View Full Version : ACEs and E-Mode

12-31-2002, 04:28 PM
Hmmm, on my SFL, whenever I set the gun on E-mode and set the ACE on setting 1, the gun doesn't fire. However, when I turn the ACE off by setting it to setting 0, the gun will work in E-Mode. The ACE in setting 1 works on hybrid mode though.

Yes, the balls are properly seated before I pull the trigger.

Any of the other SFL/XMag owners encounter this or a remedy for the situation?



12-31-2002, 04:30 PM
thats messed up

12-31-2002, 04:37 PM
Is the sensitivity at a good setting?

12-31-2002, 04:38 PM
Well, I just got it back from AGD where they installed a new board, my Level10, and the ACE. The RA sheet says they tuned it up correctly so I wouldn't think there's anything wrong with it....

How would this problem normally be solved?



12-31-2002, 05:58 PM
adjust the sensativity of the ACE. as person said

12-31-2002, 06:43 PM
Your ACE should be set to 2. 1 is the manually adjustable mode and should only be used for testing. 0 of course is off.

12-31-2002, 06:57 PM
I think Ron said he doesn't have the option of changing the ACE to setting 2.... rather, there is no setting 2 to change to...... Just off (0) and on (1).


12-31-2002, 07:10 PM
You hit it right on the nose PsychoBaller. ;)

When I turn on the gun, it says Shocktech 2.1 if that means anything to anyone....


12-31-2002, 07:53 PM
Ron.. i was just explaining in Lamens terms to the other people....

I dont think the fact that our SFLs say SHOCKTECH 2.1 has anyting to do with ACE not having more than 0 and 1 modes...

But wutever.... heh

12-31-2002, 07:55 PM
Yeah, I don't think it would either, but that should mean that it has different software than the Xmags correct I'm assuming.

So you're not having the E-mode problem PsychoBaller? I'll try adjusting the sensitivity but I cant find a small enough screwdriver. haha


12-31-2002, 07:56 PM
sounds like a bad eye... it sounds like the gun just isnt detecting a ball...

did you try dropping some paint in it, or this just dry firing?

12-31-2002, 07:57 PM
I'm dropping paint into it. It works fine in Hybrid mode.


01-01-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by rdb123
I'm dropping paint into it. It works fine in Hybrid mode.


Are you sure that in hybrid mode you aren't just tripping the sear mechanically?

Ace won't stop you still firing the gun in hybrid mode if there isn't a paintball there, since it only controls the electronic operation.

What colour and sort of paint were you using? Maybe you do need to adjust your eye?


01-01-2003, 12:13 PM
Some severe competitor black shelled paint I believe. It's the standard paint they sell at my field, not my choice paint. ;) Comes in a yellow box.

And now that I think of it, I am tripping the sear manually in hybrid mode.


01-01-2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by rdb123
black shelled paint

I think that's the problem :)

Black shelled paint is the least reflective so the eye needs to be adjusted to be more sensitive to detect it.

I expect it was set up with a coloured paint which is much more reflective.

No biggy. If that's the paint you are going to mainly use then set your gun up for it.

You need to adjust it in a dark area (shaded) without natural sunlight being able to get directly into the breech... I made that mistake once and wondered why it would always fire... :)

1) Point gun in safe direction!!!

2) Place a ball in the breech and hold the trigger down.

3) Adjust the pot with a small screwdriver until the gun fires. It will just suddenly fire as you adjust the pot to the point that the eye sees the ball. This is why you need to point it in a safe direction! :)

4) Turn the pot about another half turn more sensitive.

5) Test it out in e-mode only :)

I pretty much set my gun up so it works with dark paint and then it also works with anything else. You only need to adjust the sensitivity down again when using other paint IF you get chops or pinches. Otherwise just leave it as is. I recommend putting a Halo on it though as then there is very little chance of pinches anyway... ;)

I've never changed the setting of my gun since I first set it... God knows how many cases of paint ago :) (read lots!)


01-01-2003, 12:33 PM
Thanks a lot manike. I'm sure that will work; I will try it out later today and post up here if I have anymore problems.

Thanks again
