not too pricy (for the quality). feel your way around for a while, you'll get to the point where you know exactly what you want soon enuff...as long as you stick with the sport, you can't go wrong!!

01-01-2003, 03:11 AM
tippmans are great guns. the custom 98 has lots of upgrades and many can be found on ebay. and above all, get a high quality mask with a thermal lense!!!! safety first.

01-01-2003, 02:01 PM
I started with a pump...I think it builds your skills up more so when you get a semi you'll probably end up being a better player...Thats just my opinion though

01-01-2003, 05:45 PM
i agree with derman, my first marker was an aci maverick. not only does it conserve paint/air it teaches you to make shots count and not just spray 'n pray

01-01-2003, 05:52 PM
My first was a Kingman Hammer...boy i miss those days...maybe i'll have to break it out again. But yea...I'd reccomend a Hammer or Maverick, I've got one of each and i've had them for about 8 years and i've never had to change any o rings or anything...they're only 40-50 and they'll last a long time

01-01-2003, 08:56 PM
I wouldnt buy a $50 aftermarket barrel first thing. I would get a decent harness and use the money left over to get a barrel. If you check ebay you probably could find a decent barrel for an m98 for $20-25 US. I wouldnt get anything longer than 14".

01-01-2003, 09:08 PM
I keep hearing you folks talking about Tippys. How about spyders. My first marker was a spyder compact 2000. Yes it was cheap. But yes it was reliable. I still use it as my back up... For barrels. Definatly look on e-bay. You can find a great deal on aftermarket barrels there. And I would definaly get a thermal mask. My spyder came with a package of a Co2 tank, VL200 hopper and a JT single lense mask. That damn thing would fog up every day I'de play paintball. Now I own a proteus thermal.(best mask in paintball in my opinion) The thermal lense might cost $10 to $20 more but it's definatly worth every penny.

01-01-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Splat
Yes it was cheap. But yes it was reliable.

:eek: *gasp*

are you inferring that 98s AREN'T reliable?? i've never had a problem with mine, and neither have any of my friends, who also own 98s. we've all got different setups, and they all work great.

about a barrel...IF you have money left after marker/mask/harness/paint, i would suggest getting a barrel, cuz at least on the 98 the stock one is loud and inaccurate as a #%$@. (it'll work tho, if that's all you have!!)

01-01-2003, 10:51 PM
If you start low end, look for a package on a site like actionvillage but don't go overboard on this gun. $200 us on absolutely everything is the highest you should go. Spend your money on playing. Nothing worse than having a great gun and not being able to shoot the paint. Don't worry about barrels, moto-hoppers, etc. Just a good mask and a way to carry extra paint.

If you are staying on a budget, have already played a lot and don't want to get a new gun later, buy an automag classic 68 and upgrade as you can. (My personal bias is that tippmans sound cool and the flatline is cool but I want a gun that will not chop paint).

01-01-2003, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by Darkstorm
(My personal bias is that tippmans sound cool and the flatline is cool but I want a gun that will not chop paint).

the only time i've chopped a ball was when i was feathering as fast as i could w/ a grav feed hopper, and even then it didn't chop till like the 15th shot. but i also use pretty crappy paint with a thick thick shell, so that COULD be a factor...but i doubt it.

01-02-2003, 02:16 PM
I want to thank you all, for your time and advice in helping me get started with my own gear.

Hit the proshop earlier today well I was out running around, talked a bit with the staff and got my hands on the 98 custom and a pirannah well I was there. I like the pirannah well enough enough (mainly because it was blue I think:rolleyes: ), but I like the feel of the tippmanns a bit better. I think I'll be getting the tippy I just wish they made it in blue to match my jersey. Now if payday would just get here so I get down to the serious work of having fun.

01-02-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by nevwyn
so I get down to the serious work of having fun.

at least you understand the most important part :)
and good choice with the tippy :D , it should keep you happy for a while. enjoy!!
o yeah wut about mask, co2, etc? did ya decide anything about those?

01-02-2003, 03:04 PM
Such is true. but have you got a mask yet?? You can have the best gun in the world but if you don't have a mask you will never be able to shoot it on a field...

remember, buy one with a thermal lense.

01-02-2003, 04:35 PM
nope not yet, I'm gonna grab the co2, mask, etc when I get the marker payday is a week today, that'll be about when I get my gear, thankfully the proshop has everything other then the marker packaged together. with a thermal lens for the mask. I'd probabley have ordered it all online, but this way I get a free year field membership out of it.

okay other then marker, mask, co2, hopper, squeegee, barrel plug, gun lube. What will I likely find I need before to long and don't say barrel as I'll get around to upgrading when I think its needed. :)

just don't want to miss anything important

01-03-2003, 03:53 PM
the only thing i can think of is maybe a pack/pods. although some people can play several games with just a hopper-full of paint, i like to always have some with me in case i get in some made firefight in the middle of a game. just a thought, far from essential.